© REUTERS/Alexandros Avramidis
I hvad der bliver beskrevet som den værste flygtninge krise i Europa siden Anden Verdenskrig, strømmer titusinder af desperate flygtninge over EU grænserne. De har risikeret deres liv i at nå her til, for kun at blive angrebet af EU "grænse politi". hvis ikke de er blevet målsat af racistiske grupper. Velkommen til Europa!

Hjemløse og bærende på deres egendele i en taske, mænd, kvinder og unge børn må tænke hurtigt for at nå i sikkerhed fra kolloner af knippel-ivrige politifolk. Dette er i den europæsiske union, hvis traktater proklamerer for verden at hellige sig menneskerettigheder og værdighed. Ungarn, Rumænien og Grækenland er blevet de nye krise punkter, og erstatter Italien som den tidligere hovedrute for flygtninge.

Grædende mødre løber med deres skrækslagne børn på ryggen, ind i skove eller grøftekanter, bare for at komme væk fra tåregas skydende urobetjente. En kvinde fortalte et France 24 hold hvordan hun var kommet bort fra sin familie i håndgemænget . Hun vidste ikke hvordan hun nogensinde skulle finde dem, da hun var strandet på den anden side af politi kæden. Hendes manglende barn og mand var blevet nød til at løbe væk før de blev fanget af politiet.

En ung dreng fra Syrien fortalte CNN rapporteren Awra Damon at hans familie og mange andre var blevet tvunget tilbage af en falankse af hjelm beklædte politibetjente da de forsøgte at krydse den ungarnske grænse. Den lille dreng sagde at hans familie havde flygtet fra et område i Syrien der er under kontrol af Islamisk Stat (eller ISIS) terror gruppen - kult jihadisterne der er berygtede for at halshugge civile. (CNN rapporteren synes ikke at bemærke at hendes TV kanal tidligere har blavet læssevis af nyhedshistorier ud af at klandre den syriske regering som den der terroriserer sit folk.)

Hvad siger dette om det ungarske grænsepoliti når hårdt pressede flygtninge må bøje sig i støvet foran dem? Det er en grafisk fordømmelse af EU grænsekontrol, der er mere uhyggelig en blodtørstige terrorister.

Sidste måned krydsede mere end 100,000 flygtninge EU grænserne. Dette er en humanitær krise på en skala der minder om de grynede billeder vi har set af vandrende masser i efterkrigstiden.

Langt størstedelen af flygtningene der kommer til EU er fra krigshærgede Syrien, ifølge FN's Internationale Organisation for Migration. Op til 12 millioner af Syrien's befolkning - det halve af den totale befolkning - er blevet forrykket på grund af fire års konflikt i landet. En krig der er blevet støttet i det skjulte fra USA, England og Frankrig, der søger et regime skifte imod Præsident Bashar al Assad. Ligeledes støttes krigen i Syrien af Vestens allierede; Saudi Arabien, Qatar, Jordan, Tyrkiet og Israel.

Kommentar: Artiklen er desværre ikke videre oversat til dansk.

The Syrian government has repeatedly said that it is a victim of an international criminal conspiracy comprising the above Western states and allies, who are working in collusion with the so-called Islamic State terror group and other Al Qaeda-linked mercenaries to topple Assad - an ally of Russia and Iran. The little boy in the above CNN report clearly said his family and their neighbours were fleeing«ISIS» not «Assad». But, as already noted, CNN and the rest of the Western news media don't seem to do irony.

Traumatised and made homeless, the Syrian refugees are now turning to Europe for shelter. Their naive hopes for humanitarian assistance - a basic obligation under international law - are cruelly dashed. It is a fitting, albeit terrible, denouement that these people are bringing their troubles to Europe - the very place whose EU members Britain and France have been most gung-ho about supporting the US-led regime-change war in Syria.

Men carrying children on their shoulders, women carrying babies on their backs, the Syrian refugees have to wend their way through war zones, the ISIS terror networks, then walk for hundreds of kilometres across Turkey - preyed upon by ruthless human traffickers - and then pile into leaking boats to make a treacherous sea crossing to mainland Europe. They do it because they are desperate to survive. Many die along the way from drowning or exhaustion. Pregnant women have reportedly lost their unborn babies on roadsides from sheer fatigue.

And, after all that, when these people arrive at the borders of the EU, they are finally confronted with an army of «robo-cops». In recent weeks, news footage has shown shocking images of police in Hungary and Macedonia (a prospective EU member) firing teargas and stun grenades to turn back thousands of refugees. Other scenes show droves of dishevelled families being herded onto train carriages, to be shunted off to some other European country. They say they were even deprived of drinking-water by the»authorities», never mind medical aid, which was also denied to them.

EU member Hungary has even now installed hundreds of kilometres of shiny razor wire along its border with Serbia to keep refugees at bay. Twenty-five years after the Iron Curtain came down across Europe, a steel razor-wire curtain is going up. This is not the supposedly despotic Soviet Union - it is in the European Union. The organisation that declares human rights to be its foundation and for which it was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012.

Germany's Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier spoke sheepishly about the EU's new steel curtain barring war-torn refugees. «We are against the use of fences,» said Steinmeier, mouthing a cowardly euphemism.

This is while EU officials are gathering in Vienna this week to discuss the crisis.

By chance, the capital of Austria was made rather appropriate in light of this week's grim discovery of some 50 migrants found dead in an abandoned lorry on a motorway in Austria. It is believed they were being smuggled by human traffickers from Hungary inside a meat-packing truck. Austrian police became suspicious of the abandoned vehicle on the hard shoulder of the motorway after they noticed a putrid smell seeping from under its backdoors. The victims had been dead for several days.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she was shocked by the»awful» discovery in Austria. She said with hollow words that the EU must act in solidarity to solve the refugee crisis. Solidarity? What is she talking about? Then Merkel added: «The whole world is watching us». Well, she certainly got that bit right for sure.

Last week, in Germany, angry far-right extremists attacked a care centre for asylum seekers near Dresden. Mobs chanted racist slogans, screaming for the migrants to go back to their countries.

Go back to their countries? Yes, that's right. You know the war zones that haughty European states like Britain and France have ignited and inflamed in Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere in Africa.

Which makes you wonder: who are the real fascists? The anti-immigrant mobs on the streets, or the coiffured politicians in fancy suits and plush government offices?