© Fedor Selivanov / Alamy Stock Photo
Efter at have afvist Donald J. Trumps hypotetiske forslag om at købe Grønland har Danmarks regering meddelt, at det i stedet ville være interesseret i at købe De Forenede Stater.

"Som vi har meddelt, er Grønland ikke til salg," sagde en talsperson fra den danske regering i fredags. "Vi har imidlertid bemærket, at under Trump regimet har stort set alt i USA, og helt afgjort dets regering, været til salg."

"Danmark ville være interesseret i at købe hele USA, lige med undtagelse af dets regering", tilføjede talsmanden.

Kommentar: Delvist oversat af fra Denmark offers to buy U.S.

A key provision of the purchase offer, the spokesperson said, would be the relocation of Donald Trump to another country "to be determined," with Russia and North Korea cited as possible destinations.

If Denmark's bid for the United States is accepted, the Scandinavian nation has ambitious plans for its new acquisition. "We believe that, by giving the U.S. an educational system and national health care, it could be transformed from a vast land mass into a great nation," the spokesperson said.

Andy Borowitz is a Times best-selling author and a comedian who has written for The New Yorker since 1998. He writes The Borowitz Report, a satirical column on the