Eng: SOTT Links study is a collection of search results from the English version of SOTT. There are three parts: SOTT links study part 1: A-G, SOTT links study part 2: H-Pro, and SOTT link study part 3: Pro-Z
What does it take to wake up to realize that we are often being lied to by governments, media, and authorities. I asked a couple of friends and one suggested it was a result of programming over a long time. Another pointed out that we are brought up to believe the perceived enemy is spouting much more propganda than our own side, but that is not necessarily the case, as a closer analysis of the reporting of the same event by two different sides may show.
We benefit from training and influencing. That is the way we learn to speak our native language and how to behave in the societies we live in. In due course we also adopt beliefs and opinions that reflect what is expected of us. During our development and life we are exposed to influences from within, as in the experiences of pain pleasure, thoughts, dreams, ideas, inspiration and without as for instance when we speak with people, study, work, or read news.
In this article, I have looked up words and concepts that lead to ways we can be influenced, examples of some of those influences, words that relate to concepts about how we think and process information.
Words and concepts connect to others that are similar, like synonyms; or derivatives that have the same root, but have a different prefix of suffix. Words can also be related but opposite, like antonyms. A topic may have a certain vocabulary; thinking of one subject easily brings others to mind. We can create associations between words and link them to each other. Maybe we could call the process networding, which plays on the similarity with networking, but with the idea being that words when consciously related can become like nets where some each word serve as a hub of information.
In preparation for the the exploration of words and article headings, first there is an explanation of how I used the search tool with an initial example followed by a list of words, examples of articles and occasionally quotes from the articles that show the meaning of concepts.
Using the SOTT search engine to find articles
Motivated by the first question about waking up, I chose "awakening":and entered it into the SOTT articles search engine, like this:
This will give a number of results, at the time of the screenshot it was 232 hits.
To refine the search, one can click the wheel to the right of "Search Results", to open SuperSearch:
One enters the same word as before, but can now select if the search is to take place within Titles, Author, Source, Summary, Text, Comment, or Location. In the field to the right one can select between Match any words, Match all words or Match exact phrase. Trying this approach and selecting "Titles" and "Match any words" gave:
In this result, there were 44 articles with 10 previews showing per page. To copy a link for the search one can press the copy symbol to the left of the the number of articles, With this link, one can access the search result anytime, but the number may increase, in case new articles fulfil the search criteria.
The format using the SuperSearch function was to begin with a word, and then refine using different field descriptions:
Title: # articles
Summary: # articles
Text: # articles
Comment: # articles
Title and summary: # articles
Title, summary and text: # articles
In this way looking for "Awakening" gave the following number of articles and search links at the time the study was carried out which was late 2022 - early 2023.
Title: 44 articles
Search code: intitle: "awakening"
Summary: 199 articles
Search code:
insummary: "awakening"Text: 845 articles
Search code:
intext: "awakening"Comment: 92 articles
Search code:
incomment: "awakening"Title and summary: 11 articles
Search code:
intitle: "awakening" AND insummary: "awakening"Title, summary and text: 7 articles
Searh code:
intitle: "awakening" AND insummary: "awakening" AND intext: "awakening"The advantages of using Supersearch over the normal search
In the above example looking for awakening, there were 232 using the normal search funtion, which is in the same range as the number of results, in this case 199, appearing when searching for awakening the article summaries. While the number of results returned from searching the text was much: 845. Another advantage is that one can pin down a search, by not only looking for words, but also by defining the source and even the author, though I have not used this function much, as the interest was mainly limited to words and their use. If the reader is interested in the Author function, here are a couple of examples. If you look for articles by Laura Knight-Jadczyk, it helps to skip the hyphen, as in Laura Knight Jadczyk, and then chose "Match all words" or "Match exact phrase". At the moment there are 139 articles. Similarly if you look for SOTT.net there are 21 articles. If you use SOTT, there are 335 articles.
How to correct faulty links
Above, I included the text to enter into the search field. With this knowledge, you will be able to correct a link that does not lead to the desired results. For instance, I have more than once found a link that did not show what I wanted it to show. The error happened, when a link was improperly copied, so I ended up pasting the same link twice. However most of the links should be working as intended.
Does it make a difference if there is quotation marks around the words or not?
Above, I used awakening in quotation marks, but for single words, it does not seem to make a difference. If there are two or more words in the search it is very important to use quotation marks to ensure the results contain only those articles, where both words occur together. For instance if one just enteres say: Political awakening, it will return 17264 hits, if you instead enter "Political awakening" it will be only 8 articles.
However if you already are in the Supersearch field, entering Political awakening and selecting Match exact phrase, will do the same.
If one is looking for an expression of two words say, cognitive bias, and would like to include variations like cognitive baises, using the asterisk wildcard character after bias, wrting cognitive bias* and choosing Match exact phrase does not appear to include the plural of bias in the search results. To overcome this obstacle, one can try using the wildcard character, in this case the search item will become cogntive bias* but select Match all words instead of match exact phrase. In this example I received 6 articles using cognitive bias* and Match exact phrase, but 21 articles using cognitive bias* and Match all words.
Using the wildcard character asterisk, *, to find similar words
Frequently it can be an advantage to search for a range of similar words, that are derived from the same word. This can be done by adding the wildcard character, asterisk (*), to the essential part of the word one is looking for. For an example see under the word: Arrogance. Mostly, I have listed just one word from the familly of similar words, as the heading, even I have used the wildcard character in the search.
Searching for three letter words and acronyms
Some words and acronyms work, examples are CIA, KGB, MI5, MI6, FSB, SBU but not WHO, which has many other meanings, or two letter acronyms like EU, UN or the US. In cases where the acronym does not return results one an try to search for the full name behind the acronym, as many articles will refer to it somewhere in their text.
When the text hides the search word, look in the source text for the article
The number of hits may for all field descriptions except "Title" include some where there are no visible mention of the word. This riddle can be resolved by displaying the source code and then make a search for the word. If this procedure is unfamiliar, to view the source code of a page, one can in Windows use the shortcut Ctrl+U. After that follow with Ctrl + F to open the search field for the page and enter the search word. The search function should then go to the place in the source code where the word is hiding. In case there are two words in the search, just enter one of them in the source text search, as the number of possible combinations usually is very limited. An alternative to a search in the source text is to hold the mouse over the hyperlinks, as a pop-up will then show the underlying text of the link. This approach works well if the number of hyperlinks is small, or the text is short.
A note about expanding a search beyond SOTT Supersearch
In this article, I have used SOTT Supersearch and given a range of words, For each, one can use search engines on the Web, or try the search words on other websites. Furthermore, different engines give different results, as will a country specific web search using the same search engine. If a search engine is not searching in other languages, one can translate a term, search using the translated term and then translate the result back into a language one prefers. Since some information is not presented in text format, a search within images or video can yield surprises. A different option is to do searchers within social media networks that one happens to subscribe to.
Examples of results using SOTT Supersearch that mention awakening in their title
A search word and link does not show how a concept is used, To make a search result more meaningful, below a search word and links, there are one or more examples:
The Don Cherry-Jess Allen double standard is awakening Canada's silent majority
Society is made of narratives - Realizing this is one step to awakening from The Matrix
Dabrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration: The awakening of self-awareness
Is Vladimir Putin an agent of the awakening?
VIDEO: The five stages of the awakening
Awakening Within a Network of Mutuality
2012 - Collective Awakening or End of the World?
Next are three examples, where there are two words. In such instances one has to choose between "Match exact phrase" , "Match any words" or "Match all words". The following example used "Match exact phrase" in Supersearch and returned these results:
Political awakening
Search: "Political awakening"
Title: 1 articles
Summary: 8 articles
Text: 36 articles
Comment: 4 articles
Title and summary: 1 article
Title, summary and text: 1 article
Zbigniew Brzezinski: 'Global Political Awakening' Making Syrian War Difficult
When one opens up a search link for a two-word-search like the summary articles, notice that the preview in some instances only shows one of the words, as in Is Kanye a disaster for Democrats? Some Black voters are changing their allegiance where one encounters this preview:
...rs are tearing up their Democratic memberships, arguing the party no longer has their best interests at heart. Is this a new political trend or a mere flash in the pan for the GOP? At least since the 1960s, following a raft of civil rights legislation put fo...To find the context, unless it is hidding in a source link as described above, open up the article and do a text search Ctrl+F using one of the words and you will find:
The latest phase of this political awakening, as it were, occurred last week as the singer Kanye West committed a heresy - at least as far as the Liberals were concerned - far worse than mocking Taylor Swift during a music awards ceremony.Below are more two-word examples related to awakening:
Spiritual awakening
Search: "Spiritual awakening"
Title: 1 article
Summary: 7 articles
Text: 38 articles
Comment: 3 articles
Title and summary: 1 article
Title, summary and text: 1 article
Wake up call: Depression holds tremendous potential for personal growth and spiritual awakening
Rude awakening
Search: "Rude awakening"
Title: 5 articles
Summary: 25 articles
Text: 75 articles
Comment: 18 articles
Title and summary: 1 article
Peter Schiff: Americans are in for a rude awakening
Some writers will not use awakening, but:
Wake up
Search: "Wake up"
Title: 89 articles
Summary: 572 articles
Text: 2533 articles
Comment: 237 articles
Title and summary: 24 articles
Title, summary and text: 10 articles
"We must wake up!"
Grande Prairie man says 'wake up Canada' Freeland is 'selling out the country'
MindMatters: Wake Up! Gurdjieff on Sleep, Knowledge and Politics
Another variation is:
Waking up
Search: "Waking up"
Title: 50 articles
Summary: 254 articles
Text: 781 articles
Comment: 113 articles
Title and summary:4 articles
Words can have different meanings some more literal, some more metaphorical. Waking up provides examples of both:
Trouble waking up? Camping could set your clock straight
Celebs waking up? Oscar winner Tim Robbins tells Russell Brand how he saw the light on media bias, 'Orwellian' COVID rules based on politics, not science
Montana hit by strongest earthquake in over 20 years, raising concerns that Yellowstone 'supervolcano' is slowly waking up
Free will, the choice is ours
The idea of waking up is alright, but all may not agree over "to what". if for instance someone expects me to wake up to a flat earth or to accecpt a no virus theory, then I choose to disagree. More generally, we can accept or resist an invitation from someone else for us to acknowledge or accept their particular point of view, the same goes for the people we interact with. Here are some articles that discuss the topic of free will:
Search: "Free will"
Title: 30 articles
Summary: 97 articles
Text: 451 articles
Comment: 31 articles
Title and summary: 24 articles
Title, summary and text: 19 articles
More anti-free will idiocy from Darwinist Jerry Coyne
The Truth Perspective: Free Will Is Not An Illusion: Why Materialists Are Wrong To Deny Their Own Freedom
Free will experiment suggests: People who meditate are more aware of their unconscious brain
Free will and the point of no return
Fruit flies display rudimentary free will
Social Harmony in Times of Global Dischord ["Free will" in text.]
While on the subject of free will, if people are not really asking by being interested in learning what is true or by trying to convince us to believe a lie, in which case we are justified in defending ourselves, trying to convince someone of a particular point may not be justified. This list of words with the articles is intended as a help for those interested in learning more or perhaps finding knowledge to stand their ground. In a school or classroom setting, various small excercises could be created to help students learn tools to search for knowledge.
Describing different degrees of understanding of what goes on in the world
Becoming aware of what goes on in a world takes time, Even the most astute observers and commentators of what goes on, were once children. Thrugh interest and life experience they grew in understanding. Variatiions in understanding are decribed by models for the level of learning of understanding among students, like the Structure of Observed Learning Outome:
Already from the schematic representation one can arrive at the idea that acquiring and connecting bits of information can assist the growth of knowledge and learning. The prestructural level describes a situation where the student has not grasped a concept and responds to questions with irrelevant comments. As a student grows in understanding, at the uni-structural stage, questions receive answers that are slightly relevant, vague, and lack depth, which is progress compared to the prestructural level. For more on this topic in general see Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding (short-film about Constructive Alignment and The SOLO Taxonomy)
A difference between learning from articles published in news and an educational situation where there is a plan for what is to be learned, is that news article compete for our attention. Furthermore, the goals of the writers, the senders of the information, can vary. There are differences between an article appearing as on opinion piece in a newspaper, a novel, an legal text, an instructional manual and a research paper in journal of biochemisty.
What we learn also depends on our background, including our upbringing, our attention, and what we already know about the topic. There is also a difference between being exposed to an item of information in an article, podcast, research paper, a meme, a video, and a news broadcast, between being concentrated on what is being presented or distracted doing something else.
A part of the meaning that we receive in a message is generated later, as when we connect it with other messages or share or discuss the content with others. See The power of networking: Groups are better than individuals at sniffing out lies or Srudy: Brain Works Like Internet - Networking WORKS!
A comment on the choice of search items and the examples of articles where the words, concepts or expressions are used
Search items appear together with other words to convey meaning as intended by the writers of the articles. From this perspective a search for a word can lead to an range of perspectives on the world we live in. Some words have overlapping meanings and lead to articles of similar content, other words have different meanings and can be used in different contexts.
To assist understanding what the words cover and to inspire the reader to look up articles, I have chosen examples of articles mostly from among the results, where a word appears both in title, summary and text.
List of words covered in the search
Below is a list, but all variations of the same word are not included. There may also be words that the reader think ought to have been there, but having explained how the search was done it sould be possible to do independent work.
Awakening, Political awakening, Spiritual awakening, Rude awakening, Wake up Waking up, Free will, Accurate, Admit, admission, Agenda, Agents of chaos, Alien, aliens, Alien abduction, Archetype, Arrogance, Astroturfing, Authoritarianism, Authoritarian personality, Bias, Black and white thinking, Blacklist, Blackmail, Blindsided, Brainwash, Bread and circuses, Cancel culture, Cencor, censorship, Clandestine, Cognitive bias, Cognitive dissonance, COINTELPRO, Collude, collusion, Complicit, Conceit, conceited, Conditioning, Conditioning + any of classical pavlovian, operant, social, Confuse, confusing, Conspire, conspiracy, Contradictory, Controlled opposition, and paid opposition, Controversial, Co-opt, Correct, Corrupt, Corrupt science, Counterintelligence, Covert Coverup, Criminal mind, Critical thinking, Crowd control, Cultural programming, Damage control, Data fraud, Debunk, Deceive, Deception, Declassify, Deep State, Delete, Deliberately, Deluded, delusion, Deny, denial, Deprogram, Deprogramming, Deviance, Devil in the details, Dichotomy, Disclose, Dishonest, Disinfo, Dissident, Disprove, Distort, Distract, Distrust, mistrust, Diiverting, diversion, Divide and conquer, Dogma, Donning-Kruger effect, Double standard, Downplay, Dubious, Dumbing down, Duplicity Edit out, Elite, Emotion, Erroneous, Error, Evidence, Evil, Expose, Fact, facts, factual, Fact-checking, Fake democracy, Fake news, Fallacy, False, False flag, Falsify, Fearmongering, Fraud, fraudulent, Freedom of expression, Freedom of speech, Gaslighting, Greenbaum, Greenwashing, Groupthink; group think, Group pressure, Honest, Hubris, Humanitarian intervention, Hyperdimensional, Hypnosis, Hypocrisy, Hysteria, hysterical, hysterics, Hystericize, Ideology, Ignore, ignorance, Illusion, Incompetence, Inconsistency, Incriminate, Indoctrination, Infiltrate, Information manipulation, Influence operation, Information operation; Information overload, Information war, Information warfare, Intelligence agency, Lies, Limited hangout, Logical fallacies, Made up, Mainstream, Make-believe, Manipulate, Mask of sanity, Mass formation, Mass hypnosis, collective hypnosis, Mass hysteria, Materialism, Mendacity, Mentality, Mind, Mind control, Mindwar, Miscalculat, Misconception, Misinformation, Misinterpret, Misjudge, Mislead, Misperception, Misquote, Misreport, Misrepresent, Mistake, Misunderstanding, MK Ultra, Monolithic, Moral compass, Muddle, Narcissism, Narrative, News blackout, No evidence, Normalize, Nudge Unit, Obfuscat, Objective reality, Objectivity, Obsess, Omission, Overestimate, Overlook, Overton Window, Panic, Paradox, Paramoralism, Paranoid, Paranormal, Peer pressure, Peer review ring, Perception management, Plot, Ponerize, Ponerology, Populism, Post-truth, Powers That Be, PTB, Problematic, Programming, +social +conditioning +programming, Propaganda, Prove, Provocateur, Psychic, Psyop/psyops, Psychological operation, Psychological terror, Psychological warfare, Puppet, puppeteer, Question, Radical, Reality Creators, Remote viewing, Retract, Reveal, Revelation, Russophobia, Sacred cows, Scandal, Sceptical, Science denier, Selection and substitution, Shadowban; shadow ban, Show trial, Silence, Sleepwalking, Social engineering, Social proof, Social psychology, Soul, Spellbind, Spy, spies, Status quo, Stupidity, Subconscious, Subjective, Subjectivity, Subliminal, Subterfuge, Suggestibility, Superstition, Suppress, Suppression of information; Information suppression, Tampering, Thought control, Totalitarianism, Totalitarian democracy, Transmarginal inhibition, True believer, Truth, Tyranny, tyrannize, Unconventional warfare, Underestimate, Undermine, Undercover, Underreported, Whistleblower, Whitewash, Zombie.
One can group words to explore a theme or concept
From the list of words, one can explore a theme by grouping words and look them up. For instance, a few concepts are more about the actors, institutions and agencies that are involved in guiding the content and presentation of the ideas fed into our minds
Examples could be: Agents of chaos, Controlled opposition, and paid opposition, Deep State, Nudge Unit, Powers That Be, PTB, Puppet, puppeteer, Provocateur, Reality Creators, Totalitarian democracy, Tyranny
Many words relate to how information or events are presented, or perhaps, not presented.
Examples could be concepts like: Cencor, censorship. Often we only discover what was hidden long after as when documents are declassified, something is revealed, or we change our perspective and discover what was already in front of us.
If we walk down a busy shopping street and someone later asks us for a few details about the persons and surroundings we passed, lhow many could give an accurate description? If on the other hand we are told beforehand to notice a particular feature like the number of people wearing hats, it will become easier. In this way, knowing of different words and concepts can offer people a choice to change their perspective and learn about the concepts as they appear in the every everyday settings of their own lives. In plain words, if you know what a rat smells like, you can later based on your sense of smell conjecture the presense of a rat, even if you don't see it. Are their other signature indications you can have some confidence, take precautions, but also pay attention to later evidence, if we turn out to be wrong, we can adjust our thinking and make better desicions in the future.
Some concepts are about the effects news presentations are intended to have on us. When someone lies to us, what were the intentions, what is more true?. If we find out we are being misled, how did it happen? Has it to do with our own mind, thinking, perception, or beliefs?
Search words A-L, with links and examples
Note that the search items below cover until the letter M, for the remaining words are in the following article, linked to at the beginning of this article. Although there are headings for the items, related words, mostly derived from the same root, are often included. For instance, accurately is found under the heading of accurate, accuracy. Regarding the examples, there are sometimes very many and it could be a study in itself to go through them. For a few words, I have attempted this, see under mind control, programming and propaganda in the article covering word beginning with M-Z.
Accurate, accuracy
Search: accura*
Title: 108 articles
Summary: 2435 articles
Text: 9751 articles
Comment: 523 articles
Title and summary: 62 articles
Title, summary and text: 37 articles
Meteorologist says US government has an accurate measure of US temperature that shows no recent warming but it's hiding it
Blair aide wanted 'accuracy' rules for newspapers
Measuring time accurately increases the entropy in the universe
'Perfect accuracy'? WikiLeaks hits back at 'neocon' fake-news app NewsGuard, which labeled it untrustworthy
Researchers identify Twitter users with 'with 96.7% accuracy' from Tweets and publicly available metadata
News accuracy site claims US blamed the wrong side for 2013 chemical attack in Syria
Historical anomaly: U.S. WWII propaganda film ACCURATELY portrays Russia and 'most epic battle in history'
Ancient Nautical Maps' Surprising Accuracy is a Mystery
Intelligence And Rhythmic Accuracy Go Hand In Hand
Admit, admits, admission
Search: Admit*, admission [Match any words]
Title: 271 articles
Summary: 1813 articles
Text: 7476 articles
Comment: 647 articles
Title and summary: articles
Title, summary and text: 20 articles
Professor Ehud Qimron: "Ministry of Health, it's time to admit failure"
Revealed: George W. Bush's startling admission to UK ambassador that 'he knew little about foreign policy'
Double Standard: CNN reporters admit they will go easy on the Biden-Harris administration
Sane court ruling: Alaskan battered women's shelter not required to admit trans-woman
College Admission Scandal: Why Elites dislike standardized testing
Why some people are unable to admit when they're wrong
Left-leaning bar owner in Vienna won't admit asylum seekers because of crime explosion
Stunning admission: James Clapper admits Steele Dossier was used for FISA surveillance "extension"
There are many types of agendas with some being restricted to how a person uses his or her time, but some agendas can have political, military or economic consequenses that influence the course of history and the development of society:
Search: Agenda
Title: 355 articles
Summary: 2655 articles
Text: 9487 articles
Comment: 1549 articles
Title and summary: 131 articles
Title, summary and text: 77 articles
Is there an Orwellian agenda behind "Climate Change"?
Climate Change dictates are self destructive - but also part of a bigger agenda
Mercola: Dismantling the transhumanist agenda
America's diabolical agenda: NATO Ministers are preparing for war on Russia [This was in 2017!]]
Fear porn or a serious depopulation agenda?: Bill Gates warns that bioterrorism could kill 30 million people
The Hidden Agenda Behind Transparency International
Paul Craig Roberts: Agenda prevails over truth
Agents of chaos
Search: "Agents of chaos"
The meaning becmes more rich when one looks at the use in the results where the term appears in the text.
Title: 2 articles
Summary: 1 article
Text: 15 articles
Comment: 8 articles
5th-gen warfare terms and tactics where there is:
Controlled opposition, disruptors and chaos agents. Historically, these tactics involve a protest movement that is actually being led by government agents. Nearly all governments in history have employed this technique to trick and subdue their adversaries. However, in 5th-Gen warfare, controlled opposition often may come in the form of disruptors and chaos agents. Either "real" people or bots that generate outrageous claims that delegitimize a movement (examples currently may (or may not be); "snake venom in the water" or "everyone is going to die who took the vaccine within two years". Another tactic is placing agents of chaos whose job is to basically disrupt organizations and events. This may also come in the form of "reporters" who assert fake or highly exaggerated news stories, and who most likely are funded by the opposition. "Undermine the order from the shadows " is the tactic here.Agents of chaos: ISIL using Ukraine as a forward base into Caucasia and entry into Europe [2015]
Western media celebrates ISIS fighting in Ukraine [In comments]
Seeing and resisting the agents of chaos
Alien, aliens
Search: Alien*
Title: 572 articles
Summary: 1664 articles
Text: 3362 articles
Comment: 334 articles
Title and summary: 434 articles
Title, summary and text: 326 articles
Russia rebukes Canada over 'alien' gender beliefs
Illegal alien accused of killing Deputy Michael Hartwick is one of nearly 1M illegal got-aways in US under Biden
Biden conceals number of illegal aliens arrested, deported in 2021 after imposing 'sanctuary country' orders
Elizabeth Warren: 'Repulsive and cruel' to dump illegal aliens on the rich at Martha's Vineyard
'We have nothing' showing UFOs are of alien origin, says US Defense official
UFOs buzzing US warships may be aliens says America's top spy chief
Long-awaited UFO report mentions no aliens, but asks for more money for US spies
Prepare for alien encounter now before it's too late, warn scientists
Is Washington under alien control?
New documentary reveals people claim they saw aliens after UFO crash-landed in Brazil in 1996
The Truth Perspective: Interview with David M. Jacobs: "Walking Among Us: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity"
UFOs, Aliens and the Question of Contact
China says it may have received signals from aliens
NASA may provoke alien invasion, scientists warn
Alien abduction
Title: 20 articles
Summary: 34 articles
Text: 84 articles
Comment: 31 articles
Title and summary: 11 articles
Title, summary and text: 7 articles
SOTT Podcast: Channeling and Alien Abduction
Book Review: The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and the Process of Alien Abduction
SOTT Exclusive: New X-Files blows it on the truth and reality of alien abduction - and why it matters - Part I
SOTT Exclusive: New X-Files blows it on the truth and reality of alien abduction Part II: Aliens are not the good guys
SOTT Exclusive: New X-Files blows it on the truth and reality of alien abduction Part III: Mass deception
'Abductee' Leah Haley: Alien abduction 'doesn't happen' - it's mind control
Alien abduction or accidental awareness?
'Britain's first alien abduction victim' recalls encounter with 'diamond-shaped UFO' 35 years after incident
Search: Archetyp*
Title: 5 articles
Summary: 54 articles
Text: 315 articles
Comment: 16 articles
The Devouring Mother: Understanding the psychological archetypes of consciousness
MindMatters: Why Pop Culture Gets the Hero Archetype Wrong, and Ertugrul Succeeds
Arrogance, arrogant
Search: Arrogan*
With the wildcard character, *, added after arrogan, words like arrogance, arrogant and arrogantly are included.
Title: 83 articles
Summary: 430 articles
Text: 2140 articles
Comment: 277 articles
Title and summary: 34 articles
Title, summary and text: 13 articles
It was well known that NATO expansion would lead to war, we are now paying for its arrogance - The Guardian
"Assad must go" is another dangerous expression of America's imperial arrogance
Washington's unprecedented arrogance
Mikhail Gorbachev says US grew 'arrogant' after Soviet Union collapsed
Western imperialism redux: Social justice warriors are just as arrogant and patronising as the colonisers of the 18th Century
U.S. arrogantly claims 'window closing' on Russia for deal on Syria
Search: astroturfing
Title: 2 articles
Summary: 2 articles
Text: 39 articles
Comment: 8 articles
"The Lobby - USA": Watch the film the Israel lobby has tried to suppress - UPDATE: Parts 3 & 4 released
In the undercover footage, the fellows admit to Tony that what they are doing is "astroturfing" - a term for fake grassroots activism orchestrated or paid for by an interest group.Al Jazeera's censored documentary on 'The Lobby': A lesson in pro-Israel fake activism
Which brings me to the one short segment in the entire document that made me smile, the comedic and failed astroturfing "protest" where the recruited students were clearly uncomfortable with the activity they had been paid to engage in, namely disrupt the SJP conference at George Mason University. ("Astroturfing" is "fake grassroots" activism, which relies on paid protesters or supporters). We are shown the astroturf students repeating after Yael Lerman Mazar, StandWithUs director of academic affairs: "SJP is a hate group, BDS [Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions] is a hate movement," but the lack of conviction is painful, almost pathetic, when the fakes come face to face with the real grassroots, the student organizers with SJP.Leaked Al Jazeera footage exposes US Israel lobby astroturfing pro-Palestinian student event
The Grayzone Project's Max Blumenthal released a new segment Tuesday, revealing that US think tanks arranged a fake protest to disrupt a Students for Palestine national conference in 2016. The practice is known as astroturfing and aims to create an illusion of dissent where there is none, in turn creating press coverage to further the agenda of the perpetrators.Authoritarianism
The Wiki explains:
Authoritarianism is a political system characterized by the rejection of political plurality, the use of strong central power to preserve the political status quo, and reductions in the rule of law, separation of powers, and democratic voting.Search: Authoritarianism
Title: 48 articles
Summary: 159 articles
Text: 730 articles
Comment: 103 articles
Title and summary: 18 articles
Title, summary and text: 18 articles
MindMatters: Interview with Tom Costello: Yes, Virginia, There Is a Left-wing Authoritarianism!
Authoritarianism's unlikeliest ally: The vociferous rise of the violent left
The Age of Authoritarianism
Authoritarianism and Psychopathy
Authoritarian personality
Search: "Authoritarian personality"
Title: 4 articles
Summary: 8 articles
Text: 48 articles
Comment: 9 articles
Title and summary: 2 articles
Title, summary and text: 1 article
The 'F Scale': Theodore W. Adorno's 'authoritarian personality' revisited
John Dean Rips Cheney's Memoir: It Displays His 'Authoritarian Personality'
Pathologizing politics: The difference between pathocracy studies and the F-scale [In summary.]
Mainstream media's schizophrenic attitude towards 'conspiracy theories' [In summary.]
Search: Bias*
A bias can prevent us from understanding things, situations or people as they are. On the other hand, a claim that someone is biased may be used as a tool to undermine their position, but the claim itself may be grounded in a bias. See also under the search item: Cognitive bias.
Title: 368 articles
Summary: 1571 articles
Text: 5987 articles
Comment: 861 articles
Title and summary: 202 articles
Title, summary and text: 147 articles
Top agent exits FBI amid charge of political bias undermining Hunter Biden probe, sources say
The ugly history of vitamin D3 and Fauci's pro-vaccine bias
Mandatory unconscious bias training dropped by UK government: Experts say it makes people MORE prejudiced
The bias of bias-reducing methods - bias training, bias reporting, and bias warnings do more harm than good
Psychoanalysing NATO's confirmation bias problem
Emotional biases and avoiding the pitfalls of America's Dunning-Kruger epidemic
Indian antitrust watchdog fines Google $21mn for search bias and abusing its position
Confirmation bias: People ignore facts that contradict their false beliefs
Black and white thinking
Search: Black and white thinking [Match exact phrase]. You can find additional results by choosing "Match all words", but many of the hits will be about something else.
Title: 1 article
Summary: 9 articles
Text: 53 articles
Comment: 9 articles
Black and white or shades of gray: The color of your thinking matters
The Top 10 Arguments Against Climate Hysteria
Why the mental health of liberal girls sank first and fastest
The Gulag In Numbers: Was Stalinism Really That Bad?
So you're a vegan ... but are you, really?
Immigration, Crime and Propaganda
Mainstream media's schizophrenic attitude towards 'conspiracy theories'
The UVA rape outrage and media damage control
Mummy, why is Daddy wearing a dress? Daddy, why does Mummy have a moustache?
Seeing Black and White Makes People More Judgmental
Hungarian leader Viktor Orban: 'George Soros is fueling refugee crisis in Europe'
The Triumphant Beast
[I]n the nineteenth century, certain discoveries led to economic and political considerations, and that is when Science took the wrong turn because those folks who tend to black and white thinking also have other character traits that include a need to dominate others, as well as a strong tendency to greed. The pursuit of science became a career rather than a hobby, and an army of scientific workers was sought to serve the agendas of what was to become known as the Military-Industrial Complex.Blacklist, blacklisting
Search: Blacklist*
If someone or something is blacklisted, that person, group, organisation or viewpoint can be suppressed. A phenomenon similar to blacklisting is shadow banning, which has its own entry.
Title:133 articles
Summary: 414 articles
Text: 1133 articles
Comment: 206 articles
Title and summary: 91 articles
Title, summary and text: 62 articles
Twitter 'kept a secret blacklist of accounts and topics to stop them trending'
If telling the truth puts me on Ukraine's 'Russian propagandist' blacklist, I'll wear that tag proudly
Ukraine witch-hunter Mirotvorets blacklists retired NATO generals, Munich Security Conference head as 'PRO-RUSSIA' propagandists [This was 2020.]
Google secretly blacklists conservative websites, favors big business
Brazen: Google VP denies 'blacklists' of search results after leaks show their existence
Financial blacklisting: Far left orgs and Soros-backed group press Mastercard to censor political right
Search: Blackmail*
Title: 93 articles
Summary: 330 articles
Text: 1239 articles
Comment: 237 articles
Title and summary: 45 articles
Title, summary and text: 22 articles
One Nation Under Blackmail: Interview With Whitney Webb
Alleged ex-Mossad handler claims Maxwell and Epstein were Israeli spies who used underage sex to blackmail politicians
Understanding the subtleties of emotional blackmail
EU cuts off its nose to spite Russia: Yields to US blackmail on sanctions
UK secret service infiltrated paedophile group to 'blackmail establishment'
Search: Blindsid* This covers blindside, blindsides and blindsided.
Blindsided means taken by surprise, as in Senator Rand Paul "blindsided" by attacker in his home
Title: 11 articles
Summary:66 articles
Text: 176 articles
Comment: 26 articles
Title and summary: 3 articles
Title, summary and text: 1 article
Pristina stand-off: How Moscow blindsided NATO with 'secret Kosovo airport raid' 20 years ago
Russia: US plan to supply lethal arms to Ukraine will escalate violence, WH blindsided
Search: Brainwash*
Title: 46 articles
Summary: 291 articles
Text: 1364 articles
Comment: 248 articles
Title and summary: 37 articles
Title, summary and text: 14 articles
Mother of NYC heiress paid 'deprogrammer' big bucks after daughter 'brainwashed' by college's woke agenda
'Brainwashing': Scientists say brain has its own (seemingly designed) mechanism for taking out the garbage
Cults, brainwashing, and mind control in America
Guardian's 'brainwashing' tactics on Putin - the methodology illustrated
Bread and circuses
Search: Bread circus* [Match all words]
Open the links below, go to the search field and press enter. otherwise one gets too many hits. Maybe the bug is fixed by the time you read the article.
Title: 11 articles
Summary: 28 articles
Text: 116 articles
Comment: 21 articles
Bread & circuses: NFL hysteria a reminder of how the Elite have controlled men for thousands of years
Still getting bread and circuses: For decadent and immoral, look no further than current television shows
Modern slavery, bread and circuses: Official records show 185 Nepalese workers died last year alone on stadium construction sites for Qatar for 2022 Soccer World Cup
Bread and Circuses...American style
Bread and Circuses: Political Machinations of the IOC Ringmasters
Cancel culture
Search: "Cancel culture"
Title: 84 articles
Summary: 146 articles
Text: 365 articles
Comment: 118 articles
Title and summary: 51 articles
Title, summary and text: 39 articles
MindMatters: Truth-Killing Cancel Culture Has Always Existed to Bolster the Status Quo
Pepe Escobar on Big Tech's 'cancel culture' love affair
Rex Murphy: How the 'cancel culture' mob's attempt to silence Jordan Peterson backfired
Brave new cancel culture world
Archbishop of Canterbury decries cancel culture: 'We can't erase the past... we have to learn from it'
Democracy isn't working for young people because cancel culture has made them scared of freedom of speech
Ricky Gervais slams PC police, calling cancel culture a 'weird sort of fascism'
'Cancel culture' tactics and the Israel lobby
J.K. Rowling, Noam Chomsky among dozens to call for end to 'cancel culture'
Cancel culture comes to Polish science circles
Censor, censorship
Search: Censor*
This search covers the verb and its derivatives as well as the nouns censor and censorship
Title: 886 articles
Summary: 1873 articles
Text: 5481 articles
Comment: 1560 articles
Title and summary: 512 articles
Title, summary and text: 398 articles
Jacinda Ardern to become New Zealand's de facto censorship Tsar
The Censorship Industrial Complex
State Department funded foreign think tank working to censor Americans
And then they came for the kids' books: Woke censors ruin Roald Dahl
Dr Kerryn Phelps reveals 'devastating' Covid vaccine injury, says doctors have been 'censored'
Documents reveal how 'Russiagate' was used to justify forcing Twitter censorship
Texas billionaire quietly steered millions toward groups linked to 'disinformation' censorship operations
Disinformation, censorship, and information warfare in the 21st Century
Search: Clandestine
Title: 20 articles
Summary: 386 articles
Text: 1250 articles
Comment: 72 articles
Title and summary: 13 articles
Title, summary and text: 5 articles
Pentagon opens sweeping review of clandestine psychological operations
Pentagon reviews 'clandestine' ops after social media removed fake account linked to US, report
Biden preparing to launch series of 'clandestine' cyberattacks against Russia, the New York Times reports
Report: CIA Planning Clandestine Cyberattack Targeting Putin
The UK pushes a clandestine, anti-Russian propaganda network of influencers in the EU
US carried out at least 16 clandestine anthrax and bubonic plague tests in S. Korea
Cognitive bias
Search: Cognitive bias* [Match all words]
Title: 21 articles
Summary: 52 articles
Text: 438 articles
Comment: 53 articles
Title and summary: 13 articles
Title, summary and text: 11 articles
Cognitive bias and the links between intelligence and prejudice
Identifying hidden flaws in our thinking: A cognitive bias crib sheet
Cognitive Bias: How it shapes our reality
The Truth Perspective: Propaganda & cognitive bias - The battle for your mind
The seven cognitive biases that can ruin how you make decisions
14 common types of cognitive biases and how they affect you and your relationships
Cognitive dissonance
Search: "Cognitive dissonance"
Title: 29 articles
Summary: 79 articles
Text: 422 articles
Comment: 76 articles
Title and summary: 10 articles
Title, summary and text: 9 articles
Washington and much of the Western world live in state of cognitive dissonance
The massive deaths, destruction of towns, cities, infrastructure, the maiming, physical and mental, the dislocation that has sent millions of refugees fleeing Washington's wars to overrun Europe, where governments consist of a collection of idiot stooges who supported Washington's massive war crimes in the Middle East and North Africa, produced no outcry comparable to Trump's immigration policy.Television news and mind control through cognitive dissonance
How can it be that Americans can see inhumanity in the separation of families in immigration enforcement but not in the massive war crimes committed against peoples in eight countries? Are we experiencing a mass psychosis form of cognitive dissonance?
The top chiefs of news — and top propaganda operatives — anticipate cognitive dissonance. In a real sense, they want it to happen. They make it happen. Over and over.America's painful self-delusion: Resolving our cognitive dissonance
Because it throws the viewer into a tailspin. And in that mental state, in his effort to resolve the contradiction, he will normally choose to...give in. Surrender. Believe in the anchor. It's the easier path.
The viewer will even doubt his own perception. "I see no good reason for Building 7 to collapse, but the news doesn't bring that up, so...it must be me."
Psychological manipulation using cognitive dissonance
Conspiracy theories: Confronting cognitive dissonance - The Eyeopener
Title: 41 articles
Summary: 62 articles
Text: 273 articles
Comment: 67 articles
Title and summary: 15 articles
Title, summary and text: 11 articles
Why we should teach the youth about COINTELPRO & the FBI's war on the Civil Rights Movement
Glenn Greenwald: 4 points about the 1971 FBI COINTELPRO files break-in
COINTELPRO, Provacateurs and Disinfo Agents: The U.S. Government's war on the American People
Collude, collusion
Search: Collu*
Title: 402 articles
Summary: 1653 articles
Text: 4216 articles
Comment: 1012 articles
Title and summary: 256 articles
Title, summary and text: 188 articles
The Trump campaign's collusion with Israel
Leaked email alleges AZ Gov-elect Hobbs colluded with Twitter employees to censor 'election related misinformation'
Six degrees from Brookings: How a liberal think tank keeps coming up in the Russian collusion investigation
WSJ editors eviscerate Hillary in blistering op-ed about Russia collusion lies
SpyGate 101: A primer on the 'Russia Collusion' hoax meant to bring down Trump
Ratcliffe says 'all kinds of intelligence' showed 'fake Russia collusion'
The road to fascism: Paved with vaccine mandates and corporate collusionThat Senate 'collusion' report? It's got no smoking gun, but it does have a fog machine
Brookings Institute: Deep state hub connects to fake Russian collusion/Ukraine scandals and now China spying in US
Search: Complicit
Title: 64 articles
Summary: 338 articles
Text: 1599 articles
Comment: 215 articles
Title and summary: 24 articles
Title, summary and text: 9 articles
Western media 'complicit in hiding truth' of Afghan war, allowing 'extraordinary lie' to last two decades says WikiLeaks' Hrafnsson
The FISA Court is complicit in the same abuses perpetrated by the FBI
What critical thinking? Wayback Machine is now complicit in Big Tech censorship
Journalists silent on Assange's plight are complicit in his torture and imprisonment
Trump rips Whitmer after she accuses him of being 'complicit' in kidnapping plot
UK complicit in killing Palestinians by selling arms to Israel - Sales up £100 million
Activists tell RT: UK complicit in Israeli drones killing Palestinians
Syria's Foreign Minister condemns US and Israel at UN General Assembly - "complicit" with terrorist organizations
International tribunal finds US, UK and Australia complicit in 1965 Indonesian genocide, rape and torture
Making the world safe for psychopaths: America, Britain and Australia were complicit in Indonesian genocide in which 500,000 were killed during 1960s purge
Britain is complicit in U.S. and Saudi's high crimes against Yemen
Stephen Lendman: 'Inconceivable that Turkey acted independently - Washington complicit in downing Russian jet?'
Banks were 'complicit' in scheme to steal billions of dollars, claims jailed financier Bernard Madoff
Conceit, conceited
Search: Conceit*
Title: 1 article
Summary: 33 articles
Text: 170 articles
Comment: 8 articles
Title and summary: 1 article
Bolivia President Morales: US is selfish and conceited over North Korea issues
"I don't understand how the governments of some countries, the US president, for example, have such a selfish and conceited mindset. Every administration should think of humanity in the first place and respect nation's identity, equality of states," Morales said.IN GOD WE DISTRUST: Will America's embrace of atheism be the death of us all? [In summary.]:
Although America's purported devotion to God may be a tad overblown, the roots of religion in US politics date back to its very founding. In fact, the creation of the United States was considered to be such an extraordinary event that the Founding Fathers - fiercely devout Christians all of them - were often carried away with religious conceit.Dostoevsky's thoughtful critique of the Left - still relevant! [In summary.]:
In his great if overlong book The Devils, the Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky weaves a black comedy about a group of radicals who want to take over a small Russian town as a stepping stone to a general revolution. Most of them parrot various platitudes about how their coming utopia will be best for everyone, expressing universal compassion and sympathy for the poor and dispossessed. But in their personal behavior, none of these conceits bear out. In their meetings, the radicals are vain, overestimate their abilities, and constantly seek to one up one another. Far from really believing in equality, each radical tries to outdo the others with their affectations about how much they care or by developing ever more radical "systems" to prove their genius.
Conditioning (a few are false positives due to air conditioning).
Search: Conditioning
Title: 23 articles
Sen. Rand Paul tells Dan Bongino COVID restrictions are 'about conditioning the American individual to submit to government'
The elites are conditioning you to live in a 'smart city' - Resist it
Media Manipulation is Conditioning us With False Narratives
Hyperthermic conditioning's role in increasing endurance, muscle mass, and neurogenesis
Human powers: Environmental conditioning as a way of recovering the strength of our ancestors
Conditioning the masses - No unsupervised playing or hugging!
Censorship, manipulation, and conditioning in the USA
The Matrix: Pentagon wants ALL data to recreate 'parallel virtual Earth' for testing and conditioning human responses to psy-ops in real time
Conditioning people through state terrorism: Nationwide post-Sandy Hook terror drills
Circumcision - Conditioning the Adult by Torturing the Child
Video game conditioning spills over into real life
Summary: Conditioning + any of classical pavlovian operant social:
insummary: +conditioning AND insummary: classical pavlovian operant social22 articles
Facebook: Managing public perception and socially engineering the masses for the elites
Addictive Nature of Gaming Probed
Text: Conditioning + any of classical pavlovian operant social : 365 articles
The Psychology of Children
Surprise, Surprise! Russians ahead of aliens, terrorists and Nazis as most frequently found enemy in first-person shooter video games
Comment: Conditioning + any of classical pavlovian operant social : 10 articles
The use of psychological operations, false narratives and deception by the American government is standard operating procedure
The Serpent and the Staff: Symbols of Safety and Security in the Propaganda of a Global Medical Tyranny
Conflicting often appears together with the word "reports", but it can also be information, theories, statistics etc.
Search: Conflicting
Title: 20 articles
Summary: 353 articles
Text: 1285 articles
Comment: 85 articles
Title and summary: 6 articles
Title, summary and text: 1 article
Soleimani 'torn to pieces'? Media share conflicting details on US op to kill Iran's top commander
Ansbach bomb blast witness speaks to RT, tells of 'confusion' and 'conflicting reports'
Hands up or charging? Conflicting reports on shooting of Oregon militia spokesman, Robert "LaVoy" Finicum
Conflicting reports about "permanent ceasefire" in Ukraine
Another Shrine Bombing, More Conflicting Reports
Confuse, confusing
Search: Confus*
Title: 187 articles
Summary: 1840 articles
Text: 7119 articles
Comment: 558 articles
Title and summary: 60 articles
Title, summary and text: 24 articles
Fact-Checkers are used to confuse the public: Sharyl Attkisson
Biden confuses Ukraine with Iraq again
Major law firm confirms FDA deceived America with its confusing 'approval' of Pfizer vax; highlights religious belief rights
Comey admits FBI's Trump-Russia probe was a ball of 'bungled confusion', tries to weasel out of taking responsibility
Greta Thunberg wins TIME Person of the Year: It's a symptom of a sick & confused world when adults make children their leaders
The Vegan Confusion - How vegans and vegetarians kill animals after all...
I am confused, can anyone help me? Part II: West's double standards and hypocrisy
Productive confusion can be good for you
Confusion can be beneficial for learning
Conspire, conspiracy, conspiracies
Search: Conspir*
Title:661 articles
Summary: 3493 articles
Text: 10117 articles
Comment: 1237 articles
Title and summary: 370 articles
Title, summary and text: 313 articles
Disinformation agents & the CIA: Weaponizing the term 'Conspiracy Theory'
New studies: 'Conspiracy theorists' sane; government dupes crazy, hostile
Turns Out the 'Government Sachs' Conspiracy Theorists Were Right All Along
The Stargate Conspiracy - A Review, analysis, and commentary
8 Conspiracy Theories About Health That The Mainstream Media Has Been Forced To Admit Are Actually True
Do Conspiracies Really Exist? Murray Rothbard Thought So
Dead scientists, genetically engineered viruses and government pandemics: Conspiracy theorists were so right
Jeffrey Epstein's alleged co-conspirators are set to turn against Ghislaine Maxwell and testify in her trial later this year
Mind control is NOT a conspiracy theory
On the psychology of the conspiracy denier
Controlled opposition; paid opposition
Search: "Controlled opposition"; and search: "paid opposition"
Most words are in alphabetic order; in this instance it was meaningful to include the concept of paid opposition. Although there are only two links, for Summary and Text, these should lead to the majority of articles, also if more are published.
Title: 7 articles
Summary: 10 articles; 3 articles
Text: 84 articles; 7 articles
Comment: 20 articles
Title and summary: 1 article
Title, summary and text: 1 article
How to tell if someone is controlled opposition The anti-Russia roots of the 'cultural left': CIA-backed controlled opposition
Controlled opposition - from Goldstein to Soros and beyond
Search: Contradictory
Title: 21 articles
Summary: 253 articles
Text: 1291 articles
Comment: 100 articles
Title and summary: 4 articles
UK Government's contradictory vaccination messaging: Pfizer vaccination for pregnant and breastfeeding women isn't safe but it's strongly recommended
Anti-establishment? Dominic Cummings' contradictory testimony only enforces the global elite's pro-lockdown narrative
The West's contradictory criticisms over Russia's Covid-19 vaccine an attempt to distract from failure at home
What's up? More contradictory reports on those pesky nukes at Incirlik Airbase
Title: 274 articles
Summary: 4055 articles
Text: 7325 articles
Comment: 507 articles
Title and summary: # articles
Title, summary and text: 19 articles
Georgia DETAINS controversial ex-President Saakashvili, who fled homeland in 2013 & was sentenced in absentia on criminal charges
Controversial Bill Gates-funded plan to dim the sun's rays moves forward quietly
Controversial research that could make bird flu more risky poised to resume
Search: "Co-opt"
Title: 2 articles
Summary: 35 articles
Text: 213 articles
Comment: 12 articles
Leaked papers allege massive UK govt effort to co-opt Russian-language anti-Kremlin media & influencers to 'weaken Russian state'
Maduro slams Abrams' 'vulgar maneuver' of trying to co-opt the legacy of Hugo Chavez
Correct, corrects, correction, correctness
Search: Correct*
Correct and its variation, is one of many concepts that gives us insigt into the period of history we live in. In the public, discourse, what is considered correct is not seldom motivated by social, ideological or financial pressures rather than search for truth. Some of the search results shows this tendency, though we should leave space for honest corrections, as people, even societies, that grow in knowledge and understanding, are bound to modify some of their views as they grow.
Title: 241 articles
Summary: 3211 articles
Text: 13269 articles
Comment: 953 articles
Title and summary: 131 articles
Title, summary and text: 76 articles
In the article below, 'corrects', is not so much for the sake of truth, but for editorial and for political reasons.
Reporter leaves iPolitics after outlet 'corrects' her story about Trudeau's deputy PM posing with banner linked to neo-Nazis
In the next, the correction is made to articles with stories, that had political impact. In general one can ask what tends to get more headline space, an initial claim or a later correction to the claim.
WaPo backpedling furiously on phony Steele Dossier: Issues 'massive' correction, 'can't stand by accuracy' of two stories
New York Times issues massive correction after overstating COVID hospitalizations among children
Corporate news outlets again 'confirm' the same false story, while many refuse to correct it
Candace Owens celebrates win against 'communist' censors as Facebook fact-checkers forced to remove 'correction' to Biden post
Western 'political correctness' cannot make all people 'equal'
The historical origin of 'political correctness'
New York Times quietly publishes 'stunning correction' after attacking electoral college
British Foreign Office took weeks to correct false claims about Saudi war in Yemen, emails show
NYT and Reporter Revkin Issue 'Correction' - Admit 'Error' in Front Page Global Warming Article Touted By Gore!
Corrupt, corrupted, corruption
Search: Corrupt*
Title: 993 articles
Summary: 3950 articles
Text: 12209 articles
Comment: 2448 articles
Title and summary: 582 articles
Title, summary and text: 420 articles
Zelensky and his cronies are trying to cover up (yet another) major corruption scandal in Ukraine - what role is the US playing?
Qatargate: Two MEPs lose immunity in corruption case
US corruption doomed Afghanistan - ex-president
US government in full scale implosion because of corruption - Catherine Austin Fitts
Wokeism is costume elites wear to 'signal virtue' and 'hide greed, corruption': Former Levi's executive
Ukraine quietly abolishes corruption oversight rule
Corruption exposed: US meddled in Ecuador's 2017 election, used Julian Assange as bargaining chip
Corrupt science
Search: "Corrupt science"
Title: 13 articles
Summary: 4 articles
Text: 15 articles
Comment: 24 articles
Corrupt science: Chinese government finds hundreds of researchers guilty of engaging in peer-review fraud scam
Corrupt science: How BigPharma stacks the deck to show their products work
Corrupt science doubletalk: Melt may explain Antarctica's sea ice expansion
Incompetent Research or Corrupt Science?
Corrupt Science: Cancer Research of 10 Years Useless: Fraudulent Studies, Says Mayo Clinic
Search: Counterintelligence
Title: 8 articles
Summary: 270 articles
Text: 882 articles
Comment: 38 articles
Title and summary: 7 articles
Title, summary and text: 6 articles
Chinese defector's identity confirmed, was top counterintelligence official
Information Laundering Scheme : Comey's FBI was running a secret counterintelligence operation against Trump, new docs show
Polish military police raid NATO counterintelligence center in Warsaw
Germany ratchets up counterintelligence measures
Mueller Investigation: Politics, Not Law Enforcement or Counterintelligence
Search: Covert
Title: 132 articles
Summary 898 articles
Text 3407 articles
Comment: 455 articles
Title and summary: 59 articles
Title, summary and text: 33 articles
TWITTER FILES: Twitter Assisted Pentagon's Covert Online Propaganda Campaign
State of Fear: How UK Govt. 'Used Covert Tactics' to Unnecessarily Terrify Public
The failed covert CIA operation to back neo nazis seeking post-war independence for Ukraine
Britain to launch covert special forces operations against Russia & China, military chief tells media
New Documents Reveal a Covert British Military-Intelligence Smear Machine Meddling in American Politics
MI5's temple of covert propaganda: Integrity Initiative and the scandal of the UK's information war
From Pakistan to Somalia: Britain's Seven Illegal Covert Wars
7 things covert psychopaths, narcissists and sociopaths do differently
It's "Covert Aggressive" Not "Passive Aggressive"
The 7 signs that you may be dealing with a 'covert narcissist'
Are you an introvert or just a covert narcissist?
How covert agents infiltrate the internet to manipulate, deceive, and destroy reputations
Fabricating WMD 'evidence': Israeli covert operation inside Syria to "track chemical arsenal"
Dirty wars: Jeremy Scahill and Rick Rowley's new film exposes hidden truths of covert U.S. warfare
American CIA arms dealer: 'Obama admin threw me under the bus to protect Hillary over illegal Libya arms deals' - story could expose other covert ops
Coverup, coverups
Search: Coverup*
Title:59 articles
Summary: 86 articles
Text: 350 articles
Comment: 144 articles
Title and summary: 11 articles
Title, summary and text: 4 articles
Obama's SEAL Team 6 top secret mission coverup 14 years later: The Columbine School Massacre coverup laid bare
Medusa File II: No end to coverups
The Todd Sees case: Alien abduction, murder and coverup
Criminal mind
Search: "Criminal mind"
Title: 7 articles
Summary: 7 articles
Text: 37 articles
Comment: 80 articles
MindMatters: The Allure and Contagion of the Criminal Mind
The Truth Perspective: Journey Into Darkness: Inside the Criminal Mind
Critical thinking
Search: "Critical thinking"
Title: 20 articles
Summary: 107 articles
Text: 565 articles
Comment: 63 articles
Title and summary: 12 articles
Title, summary and text: 7 articles
NYTimes warns readers against critical thinking lest they realize the 'paper of record' is feeding them lies
Thought-enders: 3 terms currently being used to trigger a stop in critical thinking
Thinking about your thinking: 7 ways to improve critical thinking skills
Critical Thinking
What critical thinking? Wayback Machine is now complicit in Big Tech censorship
Is technology producing a decline in critical thinking and analysis?
Crowd control
Search: "Crowd control"
Title: 7 articles
Summary: 58 articles
Text: 228 articles
Comment: 33 articles
Title and summary: 4 articles
Title, summary and text: 2 articles
Nonlethal weapons touted for use on citizens: Air Force secretary says they should be used for domestic crowd control
5G network uses same EMF waves as crowd control system developed by Pentagon
US marines reveal plans for plasma 'crowd control' weapon that screams, burns, blinds and kills from 3,000 feet away
Cultural programming
Search: "Cultural programming"
Text: 21 articles
Comment: 1 article
To illustrate better how the expression is used, there are a few quotes from the articles:
The American life is killing you
The less-developed you are as a mindful person the more susceptible you are to the psychological conditioning of the cultural engineers.Why the benefits of circumcision are based on false assumptions, erroneous conclusions and misleading medical information
The cultural programming runs deep and it's clear to see that our hearts and minds have been severed from the sacred.
We Need To Stop Circumcision
Emotions run very high around the subject of circumcision, a perfect example of the strength and influence of first chakra cultural programming on our beliefs and emotions. This programming is so ingrained that many people cannot even discuss the subject of circumcision without guilt, denial, or other strong emotions. I know from years of experience that even addressing the subject of the baby boy's bodily integrity, choices, and pain isn't enough to change a belief that's been ingrained in the child's parents from their own birth.The Necessity of Disillusionment
What we need to fix firmly in our minds is the fact that things that are observed can only be observed within the physical limitations of the observer, and those limitations can include a strong tendency to understand what they perceive one way or another according to the beliefs installed by socio-cultural programming.Ultra-terrestrials and 9/11
What occurs to me - putting the pieces of the puzzle together - is that there is some general kind of imagery being widely broadcast in the "neutral cavity" described above, and that it depends a lot on the individual and their cultural programming how it "takes."The Cult of the Plausible Lie
American society would collapse if it weren't for these 8 myths
What Katie Holmes is Saving Suri From: Scientology's Interrogation of Children
Life in the police state: Four historical freedoms that now require permission
Damage control
Search: "Damage control"
Title: 64 articles
Summary: 97 articles
Text: 372 articles
Comment: 138 articles
Title and summary: 5 articles
NYT does damage control for IDF killing of Gaza family
Damage control? Facebook kicks out Canadian political consulting firm entangled in Cambridge Analytica scandal
Damage control: Gillette backflips after $12 billion 'toxic masculinity' backlash
Twitter goes into damage control, says overzealous shadowbanning was a mistake
Data fraud
Search: "Data fraud"
Title: 5 articles
Summary: 3 articles
Text: 16 articles
Comment: 9 articles
Title and summary: 1 article
Corruption of science and data fraud: Stanford researchers uncover patterns in how scientists falsify research
Kobe Steel admits data fraud went on nearly five decades, CEO to quit
Drug data fraud may spark marketing crackdown
Dr Wakefield demands retraction from BMJ after documents prove innocence from allegations of vaccine autism data fraud
More Global Warming Data Fraud
Debunk, debunks, debunked, debunking
Search: Debunk*
Title: 184 articles
Summary: 574 articles
Text: 2119 articles
Comment: 391 articles
Title and summary: 35 articles
Title, summary and text: 11 articles
ACLU 'debunks' transgender myths, claims biological men don't have advantage over women in sports
No, the Georgia vote-counting video was not 'debunked' - not even close
Debunking "Professor Dave's" hit piece against intelligent design proponent Stephen Meyer
Wikipedia scribes working overtime to claim Hunter Biden Ukraine-crack-corruption scandal 'DEBUNKED'
Biden campaign warns media: Don't spread 'debunked' claims of his activities in Ukraine... or else!
Mercury in vaccines is safe? New Center for Disease Control research debunks agency's assertion
Deceive, deceives, deceived, deceiving
Search: Deceiv*
Title: 56 articles
Summary: 427 articles
Text: 1724 articles
Comment: 108 articles
Title and summary: 12 articles
Title, summary and text: 5 articles
Der Spiegel confirms that NATO deceived Russia when it promised not to expand its border east
West 'deceived and crucified' Ukraine: Key takeaways from interview with Russian FM spokesperson
Rendlesham Forest UFO expert now says co-author deceived him with untrue account
Former Secret Service agent who worked for Hillary: "She's a liar and a fraud who deceives with ease and skill"
Pathology of the overconfident: Self-deceived individuals more likely to be promoted over the more accomplished
Deception, deceptive, deceptively
Search: Decept*
Title: 191 articles
Summary: 838 articles
Text: 3485 articles
Comment: 574 articles
Title and summary: 71 articles
Title, summary and text: 35 articles
How Israel deployed an intelligence deception to justify killing scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh
Mueller report wrong on Trump Tower meeting, deceptively promotes Browder hoax
The Truth Perspective: Bill Browder, the Magnitsky Act, and anti-Russia Sanctions: Interview with Alex Krainer Nov 26, 2017
New book eviscerates "Russian corruption" propaganda: Alex Krainer's 'The Killing of William Browder: Deconstructing Bill Browder's Dangerous Deception' Aug 18, 2017
Grand Deception: The 1990s Raid on Russia Jul 13, 2018
Grand Deception: Russian Lawmakers' Revolt And The 1993 Constitutional Crisis Jul 14, 2018
Grand Deception: The Strangulation of the Russian Economy in the 1990s Was a Deliberate IMF Policy Jul 18, 2018
Grand Deception: The American Deep State's Role in 1990s Raid on Russia Jul 22, 2018
Grand Deception: From USSR to Russia - The Transition That Took Five Million Lives Jul 26, 2018
Grand Deception: The 1990s Russian Catastrophe Could Have Been Avoided Aug 3, 2018
Alex Krainer: Why I Wrote Grand Deception - The Truth About Bill Browder Sep 19, 2018
Did the former Soviet Union experience what awaits Europe? Nov 6, 2022
Douma 'chemical' incident analysis: Deception in plain sight
Using language as a weapon of mass deception
Smart and Diligent Consumerism | Knowing Deceptive Advertising and Marketing Tactics
The use of psychological operations, false narratives and deception by the American government is standard operating procedure
Oratory as a weapon of mass deception
Big Lies Launch Wars. "All Wars are based on Deception"
Declassify, declassifies, declassified
What is declassified years later can sometimes give an idea of what might be classified now.
Search: Declassif*
Title: 194 articles
Summary: 604 articles
Text: 1488 articles
Comment: 195 articles
Title and summary: 154 articles
Title, summary and text: 90 articles
Mystery solved: DOJ secretly thwarted release of Russia documents declassified by Trump
Secret British 'black propaganda' unit targeted cold war enemies revealed in declassified papers
Ex-CIA boss Brennan says Pentagon's declassified UFO videos are 'eyebrow-raising,' advises 'to keep an open mind'
The Ministry of Defence blacklisted Declassified - but won't admit it
Hillary Clinton cooked up Russiagate to smear Trump & distract from her own scandals, declassified docs suggest
Declassified UK blacklisted by GCHQ
Dirty tricks: Newly-declassified Trump-Russia documents show anti-Trump leaks planted in NYT were shockingly wrong - 9 times
FBI spread claim Trump worked with Russia, declassified document shows
Declassified: President Jimmy Carter knew of Israeli nuclear test, but turned a blind eye
Declassified document shows how the US helped ISIS
Declassified US documents prove Gorbachev WAS promised 'no eastward NATO expansion'
Deep State
Search: "Deep State"
Title: 436 articles
Summary: 846 articles
Text: 2425 articles
Comment: 1131 articles
Title and summary: 203 articles
Title, summary and text: 152 articles
Fake news curated by the Deep State: Government spin doctors control the news cycle
Australian deep state 'DE-BANKS' citizen journalist
Steve Bannon and China's deep state
9/11: A US Deep State insider speaks
The deep state's stealthy, subversive, silent coup to ensure nothing changes
John Lennon at 80: One man against the Deep State 'monster'
Twitter to suspend 150,000 accounts tweeting QAnon 'conspiracy theory' that Trump is 'under attack from Deep State'
Deep State bounty hunters' real target is Trump
'Thank God for the deep state': Once rejected as conspiracy theory, MSM and CIA are now embracing reality of secret govt
The "Deep State" has been redefined as career bureaucrats doing their patriotic duty
The Deep State vs Public Govt: The battle between Austria's intelligence agencies and the Freedom Party
The Origins of the Deep State in North America
The Origins of the Deep State in North America Part II
The Origins of the Deep State in North America Part III
How the Deep State came to America: A history
Anglo-American Deep State Operatives in Canada Caught Steering Venezuelan Coup
The US Deep State vs Julian Assange
'Zuckerspy & Jack the Ripper' - Kim Dotcom declares 'Deep State social media meddles in US elections', not Russia
Delete, deletes, deleted, deleting, deletion
Search: delete, deletes, deleted, deleting, deletion [Match any words]
Title: 223 articles
Summary: 974 articles
Text: 3040 articles
Comment: 456 articles
Title and summary: 150 articles
Title, summary and text: 94 articles
UN deletes weird 'satirical' article celebrating benefits of world hunger after backlash
Top 'fact checker' USA Today forced to delete articles over fabricated sources
Top Western media outlet Der Spiegel deletes video critical of Ukraine
National Endowment for Democracy deletes records of funding projects in Ukraine
Alberta Canada inadvertently published (and quickly deleted) health data revealing that MORE THAN HALF of vaccinated deaths have been counted as UNVACCINATED
Danish PM faces impeachment for deleting ALL her messages over illegal & unnecessary slaughter of 15 million mink after claims they may spread Covid
Maricopa County elections officials DELETED ENTIRE DATABASE DIRECTORY from voting machines - including "All Election Information" from main database
Bild roasts YouTube for stifling free speech in Germany after court rules it was wrong to delete Covid-19 interviews
US-funded Ukrainian radio promotes local neo-Nazis, deletes article when called out
BBC journalist tweets stunning evidence of staging of chemical attack in Syria - later deletes tweet
Retrieved from the memory hole: Deleted Daily Mail online article - "US backed plan for chemical weapon attack in Syria to be blamed on Assad"
RT, Sputnik editor-in-chief: 'Fearing court proceedings, Newsweek deleted the lies about us'
The devil looks after his own! UK government accidentally deletes pedophile ring testimonies
Computers inside UK Parliament used to delete sex scandal and expense claims from dozens of MPs Wikipedia pages
Deleted BBC Report: Eyewitness reports contradict the official MH17 story
Surprise! Google didn't delete personal Street View data after all
FBI Deleting UFO Files and Fortean Material
Delibeartely, deliberate, deliberates
Search: Deliberat*:
Title: 187 articles
Summary: 2071 articles
Text: 7564 articles
Comment: 657 articles
Title and summary: 81 articles
Title, summary and text: 31 articles
Climate change? Nearly 200 people arrested across Australia for deliberately starting bushfires
Busted: Propaganda outfit Bellingcat fabricated evidence, deliberately hid documents to push new 'Russian spy plot'
UN Expert: Assange deliberately subjected to prolonged cruel and inhuman psychological torture
Notre Dame Cathedral worker claims Paris' largest church was DELIBERATELY set on fire
Blood on their hands: 68 Gazans have died while Israel's High Court deliberates if it's legal to kill them
The CIA deliberately trying to start WWIII
US deliberately killed Syria ceasefire to prevent exposure of its systematic arming of terrorists
Father of slain Tsarnaev associate pens letter to Obama, alleges FBI deliberately killed son
Israeli government documents show deliberate policy to keep Gazans at near-starvation levels
Deluded, delusion
Search: Delude*, delusion*
Title: 273 articles
Summary: 552 articles
Text: 2514 articles
Comment: 526 articles
Title and summary: 43 articles
Title, summary and text: 29 articles
Evolution: A Strong Delusion 1.0
The Truth Perspective - Darwinian Delusions: Why Darwin Is More Dangerous Than You Think
Reviews and interviews: The Diversity Delusion - How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture
The Rand Corporation's delusional and dangerous sense of US military superiority
'Delusional moochers': Forbes' misguided rant against self-reliant homesteaders
United States of psy-ops: Just call the victims paranoid and delusional
Hallucinations and delusions more common than thought
The American Delusion: Distracted, diverted and insulated from the grim reality of the police state
The Neurobiology of Mass Delusion
Is CERN causing collective mass delusion by creating portals to alternate dimensions? an investigation
Deny, denies, denying, denial
Search: Deny, denies, denied, denying, denial
Title: 951 articles
Summary: 5614 articles
Text: 21884 articles
Comment: 1720 articles
Title and summary: 406 articles
Title, summary and text: 202 articles
US denies 'preposterous' claim they 'sabotaged' Nord Stream 2 - as Trump shares video of Biden promising to 'bring an end' to pipeline
UK court denies Venezuela access to its $2bn gold reserves because it only recognizes US puppet Guaido
Poland intervenes after Ukrainian ambassador denies wartime massacre of Poles and Jews
Canadian father, jailed for fighting to block gender transition of his child denied bail
PA poll watchers denied access, illegal campaigning observed at polling stations: 'The steal is on'
Joe Biden denies then admits to knowledge of FBI's Flynn set up
Harvard hoisted by own petard as 'diversity' students protest decision to deny tenure to 'grievance studies' professor
Ukraine's missing $7 billion: US denies Ukrainian authorities opportunity to present evidence of Democrat meddling in 2016 elections
Monopoly? Too big to comply? Big Tech defends against antitrust allegations in 3D: Deflection, denial, doublespeak
Deprogram, deprogrammed, deprogramming
Search: Deprogram*
Title: 9 article
Summary: 20 articles
Text: 78 articles
Comment: 13 articles
Title and summary: 7 articles
Title,text and summary: 6 articles
Mother of NYC heiress paid 'deprogrammer' big bucks after daughter 'brainwashed' by college's woke agenda
Liberal fascism: Katie Couric says Trump supporters need to be 'deprogrammed'
Below is a more detailed list, that gives year and aithor. In some years the topic was more discussed than in others.
SOTT.net Laura Knight-Jadczyk: Ross Institute: COINTELPRO or Agent of Mossad?
SOTT.net Joe Quin: Cult-ivating Terror
SOTT.net Laura Knight-Jadczyk: How to Spot COINTELPRO Agents
SOTT.net Harrison Koehli: Programmed to Kill
Religious Freedom Watch: Rick Ross: Religious Expert? False Expert? Psychopath?
SOTT.net Laura Knight-Jadczyk: Martial Law and the Authoritarian Follower
Suzanne Humphries: Smoke, Mirrors, and the 'Disappearance' Of Polio
SOTT.net Joe Quinn and Niall Bradley: Big Agri-Business, Big Pharma, Arms Trafficking, Suicide Cults and MIVILUDES - The Truth Behind France's Cult-Hunting Policies Exposed
Eliza Shapiro: Katie Might Be Able to Leave Tom - but Divorcing Scientology Won't Be Easy
SOTT.net Behind the Headlines: Paleo food - Staying Healthy in a GMO world
Vida Norris: The commodification and corporate takeover of the human quest for a spiritual life
John F Schumaker: Cultural insanity: Ponerized Western consumer culture is creating a demoralized man in psycho-spiritual crisis
SOTT.net Gary Boyle: EnvironMENTALism: Origins, Symptoms And Treatment of a Global Pandemic
Spiked: 'The left is taking us backward': Dave Rubin talks to Brendan O'Neill about the 'mind virus' of wokeness
Helen Buyniski: Duck-and-Cover And Burn The Heretics: The Modern-Day Cult of Corona
RT: CNN airs guide to DEPROGRAM MAGA SUPPORTERS as cult expert claims ENTIRE country needs post-Trump help
Joshua Klein: The Atlantic calls for Americans to use Thanksgiving to 'report conservatives to the FBI'
Kevin Roose: NYT calls on the Biden Administration to appoint a 'Reality Czar' to help solve our 'Reality Crisis'
Victor Davis Hanson: The river of forgetfulness: The great reprogramming of America
Matthew Ehret: Confessions of a deprogrammed Trump supporter
James Lindsay:The Cult Dynamics of Wokeness
Rod Dreher: The CRT commissars in public education
Gordon M. Hahn: Ebony, Ivory, Postmodernism, and the New American Communo-Fascists
Dr. Igor Shepherd: Covid-19: A psychological military operation
In the above article there is a SOTT comment with link to Ben Norton: Behind NATO's 'cognitive warfare': 'Battle for your brain' waged by Western militaries
Matt McGregor: Deprogramming from the 'woke' cult: Former social justice warrior overcomes fear to speak up
Deviant, deviance, deviancy
Search: Devian*
Title: 14 articles
Summary: 86 articles
Text: 559 articles
Comment: 108 articles
Title and summary: 4 articles
Title, summary and text: 3 articles
Ponerization: The U.S. power structure has normalized a culture of deviance
Canada: Psychopath's 'deviant' ways likely to last his lifetime
'Deviancy training' among friends may lead to more trouble
Devil in the details
"Devil in the details" is an English idiom. the meaning is:
Details are important; problems or difficulties are often in the details.Search: "Devil in the details"
Sometimes this phrase is written as the devil's in the details
Origin of the Devil is in the Details
This expression is a derivation of God is in the details. This earlier version most likely originated in the 1800s and is attributed to German-born architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohebut.
Interestingly, the original phrase God is in the Details had a slightly different connotation than the modern phrase the devil is in the details. The idea was that whatever one does should be done thoroughly and the truth, if it exists, is in the details.
Title: 2 articles
Summary: 4 articles
Text: 9 articles
Comment: 5 articles
Title and summary: 1 article
Devil in the details: Media jumps to blame Trump for death of man who self-medicated with FISH TANK CLEANER containing chloroquine
Devil in the details: Alcohol lobby using skewed data on car accidents in effort to block marijuana legalization
Search: Dichotomy
Title: 3 articles
Summary: 35 articles
Text: 261 articles
Comment: 10 articles
Title and summary: 2 articles
Title, summary and text: 1 article
The Dichotomy of Effective Prayer
Government and Big Business: The False Dichotomy
Hidden costs: Ecological Realism & the 'Green' Revolution
Disclose, disclosed, disclosure
Search: Disclos*
Title: 179 articles
Summary: 2550 articles
Text: 7711 articles
Comment: 406 articles
Title and summary: 98 articles
Title, summary and text: 61 articles
"I've delivered": New disclosures demolish President Biden's denials on Hunter dealings
US cybersecurity firm FireEye discloses breach, theft of hacking tools
Partial Disclosure: What Do Drug Companies Pay Doctors For?
Congressman Wolf: Benghazi survivors forced to sign non-disclosure agreements
The CIA's global torture operations: Disclosure under Barack Obama, the most secretive president in U.S. history
Study: Laughter among friends leads to self-disclosure which helps deepen relationships and create trust
Full Disclosure: NSA's Criminal Activity
Disclosure and Comets
Churchill and Eisenhower buried UFO incident during WW2, Churchill realised disclosure would destroy religion
Another view of UFO disclosure: Look within
EU space official supports UFO disclosure - says NASA can't be trusted
Dishonest, dishonesty
Search: Dishonest*
Title: 54 articles
Summary: 350 articles
Text: 1473 articles
Comment: 97 articles
Title and summary: 25 articles
Title, summary and text: 5 articles
CBC ordered to pay $1.7 million in damages over dishonest coverage
Russia's human rights chief slams 'dishonest' mandatory Covid-19 vaccine programs, warning people shouldn't be FORCED to take jab
'The New York Times' runs a comprehensive and maliciously dishonest hit piece on Jordan Peterson
No crisis goes to waste: U.S. officials using Paris attacks to justify racist & dishonest agendas
New poll sadly shows only 60% of Americans think Hillary Clinton is untrustworthy and dishonest
Disinfo, disinformation
Search: Disinfo*
Title: 192 articles
Summary: 902 articles
Text: 2839 articles
Comment: 421 articles
Title and summary: 117 articles
Title, summary and text: 86 articles
Texas billionaire quietly steered millions toward groups linked to 'disinformation' censorship operations
Disinformation, censorship, and information warfare in the 21st Century
Busted: Disinformation operative who attacked Elon Musk's push for "free speech" caught red-handed in secret influence operation
Disinfo board redux: Former Google 'disinformation expert' given top White House cyber role
Busted: Biden's 'Minster of Truth' Nina Jankowicz participated in secret NATO-funded cabal to subvert Western democracies using disinformation as cover
SURPRISE! Leadership at Joe Biden's 'Disinformation Governance Board' has ties to George Soros
Leftists hate free speech because they fear dissent, not "disinformation"
Is the West waging war on disinformation or dissent?
More hypocrisy and censorship disguised as advice for 'combating disinformation'
Johnson ally's firm discreetly runs a Facebook propaganda network scam of 'professionalized' disinformation
The disinformationists are plentiful - and working overtime to shape your thoughts about Russia
'Stupid Spooks': Soros-backed DisinfoLab lists former French presidential candidate as 'Russian Bot'
EU DisinfoLab risks probe over abusing French Twitter users' data - NGO profiled and tagged users according to 'political orientation'
Disinformation dissemination: CIA funded opinion magazines in Europe for 70 years, relevant today
Mainstream media uses disinformation to accuse Russia of spreading disinformation
The Washington Post's war of disinformation on Russia
US Senate releases junk 'report' claiming Sputnik is 'disinformation'
New batch of CIA memos on JFK assassination a classic case of disinformation meant to reinforce official narrative
The Atlantic Council: Gurus of hogwash on the front line of disinformation
The art of disinformation and distraction: How trolls control an internet forum
CIA admits to Congress the agency uses mainstream media to distribute disinformation: 1975 video
Scientific American disinformation on GMOs
Pay for Comments: Confessions of a paid disinformation internet shillDisinformation: The "Magic" of the Lie, Propaganda, Governments, Elites and How It Works
Disprove, disproves, disproved
Search: Disprov*
Title: 23 articles
Summary: 203 articles
Text: 916 articles
Comment: 34 articles
Title and summary: 2 articles
Debunked: 'Out of Africa thing completely disproved by genetics'
New evidence disproves a 25-year-old belief about the brain's Information Centre
Search: Dissident*
Title: 73 articles
Summary: 462 articles
Text: 1933 articles
Comment: 144 articles
Title and summary: 44 articles
Title, summary and text: 26 articles
Saudi Arabia jails Leeds university student for 34 YEARS because she had a Twitter account and followed dissident activists
'The worst of the worst': Court rejects calls to revoke Israeli firm's 'Pegasus' spy software, used globally to track and trace dissidents
Mainstream journalists who refuse to defend dissident journalists are worshippers of power
Remember: The goal is always to make dissident ideas mainstream
Paul Joseph Watson reacts to Facebook ban: 'No future for dissidents'
2018's 'man' of the year: The American "Dissidents" - Stephen Cohen, Bonnie Faulkner, Paul Craig Roberts and Ron Unz
The rise of the populist Western dissident
BBC documentary alleges Saudi government behind 'kidnapping, disappearance' of dissident princes in last two years
Cuban government says it foiled plot to destabilize country, slams dissidents and OAS
Myroslava Berdnyk, political writer and daughter of famous Soviet Ukrainian dissident, detained and charged with 'terrorism' by Kiev regime
"I was naive and fought against my own country' - ex-Soviet dissident
U.S. Military performing drills in public, Army manual states need to 'reeducate dissidents on U.S. soil'
Someone within U.S. Senate edited Edward Snowden's Wikipedia page to change his description from 'dissident' to 'traitor'
Former Soviet Dissident Warns Of EU Dictatorship
US Muffling Opposition Voice by Secretly Liquidating Dissidents: Analyst
Distort, distorts, distorted, distorting
Search: Distort*
Title: 94 articles
Summary: 791 articles
Text: 3257 articles
Comment: 260 articles
Title and summary: 41 articles
Title, summary and text: 21 articles
Big Pharma has been busy distorting science during the pandemic
Distortion of history: College snowflakes force change in curricula towards minority writers due to too many "old white male" authors
Distorting reality via fake news isn't new: Dissecting two decades of war propaganda
Distorted thinking increases stress & anxiety
Mainstream media distorting the facts, turning realities upside down
Distorting the facts to defend GMOs
How the mainstream media distorts the news about Ukraine
Obama's West Point commencement speech: Refuting the lies, omissions and distortions
Nobel winner declares boycott of top science journals because they distort the scientific process
Psycho-Babel: A Ponerological Approach to Modern Doublespeak and the Distortion of Language
Distract, distracted, distractions
Search: Distract*
Title: 128 articles
Summary: 907 articles
Text: 3573 articles
Comment: 455 articles
Title and summary: 55 articles
Title, summary and text: 26 articles
Humilitainment: How to control the citizenry through reality TV distractions
How the corporate media continues to use Russia as a scapegoat to distract from systemic status quo failure
The crisis of the now: Distracted and diverted from the ever-encroaching police state
The American Delusion: Distracted, diverted and insulated from the grim reality of the police state
Connecting the Dots: People Power vs Weapons of Mass Distraction
Over-entertained, under-educated, and distracted: Today's children suffer from a lack of mental nutrition
Neuronal circuits filter out distractions in the brain
The lost art of concentration: being distracted in a digital world
Memory Decline Linked to an Inability to Ignore Distractions
Brains More Distracted, Not Slower with Age
Study Reveals Why We Get Distracted So Easily
University of Michigan researchers find even the smartest students are distracted by social networks
Sixth-sense that helps us cope with distractions while driving is disabled when texting
Half of car crashes involve driver distracted by mobile phones - study
ER visits on the rise due to distracted walking
Texting and walking: 1 in 3 people distracted by mobile devices while crossing the street
Distrust, mistrust
Search: Distrust*, mistrust*
Title: 27 articles
Summary: 311 articles
Text: 1584 articles
Comment: 82 articles
Title and summary: 12 articles
Title, summary and text: 5 articles
'Distrust of government' is bad for you, claims study funded by government
Expert warns US descending into 'anarchy' amid heightened distrust of DOJ, law enforcement
Distrust of vaccinations on the rise across EU
Lies and distrust a part of life at age seven
As French big pharma firm gets away with a FINE for 2,000 deaths, who can blame vaccine refuseniks for their distrust?
Smokers don't vote and mistrust politics
Divert, diverting, diversion
Search: Divert, diverting, diversion [Match any words]
Title: 32 articles
Summary: 472 articles
Text: 1955 articles
Comment: 148 articles
Title and summary: 17 articles
Title, summary and text: 7 articles
Obama's proposed police reforms an empty diversion tactic
British PM May Using Skripal Poisoning to Divert Attention from Child Sex Abuse
Moscow: Venezuelan blackouts are a 'diversion' orchestrated from overseas
Divide and conquer
Search: "Divide and conquer"
Title: 23 articles
Summary: 64 articles
Text: 371 articles
Comment: 75 articles
Title and summary: 3 articles
Title, summary and text: 2 articles
Ferguson: This isn't a revolution, it's the same old divide and conquer technique used throughout history
The government's divide-and-conquer strategy is working at Standing Rock
Tyranny Without a Tyrant: The Deep State's Divide-and-Conquer Strategy Is Working
Western 'divide-and-conquer' tactics against Russia and China are failing miserably
Western Imperialism - Crushing Syrian Secularism Through Divide-And-Conquer Sectarian Tactics For Decades
Combatting the elite rulers divide and conquer tactics
A primer for understanding the 'divide and conquer' in Turkey-Kurdish relations
Divide and conquer: Merkel can no longer steer Germany's course as her own 'allies' stab her in the back
Assange: U.S. responsible for ISIS, Israel supported Hamas to divide and conquer
SOTT Exclusive: Kalashnikovs in India - U.S.-backed insurgents playing divide and conquer near China's borders
Search: dogma
Title: 19 articles
Summary: 198 articles
Text: 865 articles
Comment: 56 articles
Title and summary: 7 articles
Title, summary and text: 4 articles
Objective:Health #43 - Diet Dogma - When What We Eat Becomes Our Identity
The Health & Wellness Show: The Devil's in the Details: Diet Dogma and Fine-Tuning Your Own
How liberalism in America became an intolerant dogma
Putin's 'sin' is that he is unwilling to blindly follow Western dogma
Dissidents Against Dogma
Critical race theory is far more than a political outlook to its adherents, it is a progressive dogma that defines their existence
Sweden becomes first Western nation to reject low-fat diet dogma in favor of low-carb high-fat nutrition
Donning-Kruger effect
Search: "Donning-Kruger effect"
Title: 7 articles
Summary: 9 articles
Text: 29 articles
Comment: 12 articles
Dunning-Kruger Effect: New study shows overconfidence in news judgment
Dunning-Kruger Effect: New study says ignorance and overconfidence affect intuitive thinking
Dunning-Kruger effect - The illusion of competence
Dunning-Kruger Effect: Why some people think they're great when their work is terrible
Dunning-Kruger Effect: Why some people think they're great when their work is terrible
Double standard and the plural form double standards
Search: "Double standard"; and search: "double standards"
Title: 38 articles; 69 articles
Summary: 104 articles; 174 articles
Text: 526 articles; 682 articles
Comment: 59 articles; 149 articles
Title and summary: 17 articles: 21 articles
Title, summary and text: 10 articles; 9 articles
Double standard: Reporters who interrupt Obama are racist, reporters who interrupt Trump are heroes
'Double standard & hypocrisy': Serbian president slams EU denouncement of Catalan referendum
The MSM double standard: 80 minutes for alleged GOP dirt, barely 2 for Democrat's actual bribery trial
Hypocritical double standard: NYT suddenly embraces international law to condemn Russia
Playing number games with war deaths: Mainstream media's double standard in reporting civilian casualties
The nuclear double standard: Does Europe have five "undeclared nuclear weapons states"?
Iranian Speaker talks US Double-Standard Policies
Orwellian 'memory hole' in action? Stealth removal of CNN clip supporting Biden sex assault claim proves MSM's double standards
Kurds slam US 'double standards' for not fighting Turkey in Afrin, as Erdogan vows to 'cleanse' city of 'terrorists'
Double standards: EU hypocrisy spins out of control over Catalonia
Syrian people fall victim to Western double standards, claims head of Russia's Security Council
Double standards: If France has a state of emergency, why can't Turkey have one?
Downplay, downplayed
Search: Downplay*
Title: 66 article
Summary: 406 articles
Text: 1806 articles
Comment: 187 articles
Title and summary: 26 articles
Title, summary and text: 9 articles
Here's a list of media and politicians who downplayed violence and looting
DOJ under Sessions nabbed downplaying evidence linking Obama, Hillary to Uranium One scandal
New Documents Detail How Feds Downplayed Ground Zero Health Risks
Role of Alleged CIA Asset in Mumbai Attacks Being Downplayed
Search: Dubious
Title: 44 articles
Summary: 494 articles
Text: 2073 articles
Comment: 144 articles
Title and summary: 5 articles
Title, summary and text: 2 articles
The dubious COVID models, tests and consequences
A Dubious Official Story Masks The True Motives Behind The Soleimani Assassination
Monsanto's 5 Most Dubious Contributions to the Planet
Dumbing down
Search: "Dumbing down"
Title: 14 articles
Summary: 34 articles
Text: 153 articles
Comment: 41 articles
Title and summary: 4 articles
Title, summary and text: 1 article
It's called programming for a reason: TV commercials and the dumbing down of the population
The dumbing down of America - By design
Mobile phones 'dumbing down brain power'
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America
Dumbing down America: Teacher dismissed from job for not giving her students 'partial credit' for no work done
Title: 24 articles
Summary: 111 articles
Text: 530 articles
Comment: 66 articles
Title and summary: # articles
Title, summary and text: 9 articles
Merkel Reveals West's Duplicity, Says Minsk Accords Were Ruse to Buy Time For Arming Ukraine
NATO's Middle East anchor in Ankara is in doubt as Turkey turns away from duplicitous West
Turkey turns to Russia and Iran as allies, US duplicity threat to stability
The duplicitous superpower no one trusts
Culture of concealment: The UK government's brazen duplicity in Yemen
Lavrov: Lack of response by West to attacks on Russian embassy in Kiev shows their duplicity and hypocrisy
The duplicity of Obama's intended hospitality for China's President Xi visit
Japanese PM Shinzo Abe's speech on WWII riddled with duplicity and imperial ambitions
Edit out, edited out
Search "Edit out"; and search "edited out"
Title: 1 article; 1 article
Summary: 5 articles 24 articles
Text: 17 articles; 69 articles
Comment: 0 articles, 3 articles
Politics delay Guy Ritchie movie 'to edit out nationality of Ukrainian gangsters'
Elite, elites
Search: Elite, elites
Title: 623 articles
Summary: 3001 articles
Text: 9234 articles
Comment: 1674 articles
Title and summary: 277 articles
Title, summary and text: 185 articles
The ongoing Covid deceptions: How ruling elites lied about masks and mask mandates
Wokeism is costume elites wear to 'signal virtue' and 'hide greed, corruption': Former Levi's executive
Tulsi Gabbard warns democracy is dead so long as Dems, elites work 'hand in hand' with big tech
Deceiving West and 'detached' elites: Highlights of Putin's speech at Eastern Economic Forum
Transhumanism & biofascism are tools of the 'technological elite,' RFK Jr. interviews T.J Coles
Your top priority is the emotional comfort of the most powerful elites, which you fulfill by never criticizing them
Western elites are exploiting the Ukraine conflict to lower the standard of living
Putin blames western ruling elite for global economic problems
Search: Emotion*
Title: 417 articles
Summary: 3019 articles
Text: 9558 articles
Comment: 833 articles
Title and summary: 345 articles
Title, summary and text: 310 articles
Defining emotions: The importance of addressing our feelings with clarity
Kids who grow up with dogs and cats are more emotionally intelligent and compassionate
The language of emotion: Cultural variation and universal structure across different populations
The emotional languages of a happy relationship
New research suggests anthropomorphising your emotions can help you control them
Emotional Infidelity: You Will Feel Attracted To People Besides Your Partner
How to stop emotional eating as a coping mechanism
Emotions of workers in China are being data mined directly from their brains via sensory helmets
Muscle tension caused by trapped emotions
The Truth Perspective: The Strange Contagion: How Viral Thoughts and Emotions Secretly Control Us
Facebook patent reveals plans to use 'Emotion Detection' to spy on users
Hypercritical parenting deadens a child's ability to respond to emotions and build lasting relationships
The dark side to emotional intelligence - and how to protect yourself
How to know when you are dealing with an emotional manipulator
Erroneous, erroneously
Search: Erroneous*
Title: 10 articles
Summary: 247 articles
Text: 1009 articles
Comment: 55 articles
Title and summary: 3 articles
Title, summary and text: 2 article
James Clapper dodges charges for 'clearly erroneous' surveillance testimony
Erroneous climate change study reported far and wide, corrections few and far between
Why the benefits of circumcision are based on false assumptions, erroneous conclusions and misleading medical information
Error, errors
Search: Error*
Title: 175 articles
Summary: 1339 articles
Text: 5436 articles
Comment: 334 articles
Title and summary: 103 articles
Title, summary and text: 66 articles
"OPEC's action is testimony to a staggering US geopolitical and geoeconomic error"
'Errors' identified in New Mexico Dominion voting machine software are similar to those in Tennessee units
Bloomberg announces 'Russia invades Ukraine', admits 'publishing error'
Wait, what? UK Guardian says backing Balfour Declaration among our 'worst errors of judgment'
CNN makes ludicrous case for trusting 'anonymous source' echo chamber despite eating crow on Giuliani reporting: 'Unfortunate human error'
Pennsylvania's certified election result for presidential race is WAY off: The error is twice the size of the difference between Trump and Biden
In stunning reversal, CDC says it published new guidance on risks of 'airborne' COVID-19 'in error'
Search: Evidence
Title: 1722 articles
Summary: 14453 articles
Text: 40554 articles
Comment: 4463 articles
Title and summary: 1114 articles
Title, summary and text: 770 articles
Evidence of US-Backed Coup in Kiev
Bombshell speech: British MP says leading figure in British Heart Foundation is suppressing evidence of vaccine heart damage
Will the 'virus sceptics' ever accept the evidence that proves them wrong?
Follow the science or follow the evidence?
Top climate scientists slam global warming "so-called evidence" as "misrepresentation, exaggeration and outright lying"
Emails surface more evidence Hillary Clinton paid for anti-Trump disinformation operation
Top Secret! Clear Evidence that Flight 77 Hit The Pentagon on 9-11 - a Parody
Search: Evil
Title: 349 articles
Summary: 1720 articles
Text: 6353 articles
Comment: 1289 articles
Title and summary: # articles
Title, summary and text: 95 articles
A Unifying Theory of Evil
Evil is Real: What do J.P. Sears and UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld have in common?
The Six Degrees of Evil Kevin Bacon
Political Ponerology: The Study of Evil in the Political Realm
The Science of Evil: A Personal Review of Political Ponerology
Political Ponerology: A Psychological Anatomy of Evil, Politics And Public Trauma
America Has Become One of The Most Evil Nations on The Entire Planet
Moral Zealotry and the Seductive Nature of Evil
Expose, exposed, exposing
Search: Expos*
Title: 1519 articles
Summary: 7758 articles
Text: 22927 articles
Comment: 3388 articles
Title and summary: 596 articles
Title, summary and text: 357 articles
How the 'Twitter Files' have exposed a senior FBI official's role in manipulating the outcome of the 2020 US election
US Psy-Ops exposed: Washington isn't concerned about morals, it's worried about getting caught
Celebrity Ukraine 'volunteer' soldier exposed as fraud by internet sleuths
Operation Surprise: leaked emails expose secret intelligence coup to install Boris Johnson
Exposure to flame retardants is causing US kids to lose millions of IQ points. They're more damaging than lead or mercury.
CNN in the hotseat: Project Veritas begins drop of massive exposé claiming to uncover 'anti-Trump CRUSADE'
Fact, facts, factual
Seach: Fact, facts, factual
Title: 630 articles
Summary: 16707 articles
Text: 53465 articles
Comment: 4508 articles
Title and summary: 354 articles
Title, summary and text: 242 articles
15 facts which prove that a massive economic meltdown is already happening right now
Bizarre 'fact check' says it is "misleading" to report the fact that arctic summer sea ice has increased since 2012
Most of the "fact-checking" organizations Facebook uses in Ukraine are directly funded by Washington
Top 'fact checker' USA Today forced to delete articles over fabricated sources
Daily Sceptic 'fact checked' over claim that CO2 increase lags behind global warming so cannot cause it - but that is what the data show
NASA's failed 'fact check' of Daily Sceptic climate article
D'Souza responds to fact-check of '2000 Mules': Paying to deliver Ballots Illegal in Every State
Invasion of the Fact-Checkers
Search: "Fact-checking"
Title: 36 articles
Summary: 130 articles
Text: 460 articles
Comment: 75 articles
Title and summary: 18 articles
Title, summary and text: 16 articles
Most of the "fact-checking" organizations Facebook uses in Ukraine are directly funded by Washington
Busted: Co-founder of 'fact-checking' site Snopes was writing plagiarized articles under fake name
What's Up With Our Very Big Fact-checking Blindspots?
'Fact-checking' organization furious that Twitter's fact-checking tool said Tim Pool was correct
USA Today is COVID damage control, not 'fact-checking'
Fact-Checking a 'Fact-Checker' on Covid-19: A Response to HealthFeedback.org
Concerning survey finds too many people believe Snopes is a legitimate fact-checking website
The Daily Mail Snopes Story And Fact Checking The Fact Checkers
Snopes to debut a 'factually inaccurate but morally right' fact checking system
George Soros is funding Facebook's 'third-party fact checking' organization targeting 'fake news'
Fake democracy
Search: "Fake democracy"
Title: 3 articles
Summary: 4 articles
Text: 14 articles
Comment: 4 articles
Fake democracy: 28 million mail-in ballots went missing in last four elections
EU election results show people are 'fed up with fake democracy'
US military intelligence and its use of "creative destruction" worldwide
Dumbocracy's Demise: How "fake democracy" destroys "real democracy"
Fake news
Search: "Fake news"
Title: 698 articles
Summary: 1202 articles
Text: 2894 articles
Comment: 888 articles
Title and summary: 365 articles
Title, summary and text: 245 articles
Fallacy, fallacies
Search: Fallac*
Title: 26 articles
Summary: 102 articles
Text: 652 articles
Comment: 65 articles
Title and summary: 7 articles
Title, summary and text: 3 articles
Gambler's fallacy: Bias at the neuronal level
The gambler's fallacy explained?
Four fallacies of the Second Great Depression
'Russia Started the War' and Other Fallacies
'Trans Mission' exposes the fallacy of the gender transition narrative
A classic fallacious argument: "If masks don't work, then why do surgeons wear them?"
The law of unintended consequences: Logical fallacies and mental models
Common thinking errors: How to recognize logical fallacies so that they can be prevented
False, falsely
Search: False*
Title: 800 articles
Summary: 6110 articles
Text: 16808 articles
Comment: 2027 articles
Title and summary: 402 articles
Title, summary and text: 273 articles
UN Secretary-General António Guterres falsely claims weather disasters have increased 500% in 50 years
Pfizer vaccine whistleblower responds to motion to dismiss false claims suit
Western media mum as top Zelensky aide exposes its false presentation of Ukraine as LGBTQ-friendly
False flag
Search: "False flag"
Title: 273 articles
Summary: 575 articles
Text: 1882 articles
Comment: 645 articles
Title and summary: 129 articles
Title, summary and text: 90 articles
Analyzing each side's accusations about the other's dirty bomb false flag plot
Analyzing each side's accusations about the other's dirty bomb false flag plot
Beware of nuclear false flag blaming Russia
Rallying round the false flags
That's rich! False-flag experts US and Britain accuse Russia
'Nazis' bearing tiki-torches, allegedly supporting Republican candidate in Virginia election, exposed as false-flag stunt by Democratic establishment
Falsified, falsifying, falsification
Search: Falsif*
Title: 52 articles
Summary: 332 articles
Text: 1249 articles
Comment: 126 articles
Title and summary: 23 articles
Title, summary and text: 10 articles
CO2 claim of global warming empirically falsified
Massachusetts may dismiss largest number of drug-related convictions in US history after state chemist falsified evidence
Prison industrial complex: Falsified or tainted evidence leads to thousands of wrongful convictions
UK hospital caught falsifying records to meet government cancer treatment targets
FDA approved new drug despite ongoing investigation of lab misconduct and falsification of test data
Alain Juppé accused by his own Administration of having falsified reports on Syria
Scandalous: Scientists and Doctors Falsifying Data
Search: Fearmongering
Title: 24 articles
Summary: 63 articles
Text: 277 articles
Comment: 68 articles
Title and summary: 4 articles
Title, summary and text: 1 article
Open letter to the Covid-corrupted media: Non-stop reporting, alarming and fearmongering
'Remember why you need us': Guardian launches fearmongering exclusive for MI5
We're all being played for chumps: How the media profits from ceaseless fearmongering
Fraud, fraudulent
Search: Fraud*
Title: 786 articles
Summary: 2725 articles
Text: 7658 articles
Comment: 1335 articles
Title and summary: 526 articles
Title, summary and text: 379 articles
UK: £21 billion of public money lost in fraud since Covid lockdowns began and most will never be recovered
Scandal-plagued US congressman accused of masterminding fraud scheme
Move over, Jayson Blair: Meet Hamilton 68, media fraud's new king
Trust 'the science', but how much scientific research is actually fraudulent?
Massive 78% of mail-in ballots in local Mississippi election proved fraudulent, Judge calls for do-over
The US charge against Assange is fraudulent and that's a fact
Big Pharma's fraudulent ads
Wells Fargo hit with multiple lawsuits over fake accounts, fraudulent sales
Employees, customers warned of Wells Fargo fraudulent bank accounts years ago - Feds blew it off
Freedom of expression; Freedom of speech
Search: "Freedom of expression"; and search: Freedom of speech [Match exact phrase]]
Title: 8 articles; 46 articles
Summary: 165 articles; 405 articles
Text: 743 articles; 1417 articles
Comment: 47 articles; 167 articles
Title and summary: 4 articles: 20 articles
Title, summary and text: 4 articles; 11 articles
The West renounces freedom of expression
Trudeau government's move to protect Canadians against hate speech & hate crimes is the road to hell for freedom of expression
Trudeau says 'freedom of expression has limits' after French terror attacks
Charlie Hebdo attack has nothing to do with freedom of expression - It was about war
Putin slams restrictions against RT DE as an attack on 'freedom of speech' but warns against any counterproductive retaliation
UK Labour Party to vote AGAINST 'Freedom of Speech' bill, claiming it will embolden 'hate speech'
Victory in the war on woke: Judges' landmark ruling in case of mother who called trans woman 'he' on Twitter means freedom of speech does include the 'right to offend'
Silicon Valley has effectively banned freedom of speech - and it's time we take it back
Tolerance cuts both ways: Freedom of speech means freedom for people to say the things we hate to hear
Pt 1: Freedom of Speech/Political Correctness: Dr. Norman Doidge
When did the left renounce freedom of speech?
Search: Gaslighting
Title: 21 articles
Summary: 55 articles
Text: 354 articles
Comment: 57 articles
Title and summary: 3 articles
Title, summary and text: 2 articles
The destruction caused by gaslighting
Origins and definitionThe Gaslighting of the Masses
Gaslighting is a term used in psychology and common speech that refers to manipulation whose purpose is to create doubt in a person or a group of people. It includes but is not limited to denial, lying, deflection, and contradiction to make the target question their perception of reality.
The term gaslighting originates from a 1938 stage play and its later film adaptations (1940 and 1944). It has been used colloquially since the 1960s. In the story, the husband tries to convince his wife and other people that she is insane. He is doing so by manipulating certain elements of their environment and by continuously insisting that she doesn't remember things correctly and that she's delusional when she notices the changes he made.
The title comes from the husband dimming the gas lights in the house and then denying that there was a change in illumination when his wife notices a difference.
Gaslighting: The psychology of shaping another's reality
Search: Greenbaum
Title: 2 articles
Summary: 4 articles
Text: 18 articles
Comment: 6 articles
Title and summary: 2 articles
Title, summary and text: 2 articles
The Cs Hit List 05: Dr. Greenbaum and the Manchurian Candidates
Project Paperclip, MKULTRA, Dr. Greenbaum and Seung Hui Cho: Was the VA Tech Gunman Mind Programmed?
Search: Greenwashing
Title: 1 article
Summary: 11 articles
Text: 42 articles
Comment: 1 article
Greenwashing the Amazon Rainforest with GMOs? Monsanto & World Wildlife Fund team up
Groupthink; group think
Search: Groupthink, and search: group think
Title: 19 articles; 4 articles
Summary: 56 articles; 33 articles
Text: 287 articles; 164 articles
Comment: 30 articles; 13 articles
Title and summary: 7 article; 1 article
Title, summary and text: 4 articles
The Groupthink Pandemic
Groupthink and Safe Spaces hinder the growth of consciousness.
Groupthink drives global warming zealotry
Trump versus US Establishment groupthink on Russia - some observationsGroupthink and Safe Spaces hinder the growth of consciousness.
Question from reader HashAttack2: When I use the SOTT search facility, the results appear in random order, I would love to be able to date restrict and sort the search results Answer: Say you search for "Crocus": Then I had this result: [Link], at the moment 48 articles.
Next, click the "wheel" to the left in the search result popup box. Below "Field", "Title" you type Crocus and there is this result: [Link], at the moment 12 articles. If you now click the wheel again, you can change the "Field" to be "Summary" and there is this result, [Link] At the moment there are 46 articles.
To create an ordered list integrating both results, first one take the ones with title and then "fill in the blanks" with articles from the longer list. A word does not always come up both in title and summary, but in this case there was enough overlap, meaning here that some of the titles with crocus also had a summary with crocus, to generate a reasonable list.
If you use one of the links above and click wheel, you will have to start all over entering the search item. But if you start from scratch, when you modify your wheel again, it will recall your work. A shortcut can be to simply enter intitle: crocus or insummary: crocus And of course you can go further and try intext: crocus
If one searches for more than one word, it can become important to note if one qualifies the search by selecting Match any words, Match all words, or Match exact phrase.