En stor tysk sygeforsikringsudbyder afslørede onsdag, at Covid-19-vaccinebivirkninger er stærkt underrapporterede, ifølge Welt.
Efter at have analyseret data fra over 10 millioner individer, BKK ProVita-bestyrelsesmedlem Andreas Schöfbeck, blev 216.695 forsikringstagere ud af 10,9 millioner over en 7,5 måneders periode begyndende i begyndelsen af 2021 behandlet for vaccinebivirkninger. Dette skal sammenlignes med 244.576 rapporter ud af 61,4 millioner rapporteret af Paul Ehrlich Institute - et tysk føderalt agentur.
Tyskland har en befolkning på omkring 83 millioner mennesker.
Schöfbeck kaldte dataene for et 'alarmsignal', og tilføjede 'De fastlagte tal er signifikante og skal omgående kontrolleres for plausibilitet.'
Kommentar: Delvist oversat af Sott.net fra German health insurer reveals 'alarming' underreporting of vaccine side-effects
"The data available to our company gives us reason to believe that there is a very considerable under-recording of suspected cases of vaccination side-effects after they received the [COVID-19] vaccine."
"If these figures are applied to the year as a whole and to" the entire population of Germany, Schöfbeck estimated, then "probably 2.5-3 million people in Germany been under medical treatment because of vaccination side effects after [COVID-19] vaccination."
As Jack Phillips of The Epoch Times notes:
Schöfbeck concluded that based on their data, "there is a significant underreporting of vaccination side-effects" in Germany.
Another letter that was sent out by BKK (pdf) suggested that vaccination side effects reported across Germany are at least 10 times more common than what was reported by the Paul-Ehrlich Institute, reported the Nordkurier newspaper on Wednesday.
Schöfbeck's letters were also sent to Germany's Standing Vaccination Commission and the German Medical Association.
The letters did not elaborate on the severity of the side effects, nor did they provide a breakdown of the symptoms, or which vaccines caused the side effects. Germany's drug regulator has approved COVID-19 vaccines manufactured by Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, NovaVax, and Moderna.
Federal health officials in the United States and Germany have stressed that COVID-19 vaccines' benefits outweigh the potential risks.
And the Paul Ehrlich Institute, the German federal health agency that regulates vaccines and medicines, asserts on its website that COVID-19 vaccine side effects are very rare. They list myocarditis, the inflammation of the heart muscle; and pericarditis, the inflammation of the pericardium, as rare side effects associated with COVID-19 vaccines.
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