fireball Heathrow Airport
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Utrolig optagelse af et stjerneskud strygende hen over himlen og susende forbi fly tæt ved London's Heathrow luftyhavn er blevet delt på sociale medier.

En video af det tætte kosmiske træf blev fanget af Airlive og sat op i søndags. Den tryllebindende meteor kan ses skyde henover himlen før et lavt flyvende fly kommer tilsyne. Et andet fly kan ses komme i modsat retning i det fjerne.

Kommentar: Denne artikel er delvis oversat til dansk af fra: Fireball seen flying over Heathrow Airport, London

The incident coincides with this year's annual Leonid meteor showe - known for its fast and bright meteors.

Meteors lit up skies across the world over the weekend, as the shower reached its peak on November 17 and 18.

Named after the constellation Leo, the meteor shower takes place every year when the Earth passes through the debris field left in the wake of the Temple-Tuttle Comet. This creates shooting stars and streaks of light lasting less than a second as the cosmic debris burns up in our atmosphere.

Images and videos of the Leonid shower were shared from around the world on social media as eager stargazers looked for the perfect snap.