German President Joachim Gauck
Revolution er tættere på end du tror...

Efterfølgende Angela Merkel's tidligere kald til tyske virksomhedschefer at de skal hyre flygtninge, og som Martin Armstrong bemærker, Tyskland har angrebet det egen sundhedssektormidler for at støtte flygtningekrisen...
Regeringen har vedtaget en lov som giver dem lov til at tage 1.5 milliarder euros fra kontantreserven af den offenlige sundhedsfond (10 milliarder uros i totalt, betalt af medlemmer og derudover af skatteyderne) og at give de penge til flygtninge/asylsøgere.
Hvad vil du sige til det? Sygt?

Vi tænkte på en påmindelse om spændingerne som bobler under overfladen i Tyskland.

Som VoxDay passende bemærkede, Tysklands elite er klar til at få en tiltrængt en på snuden meget snart idet Tyskland Præsident Joachim Gauck blev buhet og angrebet i gaderne af Sebnitz, Saxony efter at han fremkom med følgende utrolige erklæring:
"Det er ikke eliten som er problemet, det er folket som er problemet.

Kommentar: Denne artikel er kun delvist oversat til dansk af fra:
German President booed, attacked after claiming 'the people are the problem, not the elites'

Official German State TV and State Radio reported that "a handful of right wing extremists" have attacked the president and disturbed the otherwise peaceful and welcoming reception of the President. This is simply not the case, as seen in the video...

The people repeatedly shouted "Traitor!", "Get out!", "We don't want STASI Pigs" and "We are the people!".

One man, carrying his young son on his shoulders, appears to have spit on him whilst exclaiming insults. Other citizens were heard saying "You killed our children" and "What have you done to us?". They were blocked by police in riot gear, to whom they said "You are protecting warmongers, shame on you!"

The situation escalated and the riot police was forced to use pepper spray.

Heiko Maas, the German Justice Minister, called the attackers "cowards who insult the president because of their personal frustration". He himself was booed off the stage as a traitor by hundreds of Germans at the annual Labor Day celebration on the 1st of May. He said that they will be persecuted immediately, as "it cannot be allowed that such a tiny minority has influence on the political climate in Germany".

Writing in The Wall Street Journal, Peggy Noonan explained perfectly...
The larger point is that this is something we are seeing all over, the top detaching itself from the bottom, feeling little loyalty to it or affiliation with it.

It is a theme I see working its way throughout the West's power centers.

At its heart it is not only a detachment from, but a lack of interest in, the lives of your countrymen, of those who are not at the table, and who understand that they've been abandoned by their leaders' selfishness and mad virtue-signalling.