inequality south africa
© johnny miller
Aldrig før har skellet mellem rig og fattig være så nemt at se. Aktivister kan takke den sydafrikanske kunstner Johnny Miller, som fangede de følgende billeder med en drone for at illustere det kæmpe forskel i leveforholdene mellem blandt samfundsklasserne.

Projektet med titlen "Unequal Scenes," startede med en post på Facebook som endte med at gå viral, rapporterer PetaPixel. Efter at billedet af Masiphumelele samfundet og dets omgivelser i den Sydafrikanske Republik var delt mere end 1,000 gange, vidste Miller at han havde fået fat i noget. Han fortsatte med at tage mange andre lignende billeder og videoer på tværs af Sydafrika.

Kommentar: Denne artikel er blot delvis oversat til dansk af fra: South Africa: Drone photos capture massive division between rich and poor

"Discrepancies in how people live are sometimes hard to see from the ground. The beauty of being able to fly is to see things from a new perspective - to see things as they really are," writes Miller. "Looking straight down from a height of several hundred meters, incredible scenes of inequality emerge."
The crisp images clearly show physical divides between ultra-rich neighborhoods and downtrodden shacks. Sometimes the divides are wetlands, other times rich and poor are separated by an electric fence.

According to the artist, some of the communities were "designed with separation in mind," while others grew "more or less organically." The division is what remains of Apartheid policies which were enforced by law 22 years ago. Change may have taken place since then but in reality,
"many of these barriers, and the inequalities they have engendered, still exist."

Following are some eye-opening photos from the collection:

inequality south africa
© johnny miller
inequality south africa
© johnny miller
inequality south africa
© johnny miller