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"Torturrapporten" har modtaget en meget ophedet kritik, både fra menneskerettighedsaktivister og fra dem, som er mere optaget af national sikkerhed. Men CIA var også optaget af eksperimenter på mennesker, som rejser spørgsmål om international norm for praksis vedtaget for mere end 50 år siden.

Under krigen på terror i kølvandet på 9/11, hyrede CIA James Mitchell og Bruce Jessen, to psykologer, der blev overgivet opgaven at udvikle forhørsmetoder og tilbageholdelsesprocedurer til brug i Væsnets "mørklagte lokaliteter".

"Vi tror, at deres ekspertise var så enestående, at vi ville have været tåbelige, hvis vi ikke havde opsøgt dem, da det blev klart, at CIA ville stå i spidsen for det uudforskede område af programmet." sagde CIA som svar på offentliggørelse af Torturrapporten, som nævner Mitchell og Jessen.

But according to The Nation, Mitchell and Jessen's only experience was in studying the effects of torture on American POWS. The psychologists were also anxious to test theories as to whether the type of "learned helplessness" exhibited in dogs could be used against humans.

As the Report made clear, the CIA's experiments were conducted through various forms of "enhanced interrogation." Waterboarding, extreme isolation, and "rectal rehydration"were all implemented to create "debility, disorientation and dread" in the subject.

Between 2002 and 2008, at least thirty-eight people were physically and psychologically tortured, with the results thoroughly documented and analyzed.

These most recent examples of human experimentation are not, of course, a first for the CIA. But they hearken back to an infamously dark chapter of human history.

Hope for a Troubled Time

Nuremberg trial
Dec. 10, 1945: Defendants and defense attorneys during the Nuremberg trials
The Nuremberg Code was a set of ethical principles established during the trials that followed World War II. Its ten points are written to constitute what can and cannot be done when performing research on human subjects. The result of our utter disbelief at what was seen in German concentration camps at the end of the war, the Nuremberg Code can perhaps be more accurately described as a moral guide for what should and should not be done to human subjects.

Of the ten points, certain ones stick out:

- The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.

- The experiment should be conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.

- During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe...that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.

The Nuremberg Trials represented a new hope that the world could be better. But even before the war on terror, the CIA has had a hard time recognizing the efficacy of such ideals.

A Dark History

While a chief intent of the Trials' was to try surviving members of the Nazi Party for war crimes, several top German scientists and doctors with known ties to human experimentation were brought to the United States and given new identities. Codenamed Operation Paperclip, the arrangement was perhaps a sign of early Cold War paranoia, when the U.S. sought any type of edge it could possibly get.

On December 23rd, 2014 - a mere two weeks ago - President Obama signed the "No Social Security for Nazis Act," to prevent former Nazis from receiving money they had been collecting for decades.

Comment: America opposed the UN Anti-Nazi Resolution on the 18th, just 4 days before making this decision. Maybe it's because Obama believed he had already paid Nazism enough tribute:

Fear of American POW indoctrination during the Korean War led the CIA to develop the MK-ULTRA program to research mind-control. The experiments tested the effects of biological and chemical agents on unwitting American and Canadian subjects.

Comment: There are many levels involved in this work and "fear" or "paranoia" are useful justifications for cold-blooded, sadistic torture. It paints the torturers as being the "real victims", which is so far removed from reality that it's astonishing anyone believes it.

In his opening remarks during a 1976 Congressional hearing on MK-ULTRA, Senator Edward Kennedy said there was "an 'extensive testing and experimentation' program which included covert drug tests on unwitting citizens 'at all social levels, high and low, native Americans and foreign.' Several of these tests involved the administration of LSD to 'unwitting subjects in social situations.'" Fear of American POW indoctrination during the Korean War led the CIA to develop the MK-ULTRA program to research mind-control. The experiments tested the effects of biological and chemical agents on unwitting American and Canadian subjects.

MK-ULTRA was shut down in 1964, after operating for eleven years.

Comment: Just like Abu Ghraib was the tip of the iceberg for the many torture sites, MK-ULTRA was one specific project within a much larger program.

A similar program began during Vietnam. Dubbed the Phoenix program, the CIA used a combination of interrogation and psychological torture to develop the "Kubark Counterintelligence Interrogation" manual. The manual became public in 1997 during congressional investigations looking into U.S.-supported human rights abuses in Central America during the 1980s.

A No Brighter Present

This sordid history of "black op" experimentation laid the groundwork for the actions described in the Torture Report. The CIA's recent dabbling in human experimentation may have deeper roots than we'd like to admit.

As Lisa Hajjar suggests in The Nation, perhaps the only way for implementers of the CIA's most recent torture program to see a courtroom would be to reframe the debate in terms of human experimentation of the type which was so long-ago deemed immoral.