France Covid december 2019
One report among many that supports the Chinese hypothesis
Forskning tyder på, at coronaviruspandemien sandsynligvis var resultatet af udbrud mange steder rundt om i verden, har den kinesiske udenrigsminister Wang Yi sagt og tilføjet, at Beijing vil modstå ethvert forsøg på 'stigmatisering'.

'Vi kørte kapløb mod tiden og var det første land, der rapporterede tilfælde til verden,' sagde Wang i et interview med kinesiske medier, der blev offentliggjort fredag. Han hævdede, at Kinas eget udbrud af sygdommen, i modsætning til den rådende opfattelse, ikke udelukkende var skyld i den globale pandemi.

Mere og mere forskning tyder på, at pandemien sandsynligvis var forårsaget af separate udbrud flere steder i verden.

Den første klynge af Covid-19 tilfælde blev rapporteret i den kinesiske by Wuhan den 31. december 2019; og i løbet af det næste år spredte den meget smitsomme virus sig til resten af ​​verden, hvilket resulterede i 84,1 millioner bekræftede tilfælde og mere end 1,83 millioner dødsfald indtil videre.

Comment: That's the 'official story', and it contradicts what the Chinese believe happened. We agree with them, by the way, as we noticed when all this hysteria began that clusters of 'strange new pneumonia-like illnesses' had actually popped up globally in late 2019.

Despite the fact that the precise origins of the coronavirus remain unclear, the outgoing President Donald Trump administration has been blaming the pandemic on China. Accusations leveled against Beijing have ranged from a cover-up of the initial outbreak to claims that the virus was human-made and somehow leaked from a Chinese laboratory.

Comment: This is rank projection for domestic political purposes. Sars-CoV-2 almost certainly originated in an American laboratory.

Trump has repeatedly referred to Covid-19 as the "Chinese virus," insisting that Beijing should be held accountable for it.

"We are on the front line of the struggle for public opinion," Wang said, adding that China strongly opposes "the politicization of the pandemic."

"We were determined to make sure that the objective narrative and collective memory of the battle against the pandemic would not be distorted by lies," the minister added.

The results of several international studies suggested that when China first announced the new virus it had already been present in other countries.

A month ago, research into blood donations by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed that Covid-19 had been infecting Americans several weeks before December 31, 2019.

Similar surveys carried out in France and Italy found coronavirus antibodies in blood samples from early December and September that year, respectively.

Meanwhile, tests of sewage water in Spain uncovered traces of the coronavirus in probes taken as early as March 2019 - that's nine months before the pandemic is believed to have started.

Chinese health officials earlier suggested that Covid-19 could've gotten to Wuhan from abroad on frozen seafood or meat products. They also suspected the participants of the Military World Games, which were held in the city in October 2019, of transmitting the disease