Rekordstore nedbøssrmængder og ødelæggende oversvømmelser ramte mindst 19 land på tværs af vest og central Afrika, dræbende tusinder og fortrængende titusinder andre. Over 400.000 hektar af agerjord er blevet ødelagt, forværrende en voksende hungersnød. Det er blevet betragtet som en af de værste katastrofer i regionen. overRecord rains and devastating floods hit at least 19 countries across West and Central Africa killing thousands and displacing tens of thousands.
"Nedbøren er usædvanlig i år. Der har været vedvarende regn siden starten af sæsonen, siden august, september og selv her i oktober hvor det fortsætter med at regne," sagde Kousoumna Libaa, en klima specialist.
Nigeria har oplevet dets værste oversvømmelser i et årti, førende til mindst 600 omkomne, mens titusinder af husdyr er blevet tabt til vandet og de vandbårne sygdomme. 18 af Nigerias 36 stater er ramt.

I Cameroon forårsagede vandmasserne betydelige skader i den nordlige region, ødelæggende afgrøder og huse, og regeringen i Chad erklærede en katastrofetilstand efter at oversvømmelsern havde ramt mere end 1 million mennesker.

Nogle landmænd har mistet mere end 75% af alt hvad de har plantet i år, en ny faktor som vil forværre fødevarepriserne idet inflation allerede er på rekordniveau. Some farmers have lost close to 75% of everything planted this year, a new factor that will worsen food prices as inflation rates are already at record highs.

In Asia, Vietnam has suffered a record amount of rain since September, affecting 109,217 families or 436,868 people in 13 provinces, resulting in 19 fatalities and 110 injuries, inundating 89,451 houses, and causing 185 collapsed houses, and damage to 7,174 houses.

In the Philippines, flash floods and landslides triggered by torrential rains killed at least 50 people and displaced hundreds of families.

The death toll from heavy rain and floods triggered by this season's monsoon has risen to 1,731 along with 12,867 injuries in Pakistan. Over 33 million people and 85 districts have been affected by floods.

At least 50 people died and more are still missing after catastrophic flooding and landslides in the town of Tejerias, Aragua, Venezuela. Over 300 homes were destroyed and hundreds of others were damaged. Later in October, The El Cojo river burst its banks causing devastating damage and leaving a huge clean-up operation in the town of Macuto.

Colombia was also hit hard by heavy rains, floods, and landslides this month, affecting around 4,500 families in the municipality of Bosconia. More than 300 people were killed in landslides in Mocoa, in southern Putumayo province. And in Puerto Colombia, 35 homes were destroyed, 274 damaged and 1,545 residents affected or displaced. Heavy rain caused rivers to break their banks.

Unseasonable or unusually early snow worth mentioning this month:
  • South Island, New Zealand
  • Arxan in China's Inner Mongolia
  • Kashmir, India
  • Calgary and Saskatchewan, Canada
  • Parts of Midwestern and Western US
Record snowfall hit Central and Western Michigan, dumping 6 to 20 inches from Lake Superior to higher elevations of the western Upper Peninsula. About 10 miles west of Marquette, Negaunee set two new snowfall records.

And massive hail in:
  • Gauteng, South Africa
  • Queensland, Australia
  • La Pampa, Argentina
  • Parts of Paraguay
  • Parts of Southern and Western US
At least 26 people were injured by a magnitude 6.4 earthquake that rocked the northern Philippines, forcing the closure of an international airport, sending panicked residents into the streets, and causing substantial damage to a hospital.

We have been pointing out for many years here that record precipitation and floods have nothing to do with man-made climate change, this is a phenomenon connected to natural climatic cycles.

Check out the wild month of October in our latest Earth Changes Summary!

Or watch on Odysee.

To understand what's going on, check out our book explaining how all these events are part of a natural climate shift, and why it is taking place now: Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection

Check out previous installments in this series - now translated into multiple languages - and more videos from SOTT Media here, here or here.