På en eller anden måde er vi nået til slutningen af 2022 uden at civilisationen er kollapset. Selvom det meste - mere eller mindre - med succes 'genstartede' efter de hare-hjernede, drakoniske 'lockdowns' i 2020 og de 'frivillige' ('men hvis du ikke tager det, bliver du fyret - og VIL dø snart') 'vacciner' fra 2021, er det kun takket være anstændigt arbejdende menneskers modstandsdygtighed, at alt stadig virker. Og en særlig tak skal rettes til de canadiske lastbilchauffører og deres millioner af tilhængere, der stod op mod Trudeau-regimet i begyndelsen af 2022. Så vidt vi ved, ville covidianisme og globalistiske diktater være blevet påtvunget os alle i højere grad uden deres fredelige opstand. end de hidtil har været.
Så igen, måske er patokraterne ved magten ligeglade med, hvad 'de små mennesker' tænker. Hvad var det, der trak regeringerne tilbage fra randen af fysisk at håndhæve obligatorisk 'vaccination' i 2022: flere beviser på, at 'vaccinerne' ikke havde nogen effekt på at reducere Covid-19-overførslen eller hospitalsindlæggelser? Bekymring over den voksende, udbredte utilfredshed? Eller Vladimir Putins udmelding i slutningen af februar om, at Rusland ikke længere ville stå ved siden af, mens et amerikansk installeret marionetregime i Ukraine angreb etniske russere?
Timingen var bestemt interessant. Hele to år med bevidst psykologisk terror om en relativt harmløs sygdom vigede pludselig for den slags racistiske og voldsomt hadefulde skældsord mod Rusland, som ville have gjort Hitler stolt. Så meget for 'aldrig igen'. Endnu en gang er en vestlig 'grande armée' i krig med Rusland, en krig, som de fortæller os, ikke vil ende, før Ruslands totale kollaps eller regeringens udskiftning med enheder, der er gunstige for vestlig virksomhed. Ikke nok med det, vi får at vide, at krigen er
eksistentiel - at Vesten som sådan vil 'ophøre med at eksistere', hvis Ukraine ikke 'besejrer' Rusland.
In 2020-2021, it seemed that geopolitics was dead and the 'end of history' had been reached. The 'pandemic' heralded 'The New Normal', and even Putin seemed to agree. But it turns out that, while we were all suffering from (or enjoying - some people are just like that) lockdowns, lack of primary healthcare, demoralization, loneliness and shuttered businesses, the US government (the real one, not the Trump one) was plotting a high-risk game of proxy war in order to regime-change the Kremlin, cut Europe off from energy and trade with Russia, and 'reinforce' American hegemony in the face of the actual threat Western elites feared: the emergence of a fairer, more democratic, multipolar world order. All that remains to be 'unveiled' at the level of geopolitics is the official Chinese position: are they with the globalists, or are they with humanity? The answer to this, we think, could be the 'big event' of 2023 (hint: watch Taiwan!).
© Alexei Druzhinin / Sputnik / KRE
That is why Vladimir Putin is Sott.net's Man of the Year for 2022. Indeed, he was primarily motivated to protect the interests of ethnic Russians in the 'Russiky Mir', and sure, he was arguably forced into 'invading' Ukraine, given the $billions spent by NATO in training and arming the Ukrainian military to forcibly retake the breakaway Donbass regions and Crimea. But if you watch or read
the speeches he gave throughout the year, and note the
existential terms in which his enemies speak of preventing Russia from achieving its goals, then it becomes clear that the Kremlin also has a longer-term, global picture in mind - and that its goals are
not the same as Klaus Schwab's.
Long-time readers know the evolution of our perspective of Putin and Russia, starting in particular with our
analysis of the Litvinenko poisoning (a frame-up) back in 2006; exposing the
Browder criminal conspiracy behind initial Western sanctions against Russia in 2012; then observing Russia's
anti-imperial military interventions in thwarting NATO plans to carpet-bomb Syria in 2013, protecting Crimea from the West's subsequent 'revenge' via regime change of Ukraine in 2014, and
fire-fighting operations against 'ISIS' in Syria in 2015 - which effectively ended terrorist attacks in Europe.
The insidious designation of 'Kremlin trolls' is intended to silence dissent against the prevailing orthodoxy of the post-9/11 ideologically-warped version of 'Pax Americana', but it doesn't work on us, our readers and others who value Truth and Justice. It's
the Kremlin that has aligned with Western critics of the diabolical direction the West has taken, not the other way around. Putin may have coined the term 'Empire of Lies', but all who are anti-war, anti-empire, anti-woke, and pro-Truth have been shining a light in the ever-darkening socio-political climate long before Putin began articulating similar views.
© Russian Ministry of DefenseMain Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces, Odintsovsky District, Moscow Oblast
After restraining himself for 20 years by treating "our Western partners" as rational actors, Putin this year finally and fully realized that Western elites cannot restrain
themselves from destroying everything they touch, and so they must be stopped by an external force. No one else is stepping up to the plate, thus it falls to Putin - with the Russian people behind him - to attempt it. Whether Russia will succeed in de-Nazifying Ukraine (and de-NATOfying it) remains to be seen. Should Russia succeed in Ukraine, will that success translate into rebalancing of the world for the greater global good?
Perhaps, but if you're living anywhere in Westernia, don't expect to see dividends any time soon. Awfully destructive forces are at work, forces that are beyond the ken of anyone or anything to stop. Putin can no more be the 'savior' of humanity than Donald Trump was for the USA - or Elon Musk will be for freedom of speech. But all the same, just like Trump's exposure of the corrupt workings of Washington DC, and Musk's of government censorship on social media, Putin's
articulation of the world's problems, and how most of them stem from Western elites' greed and insatiable will to dominate, coupled with his formal declaration that Russia is in open rebellion against those elites' obliteration of traditional values, fair and free trade, and genuinely progressive development of the majority living in both Western and non-Western regions of the world, signal that the Time of Transition has begun in earnest.
What do
you do to escape the insufferable 'culture' of Clown World? We Sott.net editors are all in constant contact with one another - mostly online because we're located all over the world. But faced with realizing that the people cannot vote their way back to freedom, nor organize protests that would sway leaders and their authoritarian minions away from their insane drive to 'save the planet' by slashing energy and food production, a number of us have come together to pool resources, share knowledge, hold regular meet-ups, and generally support each other. We see that many of you commenters have formed a community here on Sott.net, which is great to see! Just remember that you can also interact with the editors and hundreds of others of like-mind on our
Cassiopaea forum.
And so, dear readers, as we approach the end of the year, and the end of the world-that-was, a few words of encouragement: Onwards, comrades! Stand fast against what the mother of all religions (Zoroastrianism) termed
Druj - the false order of things. Let our thoughts, words and deeds form a unified voice that clearly and unequivocally asserts: NO! to lies, half-truths and the psychological and emotional manipulation of human beings by dark forces; NO! to the promotion of abusive and harmful social and cultural practices that seek to subvert the most vulnerable in society - our children - and, in that way, human society itself. Let Love, Truth and Justice be our God, and defend it, and our right to Choose, with every fibre of our collective Being.
Support Sott.net in 20232023 will be a Big Year in more ways than one. Not to be outdone by the Russians, Sott.net will be getting its own hypersonic upgrade. We know, we promised the same thing last year - or was it two years ago now?! The difference is that
this time, development is progressing nicely. We were held up by the fact that - as with our tracking and commenting on world events - we don't do things like everybody else. So, first we created a new open source version of
PikaJS, our own core JavaScript library. On top of that, we built a new proprietary engine named
In·Site to make Sott
really sassy. And now we're (finally) approaching the finish line! We can't promise a deadline just yet, but keep in mind that Sott.net's 21st birthday is on March 26, 2023. Just sayin'!
We editors want to thank you for your continued support of Sott.net, and wish you courage with listening to your conscience instead of the media. To support you in turn against the onslaught of mendacity from officialdom, we need your help to keep Sott.net going as one of the last independent online news sites. If you appreciate what we do, and it's within your means to do so, please consider making a donation, and we will see to it that you receive the Sott.net 2023 merchandise of your choice.
Thanks once again to the creative talents of one of our editors, readers who donate can select a copy of this unique Sott.net 2023 desktop (A5) calendar (for donations of 40 USD and above), featuring a selection of images and insightful quotes from great thinkers. Check it out:
We're also offering donors these socks with a Lighthouse, representative of our work, and Putin-Bear socks! You choose which one, or both, tell us your size, and they're yours! (for donations of 30 USD and above):
Finally, two different ceramic coasters with a shiny finish, also featuring the Sott.net lighthouse and/or Putin (for donations of 20 USD and above):
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Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, dear readers, and let's continue shining the light for as long as we can!
Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
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