'Lichtdom' eller 'Lysets katedral' involverede snesevis af antiluftskyts, der strålede ind i nattehimlen under nazistiske demonstrationer i Nürnberg i 1930'erne. De Olympiske Lege i Berlin i 1936 brugte samme effekt under afslutningsceremonien.
Sidste lørdag blev en påfaldende lignende teknik brugt af Ukraines Azov-bataljon, som gennemførte et årligt mindesmærke for sine afdøde medlemmer. Under ceremonien, der blev afholdt i Urzuf, en lille landsby på kysten af Azovhavet, skinnede snesevis af projektører over en række af Azov-krigere, der holdt fakkellygter og runde skjolde med kaldesignaler fra deres omkomne kammerater skrevet på dem.
Ukrainerne havde ikke adgang til belysningsudstyr af militær kvalitet, som Hitlers mænd havde. Parallellen blev dog forstærket af brugen af Azov-bataljonens emblem - en variant af Wolfsangel (Ulvekrog) på baggrund af Schwarze Sonne (Sort Sol). Begge symboler blev i vid udstrækning brugt af det tyske nazistparti og er populær af mange nynazistiske grupper i dag.
Kommentar: Delvist oversat af Sott.net fra Ukraine's right-wing Azov Battalion stages own version of Nazis' 'Cathedral of Light' ceremony
A speech delivered by a senior officer of the unit ended with a salute usually used by Azov fighters: "Glory to the nation. Death to the enemies!" This phrase was inherited by the Azov Battalion from the Ukrainian nationalists of the UPA, or Ukrainian Insurgent Army. The UPA collaborated with German Nazis during World War II in the hope that their backing would allow the creation of a national Ukrainian state that was free from 'undesirable' people like Jews and Poles.
The Azov Battalion started as a paramilitary group comprised of right-wing nationalists but is now part of Ukraine's Interior Ministry. It has patronage in the Ukrainian government, with its former commander Andrey Bilitsky now serving as member of the national parliament.
The UN's High Commissioner for Human Rights reported that members of the Azov Battalion were allegedly involved in various crimes during their deployment to fight anti-government forces in the east of Ukraine. These included looting, unlawful detention, rape and torture.
Every year, US Congress attempts to ban sending military aid to the Azov Battalion due to its neo-Nazi leanings. This was made law by the Department of Defense Appropriations Act for FY 2018.
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