Kommentar: Vi er helt afgjort ikke længere i Kansas...

© FILE PHOTOHvad, der var mærkeligt ved det, var ikke skyerne, men at at noget tilsynelandende bevægede sig IGENNEM skyerne...
De, der jager udenjordiske væsner, og konspirationsteoretikere af alle slags behøver ikke meget for at få dem til at lede efter spor af fremmede gæster eller hemmelige regerinsprogrammer. Et klip, der påstås at være filmet i Aleppo, med stribelignende mønstre i skyerne, indspirerede således også de mest besynderlige formodninger.

Online kommentatorer hagede sig fast i klippet, der viser røgbølger i skyen, efter sigende filmet over Aleppoområdet i Syrien, til at for at styrke påstande om at våben til kontrol af vejret eksisterere. Selvom autencitetern ikke kan bekræftes fik klippet konspirationsteoretikere til at flyve. Det var posted af Twitter bruger med navnet Ahmad1618A, som beskriver sig selv som "en aktivist til levere Syernes stemme."

Videoen viser en sky på en klar himmel med røg, der bevæger sig opad i stribelignende mønstre. Dette varede i flere øjeblikke. Forfatteren af videon foreslår i sin titel, at det er en elektromagnetisk interferens, "hvis kilde endnu ikke er kendt."

​However, his commenters did not seem to share his assumption. As one of them pointed out, one can hear explosions in the distance, creating pressure waves, and electromagnetic fields would not manifest like that. Others shared this version, with some noting that the cameraman would not be able to use his phone to film the video if some electromagnetic equipment was involved.

"These are pressure waves caused by sound, electromagnetic waves travel around the speed of light, you would not see them much like microwaves, and they do not contain enough mass to exert pressure like this," the user with the handle @Muskie_Medic responded.

This did not stop a popular conspiracy channel on YouTube, Disclose Screen 'The Grimreefar', to share the footage under the title "the strangest cloud phenomena you will ever see", asking if it was electromagnetic interference or a weapon.

The suggestion that it was HAARP, which is short for High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program - the military-funded project to study the ionosphere, shortly popped up in comments. Although the programme with a transmitter facility in Alaska was shut down in 2014, conspiracy theorists have not ceased to speculate that the US government continues to use it to control the weather. Some suggested that it was the case in Syria, as well.

"Could this be HAARP? It uses frequencies to push up the ionosphere and then slams it back into the Earth," one of the commenters asked, while another added: "Has to be HAARP."