Syrian White Helmets celebrating with Al-Nusra
© Photo: Youtube / ΓΙΑΝΝΗΣ ALDEBARANSyriens White Helmets fejrer sammen med Al-Nusra
Freelance journalist Eva Bartlett er ikke en fremmed til konflikten i Syrien, og har besøgt landet gentagne gange siden konflikten startede for at få en forståelse af virkeligheden på stedet. I denne uge blev hun konfronteret med en mainstream journalist [fra Aftenposten] angående de løgne som bliver fremstillet i mediedækningen af Syrien og Bartlett lagde klart ud præcist hvad problemet er.

I fredags, tog den canadiske journalist og menneskerettighedsaktivist aktivt del i en pressekonference organiseret af den syriske mission i FN. Efter at have givet sin udlægning af situationen for øjeblikket i Aleppo i hvilken hun pointerede den vestlige medies partiskhed angående konflikten, blev Bartlett spurgt af en journalist fra den norske avis Aftenposten hvad motivet var for den vestlige medie at spinne en falsk historie.

Den norske journalist spurgte hende om "agendaen fra os i den vestlige medie og hvorfor vi måtte lyve - hvorfor de internationale organisationer på stedet skulle lyve?... Hvordan kan du retfærdiggøre at kalde os alle for løgnere?"

Kommentar: Denne artikel er delvis oversat til dansk af fra:Eva Bartlett completely dismantles mainstream narrative on Syria

Pointing out that there are "certainly honest journalists among the very compromised establishment media," Bartlett started off by challenging the assertion about the 'international organizations' on the ground in eastern Aleppo. The reality, she noted, is that "there are none."

"These organizations are relying on the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights [SOHR], which is based in Coventry, UK, which is one man. They're relying on compromised groups like the White Helmets. Let's talk about the White Helmets: They were founded in 2013 by a British ex-military officer, they have been funded to the tune of $100 million by the US, UK, Europe and other states."

Bartlett also recalled that while the White Helmets "purport to be rescuing civilians in eastern Aleppo and one in eastern Aleppo has heard of them; and I say 'no one' bearing in mind that now 95% of these areas of eastern Aleppo are liberated." At the same time, "The White Helmets purport to be neutral, and yet they can be found carrying guns and standing on the dead bodies of Syrian soldiers."

Furthermore, she noted, "their video footage actually contains children that have been 'recycled' in different reports; so you can find a girl named Aya who turns up in a report in say August, and she turns up in the next month in two different locations."

​"So they [the White Helmets] are not credible. The SOHR are not credible. 'Unnamed activists' are not credible. Once or twice maybe, but every time? Not credible. So your sources on the ground - you don't have them," Bartlett said.

Bartlett then turned to the Norwegian journalist's second question. "As for...the agenda of some corporate media: it is the agenda of regime change. How can the New York Times...[or] Democracy Now...maintain until this day that this is a civil war in Syria? How can they maintain until this day that the protests were unarmed and non-violent until say 2012? That is absolutely not true. How can they maintain that the Syrian government is attacking civilians in Aleppo, when every person that's coming out of these areas occupied by terrorists is saying the opposite?"

A second journalist asked the panel about the disconnect between Western and Syrian/Russian media coverage of the situation in Aleppo in recent days, including the terrorists' tendency to mine areas they have left, and the joint Syrian-Russian effort to evacuate civilians from militant-controlled areas.

"You ask why we aren't seeing this," Bartlett chimed in. "This relates to the other gentleman's question about why most of the corporate media are telling lies about Syria. It's because this is the agenda; if they had told the truth about Syria from the beginning, we wouldn't be here now. We wouldn't have seen so many people killed."

"In fact," she noted, "what the Russian [showing] is exactly what the Syrian media is saying, and it shows what independent people in Syria are saying."

With regard to other flaws in mainstream media coverage, including the sensitive topic of alleged Syrian and Russian air force attacks on hospitals, Bartlett offered another example of media manipulation. "They have manufactured stories, and I can give you a precise account," she said.

"In April this year," there was a story about "a hospital called the Al-Quds Hospital - which in a concerted effort all media said was attacked, targeted and badly damaged by either the Syrians or the Russians. In fact the Russians had satellite imagery showing that this hospital was in the same shape that it was in in October 2015. No difference; it was not attacked."

Continuing, Bartlett recalled that "months later, the Guardian, a prominent British newspaper, actually said that the Al-Quds hospital that it had alleged months prior to be attacked and destroyed, was treating victims of so-called chemical weapons attacks. So even the media that is lying is inconsistent in their lies." In the meantime, she added, unfortunately, Western governments and the media have ignored real attacks on hospitals throughout Syria by anti-government rebels and terrorists.

The full press conference can be found here.