Tony Abbott
© The Record, Australia
Vi taler om Tony Abbott, som har bestemt fra sin høje stol at der ikke længere skal være nogen undtagelser for vacciner i Australien.

Ikke længere nogen samvittighedsfulde indvendinger, ikke længere religiøse undtagelser. Kun i sjældne medicinske undtagelser som er tilladt af en læge. Og pludselig, enhver familie som nægter at vaccinere deres børn vil miste op til $15,000 per år per barn i føderale støttepenge. Enhver familie i Australien er berettiget til føderale penge..

Tony har officielt taget borgeres ret til at vælge væk. Australia er nu officiel en medicinsk politistat


Tilbage i 2006, sang Tony en anden melodi hvad angik vaccineringen af sine egne døtre.

Den 9.november, 2006, havde denne historie: "Abbott udelukkker kræftvaccine til sine døtre" (se også "Jeg kunne blive set som værende 'grusom' mod Gardasil: Abbott"):
"Føderal Sundhedsminister [på det tidspunkt] Tony Abbott har sagt at mens han kunne ses som værende en 'grusom, afstumpet og hjerteløs skiderik', så ville han ikke skynde sig ind for at have sine døtre vaccineret [med en HPV stik] mod livmoderhalskræft.

"'Jeg vil ikke skynde mig ud for at få mine døtre vaccineret, måske er det fordi jeg er en grusom, afstumpet og hjerteløs skiderik men se, det vil jeg bare ikke,' sagde Mr. Abbott til Southern Cross radio."
Hvor interessant. Hvor afslørende. Tony Abbott, en vaccinenægter. Dengang. Men nu er han Paven for tvangsvaccinationer af alle australier, hvadenten de vil det eller ej.

Jeg ser ikke at den Australske massemedie i nogen hast med at dække denne selvmodsigelse. En læser henviste mig til artiklen fra 2006. Ellers ville jeg aldrig selv have vidst om Tonys dobbeltliv.

Kommentar: Vi undskylder at vi ikke er istand til at oversætte hele artiklen, men interesserede læsere kan nedenunder se resten af artiklen på engelsk.

Back in 2006, Tony had a bizarre justification for his anti-vaccine stance. The article spells it out:
Tony: "If there is a national immunisation program [that includes the HPV shot], I certainly will be making sure that they [his daughters] get vaccinated under the program."

Tony: "The [national] program is what the experts think clearly is absolutely necessary, and at the moment the experts don't think this [HPV shot] is absolutely necessary."
The article continues:
"The PBAC [Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee] yesterday knocked back the application from Australian manufacturer CSL to make the Gardasil [HPV] vaccine available free to all females aged 12 to 26.

"Gardasil halts the spread of sexually-transmitted human papilloma virus (HPV), which causes 70 per cent of cervical cancers. At present it costs $460 for the recommended three doses.

"The PBAC said it made the decision because the vaccine program - which would have cost about $625 million during its first four years - was not value for money."
Let me take this apart.

Tony was saying he wouldn't have his daughters vaccinated with the HPV shot because there was no national program for it.

That's like saying, "If the supermarket doesn't sell cherries, I won't let my daughters eat them."

You see, the only reason a national program to vaccinate girls with the HPV shot wasn't instituted, in 2006, was because of money. The cost vs. value of the program was determined to be "not worth it."

Conventional researchers, doctors, and vaccine manufacturers in Australia were quite confident, in 2006, that the vaccine was safe and effective. Otherwise, they never would have considered it, in the first place, for the national vaccine program.

(As far I'm concerned, HPV is one of the most useless and dangerous vaccines in existence, but for the purposes of this argument, we're talking about the conventional mainstream view.)

Tony was deciding to reject what he considered to be a safe and effective vaccine for his own daughters—for whatever bizarre reasons he cared to advance. Because he had the right to choose. And because he held a high post in government. And because he decided he could do whatever he wanted to do.

But now, flashing forward nine years, Tony is telling every person in Australia what they have to do. No choice. No freedom. No right to seek out information independently and make a decision based on that information.

Australia is a medical police state, with Tony, the old vaccine refuser, at the helm.

If that isn't cause for uproar in the Land Down Under, what is?

"Hi, I'm Tony. I'm your boss, your ruler, your King. What I say goes. For you. But not necessarily for me. That's the way it works, don't you know? The King makes rules for everyone else, but he can do what he damn well pleases. He's above the rules. He's different. He's the Lord of the idiots and slaves, but he himself is free. That's the deal. It's none of your business. Just keep your eyes straight ahead and your mouths shut and march forward. That's your fate. I so command it."