nato russia
I sidste uge frigjorte the Wall Street Journal de første klip af Amerikas nye supervåben - en railgun, som hverken har brug for krudt eller sprængstoffer for at fungere, men nærmere en elektromagnetisk bane. Angiveligt, kan våbnets projektil accelerere til en hastighed af 7200 km/timen og nå ud på en afstand af 160km ødelæggende alt på sin vej.

Ifølge artiklen i WSJ som medfulgte videoen - så er det meningen at det nye våben skal "transformere militærstrategien" og "holde USA foran advancerede russiske og kinesiske våben."

Hvis det at forblive foran Rusland og Kina er det absolutte mål af dette "supervåben", så kan USA allerede have fejlet.

Kommentar: Denne artikel er delvis oversat til dansk af fra: America's new 'superweapon' fails to impress Russia or China

Earlier today the deputy chair of the Federation Council (equivalent of the US Senate) Committee on Defense and Security, Senator Franz Klintsevich commented on the WSJ release with the following remarks:
"The information in the newspaper was not a revelation to us. Similar developments are already underway in Russia."
While Sen. Klintsevich doesn't believe in the prospect of a new weapon displacing the traditional ones "even in the medium term", if by some chance the United States does happen to make a breakthrough in this regard, the senator is confident that the situation will still be "under control".

Regardless of where Russia stands with its own railgun developments, at the very least it does not appear to be phased by America's most recent show of force. And if - as the senator claims, the Russians are already masterminding something similar or have other means to counteract this technology, then its declared purpose may well be obsolete.