Homs: Før og Efter
© PinterestHoms: Before and After
1) Syrien var et af de mest velfungerende og stabile arabiske lande i verden. Det var ikke registeret som havende overtrædelser af menneskerettigher eller masse halshuggelser hvert år som vores gode allierede Saudi Arabien.

2) Assad er den anerkendte legitime leder af Syrien af hele verden.

3) Der var ikke uro i Syrien indtil et land 14000 km væk besluttede at de ikke brød sig om Assad - hvem pokker ved hvorfor. Blot et gæt: Assad havde ikke i sinde at give dette land Syriens resourcer for håndører. Dette land var ikke Rusland, men USA. Intet lille land uden bevæbnet med atomvåben kan nægte den slags af "krav" fra USA - der vil blive konsekvenser. Konsekvenserne for Syrien var financieringen af en oprører opstand.

4) Det at sådanne aktioner bryder internationale love betyder intet for USA, specielt når deres "ønsker" (krav") om adgang til billige resourcer er blevet nægtet.

Kommentar: Denne artikel er blot delvis oversat til dansk af sott.net fra: Six points regarding the US' attempt to destroy Syria

5) If the funded mercenary revolution is not succeeding, that's when the aircraft carrier shows up to assist the mercenary forces. US aircraft start flying in Syrian airspace without permission, (violation of International Law) with no declaration of war, nor attack on US assets by Syria. We start bombing the Syrian military and infrastructure, like bridges, highways, oil facilities - you know, trying to wreck their economy. This is a gross violation of international law. As for bombing cities, let's put it this way. If something of real importance is in downtown Damascus it will be hit. We don't follow international law unless it's favorable to us. The only rule we like is "might makes right" or "because we can, and they can't strike back." The fact is, all the Syrians killed by our bombing, or even by the mercenary forces we fund, the US is totally responsible for because every move we make on the sea, in the air or on the ground in Syria is illegal, because everyone of them breaks international law!

6) Russia is operating legally in Syria under international law, because the legitimate recognized Syrian Government asked for help to get rid of the scum the US had illegally funded and armed on Syrian territory. The Syrian Government is fighting a Civil War started by US funded and armed insurgents, who have taken the city of Aleppo which they have held a long time. Anyone with a brain bigger then a pea, knows street to street, house to house fighting is the bloodiest, most difficult of all combat. And when the insurgents are dug in and well armed within fortifications you need to bomb the buildings to make it possible to win. And yes civilians are going to die, that's what happens in inner-city warfare. It comes with the situation. But even these deaths are the responsibility of the USA and NeoCons like Bush, Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Check how bloody and deadly the USA's own civil war was. That was the last real war the US has fought were there were real battles fought on US soil.