Murad Gazdiev
© RTAutentisk krigsrapportering: Journalist fra RT, Murad Gazdiev, er en som rent faktisk tager til krigszonerne for at finde fakta, istedet for at sidde på sit kontor og blive fodret med løgne fra Vestlige efterretningsvæsner og deres 'skuffe' agenturer.
Skæbnen af de civile i det vestlige Aleppo, som ofte er beskudt af oprørere, er næsten ukendt for læsere af de etablerede massemedier. Fem børn blev dræbt i den regeringskontrollerede del af byen i torsdags, men angrebet blev knapt bemærket af menneskerettighedsgrupper eller af USA.

En skole og et tilstødende busstoppested blev ramt af mortergranater i Al-Suleymaniya nabolaget af Aleppo. To børn blev dræbt på stedet og tre andre senere i hospitalet.

"Ængstelige pårørende og forældre græd og råbte og forbandede oprørerne og deres støtter," rapporterede RT's Murad Gazdiev fra Al Razi Hospitalet, hvor ofrene blev bragt.

"De var blot skolebørn, mine elever," fortalte deres lærer til RT.

Under filming på hospitalet, så RT holdet den forfærdende situation i kølvandet på den udiskriminerende beskydning af det vestlige Aleppo. Den 10-årige dreng Hassan, født døvstum, mistede en fod ved granatbeskydningen for to dage siden, men overlevede.

ADVARSEL: Du kan finde noget af den følgende video forstyrrende

Kommentar: Denne artikel er delvis oversat til dansk af fra: Real war reporting: 'Rebel' attacks against Aleppo civilians not mentioned in Western media (VIDEO)

"The day before yesterday, he was playing with other boys in al-Hamadaneyah area when the shell landed there," one of Hassan's relatives explained."One of the boys was torn apart completely and my nephew had his foot blown off."

Another child, a five-year-old girl named Tasmeem, was hit by a piece of shrapnel from a shell that landed in Western Aleppo on Wednesday. She was brought to the hospital with her intestines hanging out. Doctors have been operating on her, saying she is stable for now.

A boy, who also got injured in the latest attacks, told RT he witnessed his cousin's death in the shelling.

"A shell landed right next to me. I saw how my cousin was torn apart in front of my eyes," the boy, lying on a stretcher with a bandaged leg, said.

"Why are you [terrorists] killing us, what have we done to you? Don't you have a heart?" a woman inside the hospital said, expressing sorrow and frustration.

RT asked several international human rights organizations to comment on the current situation there. The response was very limited.

"What concerns us is that all parties to the conflict are committing violations against children," Juliette Touma, UNICEF spokesperson for the Middle East and North Africa said. "Violations against children in Syria should come to an end."

Comment: This is deflection. Children in Aleppo have been murdered and brutalized for 4 years, a horror that is now coming to an end thanks to Syrian-Russian forces forcing the perpetrators out of Aleppo. Where was UNICEF when all those other kids were killed by 'the rebels'?

"Unfortunately, we don't have enough information about this specific attack (or attacks on West Aleppo more broadly at this stage)," Human Rights Watch said in a written response.

Comment: BS. You have heaps, thanks to dozens of RT (and independents') reports this year.

Meanwhile, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said that while given the scope of violence in Syria they cannot verify every each incident in any part of the country, the recent escalations are "alarming."

Comment: Another non-answer. 'Sorry, but there's just too many cases to verify.' Where is their concern for 'verification' when they blithely repeat stories spread by Western-funded NGOS, stories that usually have little or no supporting evidence?

"While the humanitarian situation is particularly dramatic [in the east], the whole of Aleppo is affected by the ongoing violence. Thousands more families have been displaced within or to western Aleppo recently, and civilians are also being killed by the ongoing shelling," spokesperson Krista Armstrong told RT in an email.

Comment: No, those thousands are finally getting out thanks to safe corridors established by the Syrian state forces.

"The ICRC urges all parties to avoid the use of explosive weapons with a wide impact area in densely populated areas, due to the significant likelihood of indiscriminate effects," she added.

Comment: Sure, but the forces using such weapons indiscriminately are the terrorists... sorry, 'rebels'.

The government-held part of the city meanwhile remains plagued by a worsening humanitarian situation. Over 250,000 people are living in the eastern part, according to UN estimates. In contrast to that, at least 1.2 million people are living in the western areas. Many fear that the suffering and terror of civilians in the government-controlled part of Aleppo may be overlooked and neglected.

When asked to comment on the shelling in government-controlled western Aleppo, where five children were killed on Thursday, US State Department spokesman Mark Toner told RT's Gayane Chichakyan that he was not aware of the incident.

Comment: Of course not; he's only briefed on what he's told to say.

Civilian suffering in eastern Aleppo has been the focus of everybody's attention, and rightly so. Does the US government pay any attention to the suffering of civilians in the western part of the city?

"We consider any civilian loss of life as a result of the conflict in Syria to be one too many. And it's the reason why we were trying so hard to get a suspension of hostilities in place so that we could get back to a political negotiation. What you have now in Aleppo is a full-on conflict, and in that kind of climate and environment you're going to have civilians pay the price," Toner said.

Comment: Yes, civilians are paying the price for American perfidy in encouraging the 'rebels' to break the ceasefire a thousand times, thereby bulldozing their way (they believe) towards their goal: regime change.

The US has long promised to separate the rebels from terrorists. An Al-Nusra commander revealed in a recent interview how the group has been receiving outside support, including American weapons. It is believed that a number of US-backed groups are also working side by side with the Al-Qaeda affiliate.

Moscow has repeatedly insisted that any peace plan for Syria - and in particular for Aleppo - will not bear fruit until the US-backed rebels clearly distance themselves from Al-Nusra.

Russia is not convinced that the US is seriously fighting militants from the Al-Nusra terrorist group in Syria, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said last week, adding that though American fighter jets make a lot of flights, they do not hit many targets.

Moscow "doesn't see any facts that the US is seriously battling Al-Nusra [now known as Jabhat Fateh al-Sham]," Lavrov said in an interview aired on Channel One Russia, adding that Moscow is suspicious about Washington's calls to cease bombing against terrorists in Aleppo.

"It's also suspicious that they call on us and the Syrian Air Force not to fly over Aleppo because, yes, the main force of Al-Nusra Front is there, but there are also allegedly representatives of the 'moderate opposition,' who are surrounded and have nowhere to go except to Al-Nusra," Lavrov said.

"So don't touch Al-Nusra, because it is not humane in relation to the normal guys [moderate opposition], and we will fight Al-Nusra later," Lavrov said, mimicking Washington officials.

"And this 'later' never comes. [Washington] promised to separate these normal guys from Al-Nusra back in February," he noted.