Hillary Clinton
© Javier Galeano / ReutersDen amerikanske præsidentkandidat for det demokratiske parti, Hillary Clinton
Den præsidentielle frontløber for det demokratiske parti Hillary Clinton er kommet under ild i en ny viral video som angiveligt viser hende lyve og skifte sine holdninger på en række forskellige emner "i uafbrudt 13 minutter" og sekvensen af klip har opnået mere end 7 millioner hits online.

Videoen er en stribe af klips som belyser fru Clinton selvmodsigende sig selv eller sige ting som viser sig ikke at være sandt fra homoseksuelle ægteskaber og Wall Street til den Nordamerikanske frie handelsaftale (NAFTA) og sin private email server.

Videoen som er sat op af en bruger på Youtube, med titlen "Hillary Clinton lying for 13 minutes straight", kunne forværre hendes lave tal i meningsmålingerne.

The video at the start makes it clear that the project, which has been viewed almost 7.5 million times, was not a "pro-Trump video" and the Republican presumptive nominee would be the next target.

On gay marriage, the video shows Ms Clinton backing a traditional view of marriage in 2004 and 2010, before changing to support gay marriage in 2013 and then accusing an NPR radio host in 2014 of "playing with my words" when the host accuses her of changing her tune.

On whether she is a progressive or a moderate, the video shows her calling herself both a progressive and a moderate, Fox News reported.

"I get accused of being kind of a moderate, center...I plead guilty," she is quoted as saying in one clip. Other clips show her affirming that she is a progressive.

The video spans 20 years of Ms Clinton clips and includes some well-known controversies from previous campaigns.

One of those is the 2008 controversy over her repeated claim that she had landed under sniper fire when landing at a Bosnian airport as first lady in 1996.

Ms Clinton used the story to present her broad foreign policy experience, in contrast to then-Senator Barack Obama's.

However, videos of the trip were unearthed showing her casually greeting military officials and taking pictures with children on the runway. Ms Clinton later backtracked on the claims, saying she "misspoke".