Den russisk præsident Vladimir Putin sagde, at han ikke har nogen grunde til at angribe eller beskytte Donald Trump, som USA har valgt til præsident, da han ikke kender ham personligt. Han tilføjede dog, at de som står bag de seneste påstande om Trump ikke har "moralske skrupler."

"Jeg kender ikke Hr. Trump personligt, jeg har aldrig mødt ham og ved ikke, hvad han vil gøre på den internationale arena. Så jeg har ingen grunde til at angribe ham, eller kritisere ham for noget, eller beskytte ham eller noget som helst", sagde Putin.

På trods af, at valget i USA er endt med en "solid sejr" for den Republikansk kandidat, fortsætter den intense politiske kamp i USA, observerede den russiske præsident og tilføjede, at der er visse kræfter, som har det mål at "at underminere legetimiteten af den, der er valgt til præsident."

"Det er mit indtryk, at de øvede sig i Kiev, og at de er klar til at organisere en Maidan i Washington, blot for at undgå at Trump overtager embedet," sagde Putin, der øjensynligt refererede til antiregeringsprotesterne i den ukrainske hovedstad i 2014, som resulterede i at lederskabet blev afsat.

Disse anti-Trump kræfter i USA ønsker også at "binde hænder og fødder" på den nyligt valgte leder, tilføjede Putin, og udtrykte derved, at de på denne måde ønsker at blande sig i Trumps inden- og udenrigspolitik, som fremlagt i hans program under hans valgkampagne.

Ved at gøre dette, skader disse kræfter "alvorligt USA's interesser", sagde Putin.

Kommentar: Delvist oversat af Sott.net fra Putin: 'Maidan' maybe coming to DC this week - Fake news makers 'worse than prostitutes'
Se også: America's Maidan! Vladimir Putin calls the creators of "golden showers" dossier "PROSTITUTES." And he is spot on
Her er en youtube, der hører til den sidste del af de engelske overskrifter i linkene ovenfor:

Here's the full quote from TASS:
"What we see is the continuing sharp domestic political struggle although the presidential elections are over and they ended with a convincing victory of Mr. Trump," Putin told reporters after talks with Moldovan President Igor Dodon.

This struggle has several goals, Putin said, adding that the first of them is to "undermine legitimacy of the US president-elect."

"Whether the people who have been doing that really wish it or not, they do cause harm to the interests of the United States and that harm is enormous," Putin said. "One has the impression that upon gaining the required experience in Kiev they may go as far as staging Maidan type of protests in Washington in a bid to prevent Trump from taking office."

"Another aim they pursue is to bind the president-elect by hand and foot to not let him act on home and foreign policy election pledges," Putin said.
And the full transcript is available here: Joint news conference with President of Moldova Igor Dodon

Kommentar: Som et eksempel på at "binde" hvilket åbenbart bifaldes af de, der sidder ved magten, men det var jo ikke primært dem, der valgte ham: Et fromt håb fra alle partier: Tag Trumps mobil fra ham

The campaign to discredit the president-elect shows that certain "political elites in the West, including in the US," have "significantly" worsened, according to the Russian president.

"Prostitution is an ugly social phenomenon," he told reporters, adding that people who stand behind "fabrications" that are now used against Trump "are worse than prostitutes."

"They have no moral scruples,"he said.

The Russian leader has also called the allegations that Moscow might have blackmail material against the billionaire turned president-elect an "evident fake."

"When Trump visited Moscow several years ago, he wasn't a political figure. We didn't even know about his political ambitions, he was just a businessman, one of America's richest people. So does someone think that our intelligence services go after each American billionaire? Of course not, it's complete rubbish," Putin said.

Commenting on reports spread in Western media accusing Trump of having fun with prostitutes in a Moscow hotel, the Russian president said he doubted that the man who had been organizing beauty pageants for years and met "some of the most beautiful women of the world" would hire call girls in the Russian capital.