Trump rally
Clinton kan ikke trække folk i så stort antal
Spørgsmålet angående betydningen af Trump er ulig spørgsmål angående personen Trump eller hvad de republikanske kandidater står for.

Betydningen af Trump er at stort set halvdelen af det amerikanske folk siger at nu er det nok. Halvdelen af det amerikanske folk udtrykker en total træthed overfor systemet og den regerende elite.

I de seneste uger har vi lært at Trump har efterladt en stripe af krænkede kvinder. Han var respektløs og opførte sig angiveligt meget grovt. Dette kan måske sige os noget om hvem Trump er; og dog angiver det faktum at disse pinlige afsløringer har haft nul impakt på Trumps popularitet, at vi her har at gøre med en kraft udover det normale. Ingen andre i moderne politik ville have overlevet blot en brøkdel af en sådan dårlig omtale. Trump kan vel være et fælt og respektløs menneskeligt væsen, og dog, lader det til at han er uovervindelig.

Denne artikel er delvis oversat til dansk af fra: The Meaning of Trump

Trump is not as eloquent or as lucid as Hillary Clinton or President Obama but he manages to express in a just a few words the deepest and most profound philosophical ideas and criticisms of Western life. It was Trump who reminded us, once again, that true utopia is in fact nostalgia. Trump's campaign slogan 'Make America Great Again' is probably the most profound existential rejection of the progressive delusional mantra. It is an essentialist admission that the prospect of a better future is actually rooted in the past, in the soil, in manufacturing and agriculture -- pretty much the few things from which Wall Street's mammonites were happy to divest.

Trump hinted in the last debate that he may challenge the result of the US presidential election if he loses. "I'll keep you in suspense," is how he phrased it. Once again, Trump is not a philosophy graduate, yet, he manages to unleash an existential viper into the room.

Secretary Clinton and President Obama were appalled by the man who doesn't adhere to the great American democratic tradition. They were probably correct. Trump, puts into question the entire American or, more accurately, Western paradigm. Democracy is not sacred to him - it is a means rather than the end.

Like the vast number of his followers, Trump believes that America and its democracy are currently rotten. American democracy is set up to serve its own oligarchy. It conveys the image that the dystopia in which we live is a product of our 'free (democratic) choice'.

While Clinton and Obama communicate persuasively within the symbolic order, Trump manages to revolutionize the discourse constantly. This is a quality that is usually associated with the artist and the Athenian spirit not with real estate moguls.

But does Trump really mean what he says? Is he genuine or is he playing a game. No one knows. But far more interesting, no one really cares and it doesn't really matter. And this is probably the real meaning of Trump.

Donald Trump is merely a vehicle. It doesn't really matter whether Trump will be the next president or not. The call for a radical social change has been established. It is now becoming aware of itself.