Magnetic pole shift
Selv mainstream er vågnet op for den 'katastrofale' trussel, der er kombinationen af ​​lav solaktivitet og et svækket magnetfelt ...

... selv The Guardian:

Vendingen af ​​jordens magnetiske poler sammen med et fald i solaktivitet for 42.000 år siden kunne have genereret et apokalyptisk miljø, der førte til udryddelse af megafauna og til slutningen af ​​neandertalerne, rapporterer Guardian med henvisning til et nyt papir offentliggjort i tidsskriftet. Science, medforfatter af professor Chris Turney fra University of New South Wales.

Det nye papir med titlen 'en global miljøkrise' diskuterer den midlertidige vending af polerne for 42.000 år eller deromkring år, kendt som Laschamp-udflugten, som varede i omkring 1.000 år.

The Guardian-artiklen fortsætter:

Tidligere arbejde fandt kun få beviser for, at begivenheden havde en dybtgående indvirkning på planeten, muligvis fordi fokus ikke havde været på den periode, hvor polerne faktisk skiftede. Nu siger forskere, at skiftet sammen med en periode med lav solaktivitet kunne have været bag en lang række klimatiske og miljømæssige fænomener med dramatiske forgreninger.

'Det ville sandsynligvis have set ud som dagenes ende,' sagde Turney.

The mainstream, as you'd expect, fails to draw any comparisons with the events of today, and not one MSM article attempts to give their readers a fuller understanding of the story.

The Laschamp excursion was just one of many in "recent" times, with these magnetic excursions (not full-blown reversals) appearing to hit approximately every 12,000 years:

Past magnetic excursions
And yes, you concluded correctly, we're due another.

In fact, evidence suggests it's actually already begun.

That's why all this matters.

Every 12,000 years -or there abouts- our planet suffers a magnetic excursion during which its north and south magnetic poles "wander" and eventually "flip" — this process results in a waning of Earth's magnetosphere which in turn fuels serious climatic events and mid-level extinction events on the ground.

The devastation of these events is truly "cataclysmic" -and they earn that word unlike the many modern cries of wolf- because these events are much more than climatic, they also result in a bombardment of cosmic energy on the lower atmosphere as our shield against the Sun fails. Dangerous levels of radiation also impact the mantle, which can affect silica-rich magma viscosity.

We've seen accelerated magnetic field loss in recent years (driven by our wandering poles-visualized above) — and this a key indication that the excursion is winding up, that the poles are readying to flip.

In the mid-1800s, after millennia of stability, the field began waning and has been doing so ever-since — accelerated losses were officially reported as 10 percent in the year 2000, and then, just a decade later, as 15 percent in 2010. 2015 and 2017 accelerations were only announced to the world in 2020 and 2021, and they detected significant shifts in the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA).

[Note: the SAA is an area where Earth's inner Van Allen radiation belt comes closest to Earth's surface. This leads to an increased flux of energetic particles in this region exposing it to higher-than-usual levels of radiation.]

The strength of Earth’s magnetic field, as of 2020
The strength of Earth’s magnetic field, as of 2020
We are indeed due for the next climatic and environmental disaster-those cardboard coffee cup supping hippies have that aspect of our future entirely correct; however, where they go hopelessly wrong is believing the event is wholly unnatural and that drastic poverty-inducing action will prevent it.

Cataclysms are what magnetic excursions/reversals coupled with low solar activity do: they blanch the planet of life and set things up anew — look at them as the true "great reset".

Prepare accordinglylearn the facts, relocate if need be, and grow your own.
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