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Det er bleve kaldt præventionsmaj og spermicidemajs. Et San Diego firma kaldet Epicyte udviklede det.

Her er en kort baggrundsbeskrivelse fra The Guardian, den 9. september 2001; GM corn set to stop man spreading his seed, [På dansk: "GMO majs klar til at stoppe menneskets spredning af sine frø"] af Robin McKie.
"Videnskabsfolk har skabt den ultimative GMO afgrøde: præventionsmajs. Bølgende marker med majs kan en dag redde jorden fra overbefolkning.

"Svangerskabsforebyggende planter er kunststykket fra Epicyte, et bioteknologifirmaet i San Diego, hvor forskere har opdaget en sjælden klasse af menneskelige antilegemer, som angriber sæd.

"Ved at isolere gener, som regulerer produktionen af disse antilegemer, og ved at indsætte dem i majsplanter har firmaet skabt små plantefabrikker som producere preventionsmidler.

"Vi har et drivhus fyldt med planter, som producerer antisæd antilegemer," siger Epicytes præsident, Mitch Hein.

"...Firmaet, som siger det ikke vil dyrke denne majs nær andre afgrøder, siger, at det planlægger at indlede kliniske forsøg med majs om nogle få måneder."
Jeg elsker den sidste linje. Gen-vandring fra plante til plante, fra mark til mark, fra fødevareproducent til fødevareprodcent? Tilsyneladende har Epicyte aldrig hørt om det. Alle verdens forskere i fødevarer kender til det, men ikke Epicyte.

Kommentar: Delvist oversat af fra Depopulation corn: Depopulation corn: Is GM corn the reason for rising infertility rates?
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So what happened to the company?

In 2004, it was bought out by Biolex, a North Carolina biotech firm. Then, in 2012, Biolex filed for bankruptcy. Before it did, it sold some of its technology to Synthon, a Dutch drug company that makes Paxil, known for causing birth defects.

The depopulation corn technology? It could be floating around in a number of places by now.

In April of this year, Russia announced it would ban imports of GMO food products. By the end of July, China had stopped importing corn from the US.

Of course, no mention was made of Depopulation Corn. Russia and China are fully aware of, what shall we call them, the conventional dangers of GMO food.

However, China and Russia might check on the "other thing" while they're at it - the spermicidal genes - to see whether they've been importing that type of corn.

You might think China would welcome Depop Corn. I beg to differ. If they're going to do Depop, they want to engineer it themselves. And then there is the fact that corn is omnipresent in hundreds of thousands, even millions of processed food products. Chinese leaders themselves would thus become subject to Depop without even knowing it.

And what about the USA? Why haven't I mentioned it?

Because in America, the high-minded campaign is all about labeling GMOs, not banning them. It's embarrassing.

And with gene drift, in which all sorts of biotech genes float on the wind across the land, and settle into plants of every kind, to say nothing of factories, where processed food is manufactured, what are the chances that labels are going to save the day?

Several counties in the US have enacted bans on growing GMO crops, and as I've been detailing, the voters of Maui recently struck a major blow and decided to stop Monsanto and Dow from launching new GMO experiments.

But Monsanto and Dow immediately sued, and the county government of Maui is on their side - and against their own voters.

Press coverage of this ongoing battle is weak, soft and small.

The majority of anti-GMO activists in the US have been brought into the labeling movement, because they think and hope that Shopping Moms will stage a revolution and bring Monsanto and Dow to their knees.

The Moms, that is, who aren't too busy with their husbands trying to get pregnant through exotic high-tech strategies, because, for some odd reason, the normal time-tested methods aren't working.

Comment: To label or not to label is a false dichotomy that is giving companies like Dow and Monsanto permission to continue to fiddle with mother nature just as long as they tell us about it. GMOs should never be added to the food supply under any circumstances due to their deleterious effects on both humans and the environment. Moreover, corporations that specialize in GMOs should be banned.

Of course, this may all be wishful thinking. The power to reign in corporations — if it ever existed in the first place — is over. The U.S. and the rest of the world is barreling headlong into complete Fascism. In fact, some would argue that we're already there.