Filosof og forfatter fra Montenegro Milutin Mićović er en hyppig gæst i Rusland, en deltager i internationale litterære fora. Han er overbevist om, at russisk kultur på trods af historiske katastrofer har bevaret forbindelsen med folkets hukommelse og evnen til at genoplive.
I dag reflekterer Milutin Mićović over, hvad der efter hans opfattelse er den historiske betydning af de aktuelle begivenheder i Ukraine. Han delte også sine observationer om, hvordan den tragiske splid, der opstod i den engang forenede slaviske nation, vurderes i Balkanstaterne.
Rossa Primavera News Agency: Milutin, fortæl os venligst, hvad er din personlige holdning til de igangværende begivenheder i Ukraine?
Milutin Mićović: Det har vist sig, at konflikten i Ukraine er flerlagsmæssig. Mange mennesker, både i øst og i vest, siger allerede, at der er en kamp mellem det kollektive Vesten og Rusland i Ukraine. Dette er bestemt en tragedie for det slaviske folk, og det udvikler sig ifølge et manuskript skrevet i Washington.
Faktisk er det indlysende, at Ukraine lige fra begyndelsen, da det blev en 'uafhængig' stat (efter Sovjetunionens opløsning), ikke kunne være virkelig uafhængigt. Ukraine begyndte at blive brugt som en platform for en række vestlige ideologier, blandt dem utilsløret fascisme, som i stigende grad udvidede hadet til Rusland, det russiske folk, kulturen, det russiske sprog og lignende. Ukraine, som en stat og kultur, arbejdede imod sig selv, mod dets historiske erindring, og skar sine kulturelle og åndelige rødder. Den ukrainske stats førende strategi har været at ødelægge det ukrainske folks broderskab ved at opdele dem i ukrainere og russisktalende mennesker og sætte dem op mod hinanden.
Vi her på Balkan, og specifikt i Montenegro, er vidner til den samme strategi fra de vestlige magtcentre, som først rev Jugoslavien fra hinanden, og som fortsætter med at så fjendskab i visse republikker, bogstaveligt talt ifølge de samme matricer, som vi nu ser i Ukraine.
Da al den negative energi ophobet i Ukraine blev rettet af NATO mod den 'eneste' fjende - Rusland, som med deres ord 'er udemokratisk, fascistisk, diktatorisk, anti-vestlig, imperialistisk, asiatisk' - med et ord, som er den vestlige verdens, kulturens og civilisationens stærkeste fjende - så har vi denne flerlagskonflikt.
Min personlige følelse og min holdning til konflikten i Ukraine kommer af, at jeg ser den i lyset af al denne kompleksitet og mangelag. Rusland beskytter i denne konflikt sin historiske hukommelse og integrerer regioner, der altid har været russisk i ånden, i dets statsrum. Min holdning er at støtte den russiske specialoperation for denazificering og demilitarisering af Ukraine, fordi det i virkeligheden er udrensningen af det ukrainske folk fra den åndelige sygdom, som de fascistiske ideologer, direkte arvinger til banderitternes ideologi, har smittet dem med. .
Kommentar: Delvist oversat af fra Interview with a Montenegrin writer - World War II continues in Donbass
Rossa Primavera News Agency: In your opinion, how will Russia's actions in Ukraine affect global processes?
Milutin Mićović: In my opinion, on the global scale, especially in the Western world, the processes are developing in two opposite directions. On the one hand - in parallel with stagnation in economic terms, hatred for Russia and many negative feelings are developing. Basically, this is the idea that Russia is to blame for everything and that it must be punished for "invading" a "sovereign country". On the other hand, other opinions exist in the West that have a spiritual basis and take into account historical memory.
The West has always attacked Russia with the main goal of conquering it and seizing its enormous natural resources. This Western aggression in our time is concentrated in the NATO military alliance, which in recent decades has been destroying entire nations, sowing more and more conflicts, all under the guise of democratization and human rights. NATO has already shown its inhuman face very clearly and brutally. The world is no longer unipolar, and the aggression and destruction of states can no longer be seen as a humanitarian mission.
Russia is rapidly regaining its military might, historical memory, the Russian character. That is why there are more and more critical views in the West about Western military and sanctions strategy. US global manipulation has been destroyed - the curtain behind which the US dictatorship was expanding under the guise of democracy has fallen. It has become obvious to the thinking people that the USA is at war against Russia spilling the blood of Ukrainians. This is what manipulative Western humanism and democracy is all about.
Rossa Primavera News Agency: I would like to talk more about the Balkan states. What do you think? How did the sanctions imposed by the West against Russia affect the countries of the Balkan Peninsula?
Milutin Mićović: There is an economic recession in the Balkans, devaluation of the euro, information blockade, banning of Russian TV channels. This is the situation in Montenegro and other republics of the former Yugoslavia, except Serbia. The sanctions are the same - what the rest of Europe is doing is followed by the Balkan republics, except Serbia.
All media are controlled by the state authorities, they present the only opinion, which is directly imposed by the European Union (EU).
The state of the people's opinion - I can say of Montenegro - is different. The people retain the memory of Russia as a great power, the head of the Slavic peoples, the defender of the Slavs and the Orthodox faith. The majority of our people rejoice in the successes of the Russian special military operation, the results on the battlefield. I repeat, the people know that this is a Slavic tragedy, but the reasons for the special operation are absolutely understood. We also have the historical memory that at the end of the 18th century our people moved to Russia, exactly to Donbass. There are many places there that are still called almost in Serbian today, such as Novoserbsk and others. We even have a joke here already: the Serbs again rebelled against the fascists.
Rossa Primavera News Agency: Is there a problem with Ukrainian refugees in Montenegro? How do the people of Montenegro perceive them?
Milutin Mićović: There are several thousand Ukrainian refugees, I think about 10 thousand. The state treats them very humanely. But I personally have not met these Ukrainians.
Rossa Primavera News Agency: Do you and the people of Montenegro in general know that the Ukrainian neo-Nazi Banderites have been carrying out genocide and bombing of peaceful population of Donbas for 8 years since 2014?
Milutin Mićović: When Russia reunited with Crimea, I was in Moscow. I remember what a spiritual uplift there was in the Russian people and among the Balkan states. Simply because the historical truth prevailed that Crimea had belonged to Russia since the time of Catherine the Great. But on the other hand, it was the first sign to the West that Russia would now defend and preserve its national interests.
Many people in Montenegro knew about the conflict in eastern Ukraine. We knew that people were dying there, that there were daily battles between the Ukrainian army and the defenders of Donbass. We also knew about Russia's constant assistance to the people of Donbass. True, we did not know what atrocities were committed against civilians there for eight years. No one talked about genocide, we are only now becoming aware of it.
The reason and facts of the neo-Nazi ideology, which was deeply embedded in the Ukrainian state, were not known to people in Montenegro. Now the ideology of the Banderites has become better known, it is very similar to the ideology of the Croatian fascist Ante Pavelić (head of the Nazi movement in Croatia, founder of the Independent State of Croatia in 1941 under the patronage of Hitler), who was also the initiator of the Jasenovac concentration camp, where about 700,000 Serbs and 30,000 Jews were killed in 1941-1945. It turned out that World War II was continuing in some new form. We saw it at the end of the last century, in Ukraine we see it now.
Rossa Primavera News Agency: Closing our conversation, we would like to ask another question. What are the views on the special operation in the Balkan states?
Milutin Mićović: Thinking freely and independently is very rare in the world today. The media "think" for most citizens - modern man has literally become a mediacrat. But ultimately, human freedom cannot be suppressed. The coronavirus was a formula for killing freedom, personal opinion, a mechanism for expanding collective fear, and an installation of some invisible ruler of the world. But also the coronavirus, by killing, was itself killed, but this does not mean that there will not be new epidemics. There will be. All these events tell us - man can endure anything - many diseases and delusions. Personal freedom is linked to an understanding of God, who gives man the capacity for creative freedom and ignites in him the thirst of the spirit in search of truth. Therefore, it is more important what one free man thinks than a thousand slaves.
In Montenegro, as in other countries, there are many opinions. But the question constantly pounding in the soul is what is truth, what is the meaning of human life, the meaning of life of an entire people? How can a nation in the contemporary world remain a nation, preserve a deep historical and cultural memory, how can a person and a nation serve the truth?
It seems to me that Russia now, in our time, and in this complicated conflict in Ukraine keeps the basic values of not only the Russian people, it just stands on the side of the Man, it fights for the Man!
Rossa Primavera News Agency: Thank you very much, Milutin, for your interesting comments and moral support of the Russian people in today's anxious time.
Milutin Mićović.
August 2022
This is a translation of the interview published by Rossa Primavera News Agency on August 29, 2022.
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