white helmets syria
© The Syria Campaiign
En række syriske kvinder har fordømt den US-UK financierede gruppe "White Helmets" ledet af en tidligere britiske soldat, og som det er kommet frem for nylig, financieret af USAID. De kommer fra alle samfundets grupperinger (fx Sunni, Alawi, Druze, Kristne), men ligesom de fleste syrere foretrækker de ganske enkelt at blive identifceret som syrere.

Deres kommentarer følger offentiggørelsen af en række oplysninger (Beeley 20015; Hands off Syria 2016) som viser at White Helmets - som præsenteres som "helte", der redder civile fra krigens destruktion - i virkeligheden er bevæbnede partisaner, financierede af vestlige regeringer og som deltager med Jabhat al Nusra (al Qaeda) i sekteriske henrettelser.

Atalia fra Tartus siger: "sandheden om White Helmets er, at de er falske, og blot er et propagandaværktøj brugt af US og UK administrationerne for at retfærdiggøre militære handlinger mod den syriske regering, de blev ikke skabt af syrere, ejheller tjener de Syrien."

Rana from Damascus says: 'they are an armed force [which has] covered themselves under the wing of 'humanitarian' organization. In rural Idlib they did so many executions against Syrian civilians that doesn't support the fake revolution. Their main support and fund comes from US government and UK government.'A White Helmets (2015) video from Douma (NE Damascus countryside) shows the aftermath of a Syrian Government attack on Jabhat al Nusra and Jaysh al Islam terrorist groups, which had sent rockets and mortars into Damascus almost every day for several years, killing hundreds of people. The young men donning 'White Helmets' jackets to rescue their colleagues are indistinguishable from Islamist fighters. Portraying Islamist casualties as civilians is a long tradition in the war on Syria. US journalist Nir Rosen (2012) wrote some years back that 'dead opposition fighters ... [are often] described as innocent civilians killed by security forces'.

Samiah explains that the
'White Helmets are supported by the US State Department, the same people who have brought to you the Free Syrian Army, who have morphed into Al Qaeda, Jabhat al Nusra and ISIS. They make me feel sick disgusting leeches who live on people's pain and suffering.' Mimi adds, the 'white helmets have been filmed torturing and executing a Syrian soldier, they are not a humanitarian organisation.'
Backed by the Wall Street creation 'The Syrian Campaign' (Bartlett 2015) and often wrongly called 'Syrian Civil Defence', the White Helmets are the latest of a series of front groups, designed to give a 'humanitarian' gloss to Washington's latest dreadful war of 'regime change' in the Middle East. Hind says 'to us, they are nothing but a bunch of armed sectarian people giving a hand to the other terrorist groups on ground to justify this dirty war on our country.'


Bartlett, Eva (2015) 'Human Rights" front groups ("Humanitarian Interventionalists") warring on Syria', In Gaza, Fall

Beeley, Vanessa (2015) 'Syria's White Helmets: War by Way of Deception', 21stcentury Wire, 23 October

Hands off Syria (2016) 'The White Helmets - al Qaeda with a facelift', 29 April

Rosen, Nir (2012) 'Q&A: Nir Rosen on Syria's armed opposition', Al Jazeera, 13 Feb
White Helmets (2015) 'الشهداء تحترق و الجرحى تملئ شوارع المدينة - مجزرة #دوما 2015.10.30 +18 مؤثر جدا ً

31 October, Youtube