Putin Syria ceasfire
Før sammenbruddet af våbenhvilen lørdag den 17 september, udtalte den russiske præsident, Vladimir Putin, at USA står over for vanskeligheder i Syrien, fordi de ikke kan adskille "sund" opposition fra halvkriminelle og terroristisk organisationer.

"Dette er på grund af de vanskeligheder, som USA står over for i det Syriske spor. Vanskeligheden ligger i den kendsgerning, at de ikke kan adskille den såkaldt sunde del af oppositionen fra semi-kriminelle og terroristiske elementer", sagde Putin som citeret af RIA.

Ifølge Putin, drager de Forenede Stater fordel af at opretholde denne forvirring til at styrke kamppotentialet i deres reelle kamp mod Syriens præsident Bashar Assad.

"Efter min opfattelse, er dette dikteret af ønsket om at opretholde kamppotentialet i kampen mod præsident Assads legitime regering, men det er en meget farlig vej - vi talte meget om det. Det ser ud til, at vores amerikanske partnere igen træder på den samme rive, som de tidligere har angrebet. Dette er en farlig udvikling", understregede han.

Idet han kommenterede på situationen med den amerikanske tøven med at afsløre essensen af aftalen med Rusland og Syrien, sagde Putin, at han ikke er overrasket over Washingtons indstilling.

"Our American partners - they are everywhere and always in favor of openness and transparency. it is surprising to me that in this case, they are moving away from this postulate of theirs ", Putin said.

"If they publish the agreement between Russia and the United States on Syria, it will be clear who and what does not perform", said the president.

"We have agreed that there should be a separation of Al-Nusra and others like it, and show where they are, separate from the so-called healthy forces. But what do we see now? Now we do not see separation of terrorists from the healthy part of the opposition, and we see attempts to regroup from these terrorists, "he said.

"Russia's position on the disclosure of the agreements with the United States will remain the same as long as it does we do not have a disagreement with our American partners."

"I do not really understand why we need some kind of agreement about nondisclosure. But we, of course, will not disclose the details until we disagree with our American partners - precisely because of the specific arrangements, which are usually achieved at the diplomatic level when working on issues such as the Syrian conflict "- Tass quoted Putin as saying.

Earlier, Foreign Ministry spokesman Maria Zakharova expressed doubt that the reason for the US non-disclosure agreements with Russia are security concerns for Syria. According to her, the ordinary citizens of Syria for six years are living in intolerable conditions, and Washington had never thought about their safety.

On Friday, September 9th talks between Lavrov and Kerry ended in Geneva, during which the foreign ministers had agreed on a new plan to resolve the situation in Syria and formed a package of five documents.They include, in particular, cease-fire, as well as US and Russian cooperation in the fight against terrorism. This agreement has since fallen apart in the aftermath of the US 'double-cross' attack on Syrian forces.

As previously reported by Lavrov, Moscow intends to seek publication of the agreements with the United States on Syria, while Washington is willing to keep them secret.

Following the US attack on the SAA, at the press conference following the emergency meeting of the UN Security Council, Vitaly Churkin - Permanent Representative to the UN from Russia - began to publicly disclose some of the main points of the agreement in order to demonstrate the actual dynamics at play. In connection with this, Churkin demonstrated that the attack was very much unlikely to have been accidental.

Via RIA - translated with additional text by J. Flores