Americans have no point of reference to understand or appreciate the staggering losses that the Soviet Union incurred in beating back the Nazis. In the battle of Moscow, where German forces arrived on the outskirts of Moscow in December 1941, several hundred thousand Russian soldiers perished. When the Soviets turned the table on the Germans and launched a counteroffensive in December 1941 that ended on 7 January 1942, an additional 139,586 were killed or missing in action.
We Americans like to indulge the fantasy that we endured great sacrifice in World War II. The war was a transforming event in terms of creating an industrial behemoth in the United States. Most families were not touched by grief after losing a soldier, sailor, airman or Marine. The exact opposite is true in Russia.
We are approaching the 80-day mark in the Ukraine/Russia war. There are no reliable figures on the number of killed in action on either side. However, it does appear that four times the number of Ukrainian soldiers and foreign mercenaries are dead compared to Russian losses.
The United States and NATO are making a grave error if they dismiss Russian fears about an invasion from the west as a mere pre-text for conquering territory. Russia has one advantage the west does not - its cultural heritage has not been diluted by a flood of foreign immigrants. If you consider the population shift in America and Europe over the last 60 years, the percentage of the population with a relative that fought in World War II has shrunk. I am not suggesting legal immigrants are bad or evil. But immigrants come to America or Europe with a different history. Their ancestors were not buying U.S. war bonds to back the attack. The losses experienced in a conflict like World War II stays with those who knew the pain firsthand.
'Det er nu tydeligt, at disse produkter i blodbanen er giftige for mennesker. Et øjeblikkeligt stop for vaccinationsprogrammet er påkrævet, mens der foretages en uafhængig sikkerhedsanalyse for at undersøge det fulde omfang af skaderne, som dataene fra det britiske gule kort (UK Yellow Card) tyder på omfatter bl.a. tromboemboli, multi-system inflammatorisk sygdom, immunsuppression, autoimmunitet og anafylaksi samt antistofafhængig forstærkning (ADE).' Tess Lawrie, Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy
Question- Have the mRNA vaccines been tested on animals?'For vi kæmper ikke mod kød og blod, men mod herskere i denne verdens mørke, mod åndelig ondskab i det høje.' Efeserne 6:12"
"Vi er igang med at afslutte arbejdet med at samle bevismateriale angående USAs militær-biologiske aktivitet i Ukraine. Jeg har ingen tvivl om at det vil blive formet og at hele den civiliserede verden til sidst vil se USA et blevet til en 'værdig' efterfølger af det Tredje Riges traditioner, hvor inhumane eksperimenter er blevet praktiseret på mennesker."
"USA og Ukraine er vedblivet med at være de eneste lande i verden til at stemme imod FNs Generalforsamlings resolution til bekæmpelse af glorificeringen af Nazismen og andre lignende initiativer. Derudover kom udviklingen af den nationalistiske bevægelse i Ukraine under den generelle koordinering og støtte af USA. "
Kommentar: See also: Judaism and Christianity - Two Thousand Years of Lies - 60 Years of State Terrorism: