Psykopater i høje positioner
© LibertinusPsykopater i høje positioner
For nylig har vi hørt at den asutralske regering har planer om at ødelægge og brænde beskyttede levn fra urskove, for at lave elektricitet og træflis; og før dette opdagede vi at den amerikanske regerings åbne hemmelighed om deres finansiering og støtte af ISIL i Syrien, efter en forfejlet støtte kampagne for krig mod Assad! Hver dag vi har observeret Palme-olie mafiaen begå økologisk udryddelse på industriel skala på alle vores tilbageværende tropiske skove i Indonesien, Malaysien, Nigerien, Brasilien, etc; Har vi alle været vidne til den eklatante begivenhed hvor USA har igangsat et Nazi coup d'etat mod Ukraine's folkevalgte regering, altimens de skyder skylden på Rusland for at destabilisere dets egen forhave. I årtier har vi set Zionisterne fortsætte deres frisindede brug af tortur og gradvise folkemord på den etniske palæstinænsiske befolkning med støtte fra USA og dets vasaler.

Udover deres åbelyse ondskab, skrupelløshed, irrationalitet og modsatsrettethed mod vores menneskelighed, hvad har disse begivenheder tilfælles?

Svaret er at de er alle produkter af klassisk psykopatisk adfærd, eller med andre ord; psykopater er initiativtagere til alle disse handlinger; Psykopater på steder hvor afgørende beslutninger bliver taget; Psykopater på toppen af rangstigen.

Ved 5% af befolkningen, er der MINDST 16 millioner psykopater alene i USA - de fleste, er ved første øjekast klinisk ikke-sporbare i forhold til normal befolkningen. De få der er fængslede i institutioner og til rådighed som kliniske studie objekter, repræsenterer de "fejlslagne" psykopater - den der er blevet 'luret' af systemet. De fleste er ikke bare sluppet afsted med deres skadelige og udnyttende taktikker på menneskeheden og planeten, men er rent faktisk blevet beriget i magt, penge og position.

Den sande effekt af 15 millioner psykopater på det amerikanske samfund, dets strukturer, dynamikker og selv dets målsætning, synes at gå tabt i den tæt bevoksede skov af konkurrence, kaos, sofisme der fortsat omringer os på en kolonorm skala. Men dette bringer os til min pointe: Det er rent faktisk denne "tæt bevoksede skov" af konkurrence, kaos,sofisme og ultimativt ødelæggelse der er psykopaternes SANDE EFFEKT og udgør hans 'hjemmebane' og hans selektive pleje matrix; i virkeligheden et perverst, selv generende mentalt økosystem.

Tillad mig at ekstrapolere denne sag fra en endnu mere ligefrem vinkel? ALLE vores samfund primære strukturer, processer og objektiver, der har udviklet sig op gennem historien er kommet på listefod og opportunistisk fra psykopaters sind, og de understøtter alle deres adfærdsmønstre og taktikker.

Dette efterlader de ikke-psykopatiske og empatisk udviklende samfunds medlemmer med få valg:
At bevæge sig mod rand områderne af det psykopatisk infesterede samfund og forsøge at udvikle en autentisk menneskelig eksistens, med kreativitet, gensidighed og trivsel;

eller at kritisere og agere imod hver en psykopatisk uretfærdighed, mens man prøver at forandre systemets moral;

eller simpelthen ved kontinuerligt at tolerere og lave kompromiser, at efterabe en tilforladelig mængde af psykopaternes taktikker, for at overleve i det konkurrence prægede miljø, samtidig med at man på den anden side af ens samvittighed udøver gensidighed med ens familie, venner og naboer.
Disse valg og deres dynamikker har givet afkast i adfærdsmønstre mellem psykopater og deres værtssamfund i årtusinder. Heldigvis kan der måske være alternativer.

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Se iøvrigt:
Psykopatens trick: At få os til at tro at det onde kommer et andet sted fra
Er betegnelsen Psykopati eller Dyssocial Personlighedsforstyrrelse?

Let's look at an working ontogenic hypothesis:

Humans as primates are hardwired to develop somewhat mutually beneficial relationships. Humans have psychologically developed to define, explore and even codify the nature of these relationships. Part of our "preparation" for exploring these relationship potentials comes from our infancy; our high dependency years; where being incapable of providing for ourselves or for successfully interpreting the world around us causes us to meet such needs via an intermediary or mediator, more likely our mother.

Gradually those initially dependent relationships should ideally psychologically mature and transform us through increasing degrees of independence and self-sufficiency, tempered by our memories of own experiences of infancy which help us retain and develop an empathetic gratitude and an authentic understanding of discerning and meeting the needs of others.

The psychopath, through some probable peri-natal or early infancy psycho-neurological trauma, compounded possibly by a genetic propensity becomes locked into the infantile cognitive-emotional template and never moves down the path of developing empathy through exploring mutually beneficial relationships.

The psychopathic mind severely limited by the infantile cognitive/emotional template depends on amplifying the mind tools immediately useful to it, the significant ones being:

Associative recall; with some minor Functional Association; The "monkey see monkey do" mimicking faculty; and the primitive capacity for manipulating potential intermediaries in his environment through emotionally invoking their intervention.

Although the Psychopath acquires higher cognitive functions throughout his life he will invariably never use them in his day to day cognitive processes except for IQ tests and maybe solving puzzles. Instead he amplifies through trial and error those 3 infantile mental tools: Mimicking; Associative Recall (memorising) and the manipulation of others by using seduction, rejection and menace.

Unfortunately modern education has evolved largely based on the exact same cognitive template as that of the psychopath. It trains us to think like a psychopath and without any restraint, to become somewhat sociopathic.

Because the psychopath's thinking has evolved to overwhelmingly dominate in competitive and conflict-based environments and because we have accepted competition as our default economic and even social dynamic, modern education attempts to equip us to become competent under those sociopathic rules and conditions.

So then modern education by default, to offset the effects of our main competitive liability, namely empathy, attempts to camouflage or sanitise to varying degrees: competition, opportunism, single-mindedness, egocentricity, ruthlessness, manipulativeness, deviousness, sophistry, hierarchy and exploitation ("winning") all the characteristics that allow psychopaths to prevail as predators.

The educational system requires rote learning which circumvents the higher brain functions where moral and ethical thinking and analysis of behavior take place.

The psychopathic personality is the ideal evolutionary adaption to conflict or competitive environments, even to chaotic environments. His tactic as an opportunistic ruthless "head kicker" lets him move fast by making self-serving decisions unhindered by concerns of any further levels of consequence which may well be borne by others or the environment ie "Collateral Damage".

Having Tar Sands extraction destroy the Athabasca River system; or 1.5 million people die to "rid Iraq of its WMD"; or to cut and burn millions of hectares of Tropical Rainforest in order to create plantations for Palm Oil; or even bring in increased quarterly profits by firing staff, increasing workloads and reducing wages -- No consequences beyond the original self-serving intention are actually considered and when any further issues arise, mostly unforeseen, they are dealt with poorly and episodically - one at a time.

The cognitive tactics of the psychopath make him the ideal battlefield warrior and as such he has been with us from time immemorial both causing and defending in conflicts- His ruthless aggression, opportunism, single-mindedness, lack of conscience and fast but simplistic thinking make him useful to defend the tribe during an attack by the psychopath's tribe next door, but then trying to put him in a box when wise decisions need to be made during peace time became the overwhelming problem.

We can assume that spinning the idea of terror from without or within with his deviousness, manipulativeness and skillful sophistry would help keep him in a leadership position, despite a morbid inability to deal with relationships and complexity and despite his general lack of proficiency with all things peaceful! And therein lays the secret source of the continual failure to reach our extraordinary potential as a social species.

Psychopaths freely and actively operating in societies keep it in continual conflict, competition and infantilism with all their attending poverty, crime, waste, inefficiency, pollution, and general exploitation of the peaceful by the more aggressive. Psychopaths promote sociopathy arising among those not empathetically retarded, as the rest of society mimic their behaviours in an attempt to compete and survive. The price we pay is that all our organs of society such as education, economics, governance, welfare, health and even science, have evolved to operate at the cognitive level and processes of the psychopath. Even more so, collective organisations like for instance, the corporation, with its goals, structures and processes are modeled largely on the workings of the psychopathic mind!