sickening book
I det seneste afsnit af hans 'Under the Skin'-podcast interviewede komikeren og den politiske kommentator Russell Brand John Abramson om hans nye bog, 'Sickening: How Big Pharma Broke American Health Care and How We Can Repair It.'

Med Brands ord forklarer Abramsons bog, hvordan læger, 'der dedikerer deres liv til at hjælpe andre mennesker, som er gode mennesker, der svor en ed ... befinder sig i en position, hvor de ordinerer medicin [til deres patienter], det er slet ikke er godt for dem.'

Abramson, forfatter, læge og juridisk konsulent, fortalte Brand, at opioidkrisen, som var 'en af ​​de største skændsler, den farmaceutiske industri nogensinde har kendt,' skete, fordi medicinalfirmaer 'bogstaveligt talt løj' om deres stoffers afhængighed - for at gøre kæmpe overskud.

While the opioid scam eventually garnered widespread attention leading to legal action, what opioid makers like Purdue Pharma did isn't unique, Abramson said. In fact, pharmaceutical companies lie all the time — to patients, doctors and public health agencies.

"If you play the game the same way a million times, it's going to come out the same way a million times," Abramson said. "We need some referees here."

Brand asked Abramson:
"Is there an argument that pharmacology and medicine ought to be exempted entirely from profit-driven models because there's something inherently wrong about using people's pain and suffering to derive profit?"
Watch the interview here: