george soros looking evil
Sounds about right...
"Spejl, spejl på væggen der, hvilket EU land elsker Georg Soros mest af alle?"

Det er det ekstremt progressive, neoliberaIe, uber-socialistiske svenske kongerige.

George Soros' Open Society Foundation hyrede et konsulentfirma til at vurdere medlemmerne af Europa-Parlamentet, i en bestræbelse på at beregne støtten til fondens "kerneværdier" indtil slutningen af 2019, den periode medlemmerne er valgt for.

Resultatet af studiets kortlægning offentliggjort i "Reliable Allies in the European Parliament (2014-2019)", viser, at Sverige topper alle lister, som det land, der er mest loyal over for milliardæren George Soros's kerneværdier.

Hvor loyale er de svenske medlemmer af det Europa-Parlamentet til Soros's politikker, som for at nævne nogle få er åbne grænser, regimeændringskrige, og store bankprofitter? 13 ud af 20 de svenske MEP, svarende til 65%, blev klassificeret som "loyale allierede."

Listen af svenske Soros venner omfatter repræsentanter fra både venstre- og højrefløjspartier, hvilket yderligere bekræfter, hvad vi allerede vidste..., globalistisk korruption kender ikke til noget politisk spektrum.

Here are Soros's Swedish MEP "loyalists":
Lars Adaktusson of the Christian Democrats Party, Anna Maria Corazza Bildt of the Conservative Party, Peter Ericsson of the Green Party, Fredrick Federley of the Center Party and Soraya Post of the Feminist Initiative.
Ireland and Finland also scored high marks (second and third place respectively) with 54.5 and 53.8 percent of MEPs given the dubious title of Soros "loyalists."

On the opposite side of the Soros loyalty list are the countries of Eastern Europe.

The Czech Republic, Lithuania and Hungary (Soros' birth nation) received low marks in the Soros loyalty check list, with only 2 of 21, 1 of 11 and 1 of 21, Soros loyalists among the European Parliament.

We are certain that George Soros and The Open Society Foundation will either increase the kickbacks to the low scoring MEPs, in an effort to win their support, or revert to the always popular Soros regime change Plan B option.

Sputnik News agency reports...
Previously, 86-year-old financier George Soros, was found to have sponsored Swedish far-left activists Expo to train leftists within the framework of the pan-European election campaign. Additionally, Swedish entrepreneur Daniel Sachs was found to receive a grant from Soros for combatting "nationalism" during the 2014 parliamentary elections. In 2014, millions of dollars were handed out to various European organizations by the Open Society in an attempt to manipulate the outcome of the elections held in Europe that year.

In 1992, Soros became famous in Sweden after an extensive currency speculation affair against the Swedish krona, which subsequently triggered a mass shift of deposits to other currencies for fears of the krona's collapse. In 1998, six years thereafter, Soros was invited to Sweden. In addition to a dinner with the Royal family, a meeting with Swedish magnate Peter Wallenberg and a lecture at the School of Economics, he also held a lecture to at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).