Videoen med Sharafmal's optræden på Channel 24s morgenshow gik viralt i tirsdags, selvom det var med overskriften "dag 17 af den russisk-ukrainske krig," som ville have det dateret som værende om søndagen. I det han sagde at han var emotionel fordi en god bekendt var blevet dræbt, så lancerede han sig ud i et kald for folkemord, citerende den notoriske SS officer.
"Jeg tillader mig selv at citere Adolf Eichmann, som sagde at for at kunne ødelægge en nation, så må du først og fremmest tilintegøre dets børn. Fordi, hvis du dræber forældrene, så vil børnene vokse op og tage hævn. Ved at dræbe børnene - så vil de aldrig vokse op og nationen vil forsvinde," sagde han, mens et foto af Eichmann dukkede frem på skærmen.Eichmann var en senior SS officer som spillede en nøglerolle i at sætte op Nazi koncentrationslejre under 2. verdenskrig. Han blev trods flugt til Latinamerika fanget og retsforfulgt i Israel i 1960, hvor han blev dømt til døden for hans krigsforbrydelser.
Kommentar: Delvis oversat til dansk af fra: Ukrainian TV presenter calls for killing children, quotes Nazi war criminal
Hanna Arendt skrev en bog Eichmann i Jerusalem.
While the Geneva Convention prohibited Ukrainian soldiers from killing children, Sharafmal continued, he is not bound by it.
"And when I get the chance to take out the Russians, I will definitely do it. Since you call me a Nazi, I adhere to the doctrine of Adolf Eichmann, and I will do everything in my power to ensure that you and your children never live on this earth," he added.
"You have to understand that it's about the victory of the Ukrainian people, not about peace. We need victory. And if we have to slaughter all your families - I'll be one of the first to do it," Sharafmal said. "And hope that there will never be such a nation as Russia and the Russians on this earth again."The background behind Sharafmal showed the phrase "Russian warship, f*** off," in Ukrainian - the words allegedly said by the troops on Snake Island that Kiev claimed had died heroically, before they all turned up alive, having surrendered to the Russian navy.
"If the Ukrainians have the opportunity, which they are basically doing right now, to destroy, to slaughter, to kill, to strangle the Moskals, I hope that everyone contributes and kills at least one Moskal," he concluded.
Channel 24 is based in Kiev, but it's owned by the TRK Lux media conglomerate, reportedly controlled by Kateryna Kit-Sadova and her husband Andrey, the mayor of Lvov in western Ukraine.
Kommentar: Will some of the great western "democrats" condemn this hate speech and invocation of genocide? Or it is allowed if it is against the Russians and a deadly sin if it is against the western nations and USA?
We can see now what Putin means when he said that he wants to denazify and demilitarise Ukraine. The Nazis in Ukraine are not a threat only to Russia, but to all normal human beings on this planet.
After WWII, fascism was never destroyed, it just hibernated and grew up disguised as some kind of neo-liberal democracy that the US spread around the world with its powerful military machinery and media propaganda.
In the last few decades, we have seen fascism return to the world as a tsunami and, like 80 years ago, it was not noticed and recognised by the majority. Unfortunately, history repeats itself again.
Let's just hope that this time we will have a real and thorough denazification and demilitarisation of the world.
See also: