a-10 jtac
Amerkanske Joint Terminal Attack Controllers meddeler mål til et A-10 krigsfly
Her er en beretning fra Syrian Free Press, en oversættelse af udtalelsen fra en Syrisk soldat, der overlevede USA's massakre ved Deir-ez-Zor, sidste lørdag, givet til den Russiske side Life.ru
"Vi tænkte at flyene ledte efter Daesh positioner, men kort efter blev vi angrebet af koalitionsfly, som ramte vores kampvogne, pansrede køretøjer og artilleri. De sluttede af med at beskyde de af vores soldater der prøvede at flygte ud i gaderne, med maskingeværer. Hvert jagerfly sendte mindst tre missiler mod os. Jeg så med mine egne øjne døden af omkring 100 soldater. De bombede de soldater, der trak sig tilbage. Mange af dem gik til, fordi de var sårede og ikke kunne bevæge sig", sagde han.

Kommentar: Han nævner tallet 100. Det oprindelige tal var 62, men et par dage senere var det 83 vel sagtens, fordi ikke alle de sårede overlevede.

"Øjeblikkeligt efter luftangrebet, gik jihadisterne til angreb på de syriske militærstillinger. Daesh angreb vores positioner, vores soldater blev taget tilfange. Jeg fik det indtryk, at der var en aftale mellem de amerikanske enheder og Daesh. Terroristerne jublede, de affyrede skud i luften som om de fejrede noget", fortalte soldaten.
Ifølge beretninger involverede angrebet blandt andet to A-10 "Warthog". Det sjove ved A-10'ere er, at til angreb af den slags bruges normalt (Joint Terminal Attack Controllers), det vil sige amerikanske troppe, som er involveret på jorden og bestiller angrebet.

Kommentar: Delvist oversat at Sott.net fra SOTT Exclusive: Deir ez-Zor survivor: "U.S. coalition warplanes finished off wounded with machine guns" - Is Daesh calling in US airstrikes? Se også:

Source Discloses Coordination between US, ISIL in Attacking Syrian Army in Deir Ezzur
"(FNA)- The ISIL launched attacks on the Syrian army positions in Deir Ezzur only 7 minutes after the US-led coalition's airstrikes on Saturday, a military source said, adding that the air and ground assault were highly coordinated."
Open Season on Syrian Troops: Denmark, Australia and Britain All Say Took Part in Deadly Deir ez-Zor Raid
"They think the loss of life is 'regrettable' -- but not so regrettable it warrants an apology for invading the country's skies"
Det er faktisk bemærkelsesværdigt, at der er fire lande, der gerne vil have æren af at have medvirket, når hverken Australien eller Storbritannien har F-16 eller A-10 fly. Ved at øge forvirringen omkring deltagelse skjuler de for hinanden, en taktik der ikke er ukendt i kriminelle miljøer, og hvis nogen dækker for Store Bøller, så sikrer de disses gunst, beholder deres plads i hierarkiet eller rykker op i graderne.
For mere om Australiens rolle se: More to September 2016 'mistaken' air strike on Syrian troops at Deir ez-Zor than originally thought

General Herbert Carlisle says:
No airframe conducts close air support of ground forces as good as the A-10, but that's essentially the only mission it can do ...
From Breaking Defense:
Also,the A-10 doesn't have the sort of sophisticated sensors you find on newer attack aircraft, so independent targeting is more difficult for them. We're waiting for confirmation, but it's almost a certainty that Joint Forward Air Controllers are providing targeting info to the A-10s in Iraq. That's something that wouldn't happen in Syria as we are supposedly not sending any troops there.
Retired Chief Master Sergeant Russell Carpenter told PBS in 2014:
It was developed with the intent to operate in an environment where the enemy contested the airspace. It was designed to operate in support of ground forces and built to take punishment from surface-to-air fires.
That said, the A-10 can operate as an airborne controller for other aircraft, but the downside to using an A-10 for this purpose is that it is a low- and slow-flying plane, vulnerable to anti-aircraft missiles.

The U.S. claims it was targeting Daesh. If so, why use A-10s, putting them at risk of Daesh SAMs (surface-to-air missiles)? Daesh has taken down several Syrian aircraft in this manner.

Why use an aircraft "designed to operate in support of ground forces" - "the only mission it can do" - if there were no ground forces to support?

The best possible answer is simple: the A-10s were used in support of ground forces. Daesh terrorists acted as U.S. JTACs. Either that, or the U.S. has JTACs embedded with Daesh. Maybe some of those U.S.-trained "New Syrian Army" militants who have been caught "defecting" to Daesh?