Men alligevel er de ikke i overensstemmelse med deres egne sociale og moralske standarder. Ledere leder ved at være et eksempel for andre. Men når det ikke sker, mister vi tillid, respekt og troværdighed - samtidig med at vi tvinger børn til at dække deres ansigter til hele dagen lang i skolen, hvilket på dette tidspunkt er skadeligt for vores børn.
Er det virkelig så slemt? Ja. På nuværende tidspunkt er maskering af børn mere skadeligt end selve COVID for de fleste børn, den laveste risikogruppe, som har en dødelighed på næsten nul af coronavirus - 0,24% for at være præcis.
Når børn dækker deres ansigter, dækker de deres personligheder, deres udtryk. Ansigtsudtryk er det mest vitale og værdifulde aspekt af kommunikation og interaktion mellem mennesker - den måde et barn formidler sine tanker, følelser, ideer, intentioner på. Deres ansigt indikerer fysisk eller psykisk lidelse, og ikke mindst nonverbal kommunikation, der udtrykker frygt, vrede, tristhed eller smerte, som alt sammen påvirker socialt engagement, vækst, personlighed, selvtillid og adfærd. Det får mig til at spekulere på, om ændringer eller fratagelse af disse fornødenheder i en tidlig alder vil være skyld i psykisk sygdom senere i livet.
Covering a child's face is closing the window to a child's mental and physical state, dampening their personality, cognitive processes and hindering their emotions and enculturation. In the words of psychologist Silvan Tomkins, "the face is the seat of emotion." And whether a child expresses excitement or anguish, it must be acknowledged, but this is not possible with the only eyes exposed due to mask coverage of 80% of a child's face.
I've had patients come in with worsening speech impediments, rashes and infections on the face, eye infections from fiddling with their masks and touching their eyes and nose. The World Health Organization does not recommend masking for children under age 5 and only optional for those ages 6 to 11. This begs the question as to why the U.S. guidance is outdated and obsolete, especially at a time when hospitalizations and cases have plummeted by over 80%. Yet we have not updated our policy and guidelines to reflect such even though we've achieved our goals, accomplished our mission. We "flattened the curve," but protocols have not been appropriately modified.
There is no solid concrete data that indicates significant benefit to masking a toddler. I see firsthand the detrimental impact it has on our children. The burden of protection is placed on our children, the least vulnerable and lowest risk population. This defies truth, it defies logic, it defies science. The backward protocol needs to be lifted. Current policies are obsolete and must be modified accordingly.
Comment: It's not just the mask wearing, everything about the scamdemic defies the above.
We cannot wear masks in perpetuity. It should be an option, a choice for anyone. COVID is no longer an emergency. We have come to a point in time where cases are gone: In my last shift Wednesday night, of all my sick patients, I only had one positive case. I can tell you firsthand from the front lines we are in a reprieve. I don't know how long it will last, but holding up an umbrella outside when there's no rain and only sunshine makes no sense.
Let's not forget we have a 94% seroprevalence in the United States. That means most Americans have either had a vaccine or have natural immunity from previous infection. Also, we now have antivirals meds to treat COVID. We have monoclonal antibodies, we finally have enough tests, and thanks to Operation Warp Speed, we have life-saving vaccines.
Time to move on.
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