Undersøgelsen citerer et COVID-udbrud, som spredte sig hurtigt blandt hospitalspersonalet på et israelsk medicinsk center-på trods af en 96% vaccinationsrate, brug af N-95 kirurgiske masker af patienter og fuldt personligt beskyttelsesudstyr, der bæres af udbydere.
Den beregnede infektionsrate blandt alle udsatte patienter og personale var 10,6% (16/151) for personalet og 23,7% (23/97) for patienter i en befolkning med en 96,2% vaccinationsrate (238 vaccinerede/248 udsatte personer).
Papiret bemærkede, at flere transmissioner sandsynligvis fandt sted mellem to personer, der begge havde kirurgiske masker og i ét tilfælde ved hjælp af fuld PPE, herunder N-95 maske, ansigtsskærm, kjole og handsker.
Af de 42 tilfælde, der blev diagnosticeret ved udbruddet, var 38 fuldt vaccineret med to doser Pfizer og BioNTechs Comirnaty -vaccine, en havde kun modtaget en vaccination og tre var uvaccinerede.
Af de smittede var 23 patienter og 19 ansatte. Personalet kom sig hurtigt hurtigt. Otte vaccinerede patienter blev dog alvorligt syge, seks blev kritisk syge og fem af de kritisk syge døde. De to uvaccinerede patienter, der blev sporet, havde milde COVID -tilfælde.
Kommentar: Delvist oversat af Sott.net fra COVID outbreak sparked by fully vaccinated patient challenges vaccine-induced herd immunity theory
The authors concluded:
"This communication ... challenges the assumption that high universal vaccination rates will lead to herd immunity and prevent COVID-19 outbreaks ... In the outbreak described here, 96.2% of the exposed population was vaccinated. Infection advanced rapidly (many cases became symptomatic within 2 days of exposure), and viral load was high."According to the paper, the outbreak originated from a fully vaccinated haemodialysis patient in his/her 70s who was admitted with fever and cough and placed in a room with three other patients.
The patient had not been tested for SARS-CoV-2 on admission day, because his/her symptoms were mistaken for a possible bloodstream infection exacerbating congestive heart failure.
To determine the source of the outbreak, researchers conducted phylogenetic analysis on the whole-genome SARS-CoV-2 sequences that were available for 12 cases in the outbreak, including staff and patients from Wards A, B and C and dialysis departments.
All were infected with the Delta variant and epidemiologically and phylogenetically connected to the same outbreak, except for one case. That case and three staff members were not considered part of the outbreak.
"This is a very interesting paper and it is scientifically very sound," said Dr. Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E., Children's Health Defense chief scientific officer and professor of biology at Simpson University.
"The breakthrough rate of 96.2% of the vaccinated population shows that in this instance, the vaccine was virtually useless in preventing transmission," Hooker said. "It should also be noted the two reported cases among unvaccinated patients were mild, whereas six of the vaccinated patients died."
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