

Telefonopkaldsregistreringer kaster lys over, hvad der skete i nærheden af ​​Kiev

Leaded audio recordings about Bucha atrocities.
På udkig efter russiske grusomheder påstået af Ukraine, finder Kievs sikkerhedsembedsmænd og vestlige journalister noget andet

Ukrainske sikkerhedsembedsmænd og vestlige journalister, der ledte efter russiske grusomheder nordvest for Bucha i Kiev-regionen, fandt ingen tegn på menneskerettighedskrænkelser, ifølge telefonopkaldsregistreringer, som RT har fået. I stedet fortalte lokale journalister, at de russiske tropper gav dem mad og behandlede dem godt. I mellemtiden klagede en ukrainsk embedsmand over, at hans egen sides milits plyndrede alt.

I en række satellittelefonopkald fortæller en reporter, der kun er identificeret som 'Simon', til sine kolleger, at han besøgte Borodyanka - en by omkring 25 kilometer nordvest for Bucha - og 'der er slet ingen lig i gaderne', i modsætning til hvad han blev ført til. at forvente.

Byen er blevet 'beskudt i stykker,' siger Simon, 'men der er ingen beviser for nogen rettighedskrænkelse her overhovedet.' Faktisk interviewede han og hans hold flere beboere, som sagde, at de russiske tropper havde været meget venlige og gav dem mad og vand og andre forsyninger. 'Og det fik vi citater på kameraet for,' tilføjer han.
'Jeg ved ikke, hvad anklageren talte om, men sådan noget har vi overhovedet ikke set. Det er et helt andet billede,' siger Simon til sine kolleger. En fransk journalist kan have set et lig af en dræbt ved beskydning, men 'ingen henrettelser.'

Kommentar: There are audio recordings that show that the Bucha atrocities are rigged in order to portray the Russian army and Russian intervention in Ukraine in the worst possible way


Den hviderussiske præsident giver Storbritannien skylden for Bucha-massakren og kalder den 'britisk specialoperation'

Boris Johnson and Alexander Lukashenko
© AP
Den hviderussiske præsident, Alexander Lukasjenko, har anklaget Storbritannien for massakren i Bucha. Lukasjenko kom med bemærkningerne på det fælles pressemøde.

Den hviderussiske præsident, Alexander Lukasjenko, rejste tirsdag anklager mod Storbritannien for massakren i Ukraines Bucha i sidste uge. Han kaldte drabene på civile i Ukraines Bucha for en 'britisk specialoperation', rapporterede Nexta TV. Da han talte på en pressekonference efter samtaler med sin russiske kollega Vladimir Putin, hævdede Lukasjenko, at Ruslands føderale tjeneste kunne fremlægge bevis vedrørende påstanden.

Kommentar: See also:

Bizarro Earth

Bucha, Budapest og de virkelige krigsforbryderes mangfoldige problemer

the war room
Svampepræsident Joe Biden erklærede åbent den russiske præsident, Vladimir Putin, for en 'krigsforbryder' i et nyligt udbrud, mens han talte i NATO. Han har gentaget dette i kølvandet på de første billeder, der kommer ud af byen Bucha, Ukraine, hvor en påstået massakre på civile udført af russiske soldater fandt sted.

Som mange lignende hændelser i fortiden er det svært at tage nogen af ​​disse påstande om skyld alvorligt. USA og Storbritannien har i fortiden iscenesat mange 'falsk flag'-operationer på passende tidspunkter for at vække diplomatisk forargelse for at fremme en bestemt politisk dagsorden.

Den dagsorden er altid at retfærdiggøre mere krig for at håndtere skurken du jour. I dag er det Putin. Tidligere har det været Saddam Hussein, Slobodan Milosevic eller Bashar al-Assad. Drejebogen er altid den samme. Chokerende billeder og film af helt ærligt grusomheder overgreb mod civile og en endeløs frem og tilbage af anklager og undertrykkelse af reel information om begivenheden.

Desværre bliver det fokus, ikke det faktum, at civile blev myrdet for politiske vindings skyld.

Kommentar: The deeply disliked and unpopular Macron will likely beat LePen through the vote-rigging apparatus that got him elected the first time.


USA og Storbritannien fører 'hemmelig krig' i Ukraine - Le Figaro

Special forces berets
© Leon Neal / Getty ImagesSpecialstyrker baretter udstillet på National Army Museum i London, England.
SAS og Delta Force er en del af 'hemmelig krig', fortalte en fransk efterretningstjeneste efter sigende til Le Figaro

Elite-specialstyrker fra Storbritannien og USA har været til stede i Ukraine siden begyndelsen af ​​fjendtlighederne med Rusland i slutningen af ​​februar, fortalte en kilde i det franske efterretningssamfund efter sigende til en reporter fra Le Figaro i sidste uge.

Påstanden blev rapporteret af avisens højtstående internationale korrespondent Georges Malbrunot lørdag, dagen hvor den britiske premierminister Boris Johnson aflagde sit overraskende besøg i Kiev. Den britiske leder var angiveligt omringet af vagter fra elitestyrken SAS, selvom denne påstand ikke blev officielt bekræftet.

Kommentar: See also:

Black Magic

Webbets bedste: Det hele giver mening, når du indser, at de vil dræbe os

skeleton painting
'Det er nu tydeligt, at disse produkter i blodbanen er giftige for mennesker. Et øjeblikkeligt stop for vaccinationsprogrammet er påkrævet, mens der foretages en uafhængig sikkerhedsanalyse for at undersøge det fulde omfang af skaderne, som dataene fra det britiske gule kort (UK Yellow Card) tyder på omfatter bl.a. tromboemboli, multi-system inflammatorisk sygdom, immunsuppression, autoimmunitet og anafylaksi samt antistofafhængig forstærkning (ADE).' Tess Lawrie, Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy
'For vi kæmper ikke mod kød og blod, men mod herskere i denne verdens mørke, mod åndelig ondskab i det høje.' Efeserne 6:12"
Question- Have the mRNA vaccines been tested on animals?

Answer- Yes, they have.
Spørgsmål - Er mRNA-vaccinerne blevet testet på dyr?

Svar - Ja, det er de.

Spørgsmål - Var dyreforsøgene vellykkede?

Svar - Ja og nej.

Ja, eksperimenterne på mus viste, at en lav dosis af vaccinen inducerer et robust antistofrespons på infektionen.

Men nej, antistofferne var ikke i stand til at angribe spidsproteinet fra en anden virusstamme.

Red Flag

Det er tydeligt, hvem der vinder af Bucha Massacre, men der er næppe nogen medier tilbage til at sige det

Bucha Deaths
© AFPDøde i Bucha.
Den vestlige mediefortælling har ingen konkurrent. Mediets tågehorn kan brage alt, hvad de vil, uden at der næppe tolereres en afvigende stemme, endsige høres.

Det tilsyneladende massemord på civile i Bucha og andre steder i Ukraine har gjort den vestlige offentlighed oprørt mod Rusland.

Rusland står over for voksende anklager om folkedrab, og dets præsident Vladimir Putin og andre højtstående russiske embedsmænd er dømt som krigsforbrydere, der skal retsforfølges i internationale domstole svarende til Nürnberg-retssagerne mod naziledere.

Vestlige medier brager som tågehorn, mens russiske medier og andre uafhængige medier er forbudt eller kvalt af det giftige anti-russiske politiske klima. I denne groft ubalancerede situation bliver propagandaen forstærket mange gange. Der er en fornemmelse af, at engros-nedlukningen af ​​medier forud for de seneste påståede massakrer i Ukraine er en del af orkestreringen.

Når Kiev-styret og vestlige medier advarer om flere massakrer i Ukraine, er det en uhyggelig forudsigelse.

Kommentar: Narrative is more important than truth and blame is more important than facts when a particular outcome is required to raise the stakes and further a self-serving agenda.


Undertrykkelser: En detaljeret liste af en foruroligende tendens i Ukraine

Mykola Azarov
Former Ukrainian prime minister, Mykola Azarov
Denne artikel giver et overblik ind i den dybt foruroligende tendens i Ukraine, som startede i 2014 og som er blevet fremskyndet og intensiveret siden den 24. februar 2022. Udenretslige drab, chikane, vilkårlige tilbageholdelser af mænd i camouflerede uniformer, tæsk og forsvindinger finder fortsat regelmæssigt sted i Ukraine. De fleste af tilbageholdelserne og forsvindingerne er tit udført af UkrainesSikkerhedstjeneste (SBU), under . Most of the detentions and disappearances are often carried out by the Ukrainian Security service, (SBU), under omfattende undertrykkelser.

Kommentar: See also this article by the same author:
Response to those that are whitewashing the far-right, ultranationalist movement in Ukraine

For more on the Ukraine situation see also the latest show with Joe and Niall:


SOTT Fokus: Total krig for at slette Rusland

Russian Forces
© Social Media
Nu burde det stå krystalklart at den neo-orwellian "To minuters Had" russofobiske kampagne lanceret af Løgneimperiet ved starten af Operation Z faktisk er "24/7 Had".

Store dele af NATOstan er blevet ført til til at opføre sig som en russofobisk lynchningspøbel. Ingen afvigelse er tolereret. Den totale psyop [ed: psykologisk operation] har de fakto upgraderet Løgneimperiet til status af Hadsimperiet i en Total Krig - hybrid og alt andet - for at slette Rusland.

Had er der efter alt er sagt mere punch i end blot løgne, som nu er nået i retning af det helt latterlige da U.S "efterretningsvæsen" nu tyer til - hvad andet - end løgne for at kæmpe informationskrigen imod Rusland.

Hvis propagandaturboen har været dødelig effektiv iblandt de zombificerede vestlige masser - kald det en "sejr" i PR krigen - så på den front hvor det virkelige betyder noget, indenfor Rusland, er det et betydeligt nederlag.

Den brede befolknings støtte for både Operation Z og Præsident Putin er uden sidetilfælde. Efter videoer af tortur af russiske krigsfanger forårsagede bred afsky, forbereder den russiske befolkning sig nu på en "Lang krig" varende måneder, ikke uger, så længe som at målene sat af den russiske generalkommando - faktisk en militær hemmelighed - bliver mødt.

De erklærede mål er "demilitarisering" og "denazificering" af et fremtidigt neutralt Ukraine - men når geopolitisk langt derudover: målet er at vende efterkrigstidens europæiske kollektive sikkerhedsarrangement på hovedet, tvingende NATO til at forstå og komme til at begribe konceptet af "ikke delelig sikkerhed". Det er en ekstremt kompleks process som vil række ind i det næste årti.

NATOstan sfæren kan ganske enkelt ikke offentligt indrømme en række af fakta som en miltæranalytiker af en kaliber som Andrei Martyanov har forklaret i årevis. Og det tillægges den kollektive smerte.

Rusland kan tage konfrontationen med NATO og slå det i småstykker på 48 timer. Det kan sætte i brug advancerede strategiske afskrækkelsessystemer som er uden tilsvarende i Vesten. Den sydlige akse - fra Caucasus og Vestasien til Centralasien - er fuldt stabiliseret. Og hvis kampen virkelig bliver hård, så kan Herr Zircon levere sine hypersoniske atomare visitkort uden at den anden side vil vide af hvad der har ramt dem.


Læn dig tilbage og se Europa begå selvmord

euro flag tatters
© The CradleWashingtons konkurrence med den stigende magt Rusland er så hård, at det er villig til at ofre Europa.
Det fantastiske skue af Den Europæiske Union (EU), der begår slowmotion hara-kiri, er noget til historiebøgerne. Som en billig Kurosawa-genindspilning handler filmen faktisk om den USA-detonerede nedrivning af EU, komplet med omdirigeringen af ​​nogle vigtige russiske råvareeksporter til USA på bekostning af europæerne.

Det hjælper at have en 5. kolonne-skuespillerinde strategisk placeret - i dette tilfælde forbavsende inkompetente EU-kommissionschef Ursula von der Leyen - med sin højrøstede meddelelse om en knusende ny sanktionspakke: Russiske skibe forbudt i EU-havne; vejtransportvirksomheder fra Rusland og Hviderusland har forbud mod at komme ind i EU; ikke mere kulimport (over 4,4 milliarder euro om året).

Kommentar: Putin gave a talk to at the end of March which explains the situation with the EU as seen from a Russian perspective:
Today's agenda focuses on the situation in the aviation industry. We have long wanted to discuss these issues holistically, and today we will talk about it in more detail.

However, I would like to begin with something we discussed last week.

Today I signed an Executive Order establishing the rules for trading Russian natural gas with so-called unfriendly states. We have offered our counterparties from these countries a clear and transparent procedure. To purchase Russian natural gas, they will have to open ruble accounts with Russian banks to be used to pay for gas distribution starting tomorrow, on April 1 of this year.

If no payment is made, we will consider this a default on the part of the purchaser - with all the ensuing consequences. No one sells us anything without payment, and we are not doing charity either. This means the current contracts will be suspended.

I emphasise this again - in a situation where the Western countries' financial systems are being used as a weapon, when companies from these countries refuse to fulfill their contracts with Russian banks, enterprises, and individuals, when our dollar and euro assets are frozen, it makes no sense to use those countries' currencies.

In fact, what has been happening? We supplied resources to our European customers - in this case, gas. They received it and paid in euros - which they later had frozen. Thus, we have reasons to believe that some of the gas supplied to Europe was essentially provided free of charge.

Obviously, this cannot continue, especially considering that, should we continue to supply gas under the same process, euro or dollar payments could once again be blocked. This development is quite possible, especially given that some Western politicians have been talking about it publicly. Moreover, EU heads of governments have been suggesting similar approaches. This kind of risk is, of course, unacceptable to us.

If we look at this issue from a general perspective, converting to gas payments in Russian rubles is an important step towards reinforcing our financial and economic sovereignty. It has been our long-term plan to consistently and gradually move in this direction, increasing the share of national currency transactions in foreign trade - that is, in our currency and the currency of our reliable partners.

You may have already heard that many long-time energy suppliers in the world market are also talking about diversifying transaction currencies.

To reiterate, Russia values its business reputation. We fulfill and we will continue to fulfill our obligations under all contracts, including our gas contracts. We will continue to supply gas as agreed and, I would like to stress, at the rates specified in the effective long-term contracts.

I want to stress that these rates are several times lower than the current rates on the spot market. What does this mean? In simple terms, Russian gas means cheaper energy, heat and power in European homes, affordable fertilisers for European farmers and, consequently, cheaper food. Finally, it means higher competitiveness for European companies and higher wages for European citizens.

However, judging by the statements made by some politicians, they are willing to disregard their citizens' interests so they can enjoy the good graces of their overseas master and overlord. This is the opposite of populism. People are urged to eat less, put on more clothes, and use less heating, give up on travel - presumably for the benefit of the people who are demanding this kind of voluntary deprivation as a sign of some abstract North Atlantic solidarity.

This is not the first year that we have been observing such questionable approaches and actions in the economic, energy and food policy of the Western countries.

Incidentally, the food crisis will inevitably be followed by another one, another wave of migration, primarily to the European countries.

Today we will continue the series of industry-related meetings. As I have said, the aviation industry is on our agenda today, which plays a crucial role in the development of Russian industry, its high-tech areas. It is certainly of particular importance for transport services, which ensure the connectivity of the regions of our vast country.

Allow me to remind you that Russian air carriers and aircraft manufacturers were among the first to feel the consequences of the improper decisions by the Western countries. A month ago, European and American companies unilaterally refused to meet their obligations under their contracts with aviation and service companies from Russia. In fact, they deceived their Russian partners by stopping the supply, leasing, maintenance and insurance of aircraft. In addition, the European countries closed their airspace to our planes.

I will leave aside, for now, the impact of this decision on the foreign companies themselves, including damaged reputations and direct losses. I will merely note that Russian companies have fulfilled their agreements in full and were ready to continue doing so.

However, the Western countries took these steps and we must certainly respond to them. I suggest proceeding from the premise that we will not be maintaining cooperation with our former partners in the near future. We will not close ourselves off from anyone; we will not be a closed country, but we have to proceed from the realities that are taking shape.

We have every opportunity to see that Russian aviation not only overcomes the current difficulties but also receives a new impetus for development.

First, we must support our airlines so they can maintain their sustainable and rhythmic operation, to keep jobs and make air service accessible to the Russian people. As I have said, these are operational, urgent measures.

As for long-term plans, we must obviously adjust the strategy for the development of our aviation industry with reliance on our own resources and due account for the new conditions that bring a host of opportunities for Russian aircraft makers, design bureaus, and suppliers of materials, components and parts.

The share of domestic aircraft should increase drastically during the current decade (and this is, of course, an opportunity for our aircraft equipment manufacturers). Naturally, it is necessary to achieve high quality, reliability and efficiency in the process. This is also important for Russian airlines, including private companies that should also develop as dynamic and profitable businesses. Of course, this matters a lot for passengers - they must be able to buy tickets at affordable prices - something we will talk more about later - while the level of safety, comfort and services must match the highest standards. I am referring now not only to interregional flights but also to the development of small aviation and services to difficult-to-access, remote areas.

I would like to ask you today to speak in detail about solutions that will allow our industry to develop the production of a broad range of domestic aircraft. We are endlessly discussing this issue with you. It is also important to make sure that technical maintenance and aircraft repair meet the highest requirements.

Let us start working. I will give the floor to Mr Savelyev. Go ahead, please.
Vladimir Putin: A few things I would like to say in conclusion.

As I said at the start of our meeting, it is certainly necessary to support operations of the Russian air companies, but it is of fundamental importance not to do this at the expense of passengers, as our colleagues have just said. I fully share this view. This certainly should be kept in mind. It is necessary to make air tickets widely available to people and on this basis to expand the potential of air transport, rather than force people to incur additional costs.

Let me outline a specific target: this year, the volume of domestic service should grow in comparison to what it was last year, and the passenger traffic, as of the yearend - we have just discussed this and I fully agree with this figure - should reach no less than 100 million people.

Therefore, in addition to the state support measures already in effect, including the reduced-fare tickets for travel to the Russian Far East and other regions, I ask the Government to launch the large-scale programme we have just spoken about, a programme to compensate part of the air fare for domestic flights. I am referring to flights to be performed, as it was also mentioned, between April and October of this year, the most active flying period.

The Minister of Transport has just described the specific parameters of this programme (I am aware of the debates on this matter), but, of course, I suggest that we primarily be guided by this. Nevertheless, the figure that is being mentioned - 65 billion [rubles], or 47 billion, or 113 billion, since there is no unity in the Government as to how to calculate these subsidies - let us, for starters, put the figure at 100 billion. If we have in view even ten percent of the reserves, the resultant figure will be exactly 110 billion. But we should also be mindful of the fact that this money comes in with a delay, as Mr Belousov said, and so we will be able to see, during the next four to six weeks, how this programme is implemented and, if necessary, allocate additional funds as needed. But I suggest that the calculations be based on the methodology proposed by the Ministry of Transport.

The second point: many international and domestic flights for which people have bought tickets have been cancelled (we have just spoken about this). Yesterday and today, we discussed these matters with the colleagues. It is certainly necessary to reimburse these expenses. But if in previous periods, we issued certain certificates, today it is more difficult to implement this programme because many routes are closed and we will limit people's opportunities to use these certificates. Therefore, it is necessary to hand out the money - I accept this and I ask the Government to launch this mechanism shortly.

Third, so far, we have temporarily restricted flights to certain airports in central and southern Russia. In this connection, I suggest reimbursing regional airports for their expenses throughout their forced downtime. This will make it possible to retain their personnel, and the airports will be able to resume normal operations as quickly as possible. We must also allocate funds for these purposes in full volume. As far as I understand, our colleagues did not voice disagreement on this matter.

Fourth, lease and letter of credit payments remain a substantial financial burden for the air companies. Naturally, we have to reduce this burden. Speaking of letters of credit, I support the concept proposed by the Government and coordinated with the Bank of Russia. As for the lease payments, let me remind you that a substantial share of them was supposed to be made to companies from the so-called unfriendly countries, and they have violated their contractual obligations. In this connection, I ask the Government to draft a package of measures for resolving the issue of lease payments, naturally, taking into account the national residential status of any specific leasing company.

Fifth, new air traffic trends considered, I ask the Government to approve, by June 1, 2022, a comprehensive programme for developing the air transport sector until 2030. It is important that the programme assess future freight and passenger traffic volumes, and that it specify the routes network. It is necessary to determine the number of the required aircraft and their types, as well as measures to expand maintenance and repairs, including components, tyres, etc., using this data. I would like to note that it is necessary to formalise the Russian industry's obligations regarding the delivery of aircraft and components to Russian airlines and delivery deadlines.

It was for this reason that I asked a representative of our largest aircraft building company about it. This should be done in the near future, as soon as possible, rather than sometime in the foreseeable future.

And, of course, this programme should prioritise air traffic safety. We must stipulate an exhaustive list of measures for this purpose.

I would like to repeat that it is necessary to draft a comprehensive programme for transforming the air transport sector, together with the allocated budgetary funds, by June 2022. I ask our colleagues to strictly adhere to this deadline.

I would like to thank those who prepared today's meeting. I ask you to heed our agreements and matters that transcended the framework of our current discussion in your work. If necessary, you should formulate these aspects in the form of separate instructions.

Now something that is not directly linked with aviation industry or not linked at all - shipping services. I would like to ask the Minister of Transport to evaluate the situation with the use of Sovcomflot vessels by Russian consignors. They have their own freight and chartering problems. Sovcomflot also has trouble using these vessels. It is necessary to combine the capabilities and requirements of Russian consignors and carriers. I ask you to analyse this matter and to submit your proposals.

Thank you very much, and I wish you all the best.


Bucha-massakren - når satellitbilleder og videoer manipuleres til at fortælle en falsk historie

bucha false flag 1
Efterhånden som skandalen omkring Bucha-massakren vokser, beviser nye elementer, at denne episode virkelig er værdig til massegravene i Timisoara, mellem desinformationen fra New York Time, som frigiver satellitbilleder, der ikke holder vand, Ukraine, som udgiver videoen af en drone taget på en anden dag, og sandheden, som dukker op i videoen filmet af de ukrainske tropper, der har ansvaret for at 'rense byen'.

Efter min artikel fra i går, der fremhæver adskillige uoverensstemmelser i den officielle fortælling om Bucha-massakren, er der kommet nye oplysninger for at styrke min analyse.

Først viser indlæg fra en Telegram-kanal dedikeret til livet i Bucha billeder fra den 31. marts 2022, hvor der ikke er nogen lig i gaderne. Og ingen omtale af dem heller.

Kommentar: See also: