Saif al-Islam
USAs Præsident Donald Trump har en unik mulighed for at fixe kaoset i Libyen ved at støtte Gaddafi's søn Saif al-Islam som statsoverhoved.

Libyen forbliver en dårligt funktionerende stat som i det store hele er grundet USAs fejlende politik. Støtten i 2011 af Obama/Clinton for Al Qaida affilierede grupper for at kunne styrte Muammar Gaddafi gav et kraftigt tilbageslag, med IS nu profiterende fra den massive bølge af immigration som også destabiliserer Europa.

Præsident Trump har en unik mulighed for at fixe dette forfærdelig rod ved at støtte udnævnelsen af lederen af den Libyske nationale forsoning, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, som statsoverhoved, den eneste mand som er istand til at forene klan mareridtet i Libyen, og danne et rigtigt demokrati, udrydde IS og løse immigrationskrisen.

Millioner marcherede i Libyen den 1. juli, 2011 til støtte for regeringen under Muammar Gaddafi, og bad NATO stoppe ødelæggelsen af landet. På det tidspunkt, blev den massive støtte for Gaddafi ikke rapporteret i mainstream medierne, og dog var det velkendt at Gaddafi havde mange støtter. Libyen var Afrikas rigeste land, en socialistisk velfærdsstat med overdådige fordele, fri uddannelse, og gode levestandarder. Siden 2003 havde Libyen åbnet op til Vesten i en liberaliseringsprocess som i det store hele var ledet af Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, som var instrumental i at løse sagen om Lockerbie-bombningen og betale skadeserstatninger til ofrenes familier, som de-eskalerede militæret, fjernede atomvåben og privatiserede økonomien.

Det var Saif al-Islam som befriede de bulgariske sygeplejesker i Benghazi, som indledte kæmpestore beboelsesprojekter i Benghazi, som skabte Charity Gaddafi Association som hjalp fattige lande i Afrika, så vel som at han arbejdede ihærdigt for at demokratisere Libyen. Han kaldte for en fri presse og håbede på at udstede en forfatning for landet. Det var også Saif al-Islam som ledte forsoningsprojektet i 2006 mellem regeringen og oppositionen, og den fredelige løsladelse af politiske fanger, som Abdelhakim Belhadj og Khaled Sharef, de fleste af hvilke tilsluttede sig oprørerne som nu kontrollerer Tripoli.

Kommentar: Denne artikel er delvis oversat til dansk af fra: Could Gaddafi's son Saif Al-Islam solve the Libyan crisis? Yes, he can

Libya was, prior to 2011, closely cooperating with the CIA and Western intelligence in order to eradicate the Sunni terrorist groups in the region. Gaddafi was an enemy of Al Qaida, which had tried to kill him several times. Under this cooperation, the US and Libya created stability in the region and controlled the immigration flow towards Europe.

Yet, by 2011, mainstream US news outlets and partisan NGOs were responsible for massively presenting misleading information that later turned out to be wrong, which served as a pretext for NATO's support for armed rebels to overthrow the Libyan government. The basis was that Gaddafi "bombed his own people" in what was described as "a genocide". But already in early March, US secretary of Defense Robert Gates said that no such attacks could be confirmed. The Russian military monitoring the situation via satellite said that no planes had been in the air at the time in question. In the hands of the very few, any war may easily be ignited by using mainstream propaganda tools. As we know, 90% of the American media is owned by 6 corporations and only 62 individuals now own more than 50% of world assets.

Due to the diligent legal work of organizations such as Judicial Watch, we now know that the chosen Obama/Clinton allies in Syria were The Muslim Brotherhood, the Salafists and Al Qaida groups—Gaddafi's long term enemies. A Judicial Watch retrieved USA Defense Intelligence Report, dated August 12th, 2012 reveals the axis of alliance: "The Salafists, Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaida in Iraq are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria. The West, Gulf countries and Turkey support this opposition."

US foreign secretary John Kerry further enlightened us in his leaked conversation with Syrian oppositional groups, first published by The Last Refuge January 1, 2017. The secret conversation took place September 22, 2016 and in it Kerry states that the US was heavily arming rebels in Syria and watching ISIS grow and that the reason for the intervention of Russia, which the US heavily opposed, was that "Daesh [ISIS] was threatening the possibility of going to Damascus". He also states that the American goal is to remove the Assad government in Damascus—the same goal as Daesh—and that the Obama administration was hoping for ISIS to strengthen its position in Syria. Assad was "threatened" by ISIS, he says in the recording, and the administration thought it "could probably manage" the situation to force Assad to negotiate; but instead, Russia intervened to support Assad against the extremist group.

Thanks to Wikileaks, we also know that the authorization for the Libya war was Hillary Clinton's achievement, which meant turning the state into an ISIS haven. Her notorious laughter when hearing about Gaddafi's brutal death makes one realize what kind of ruthless gang of bandits that the US had as political leaders, people with no respect whatsoever for national sovereignty or international law.

Comment: Which is the main reason Libyans endorsed Trump and were elated when Hillary "Butcher of Libya" Clinton was defeated in November: Butcher of Libya defeated: Libyan tribes happy Trump elected, attacks stopped immediately as jihadists mourned Hillary's loss

This American cartel activity is now out in the open to the point that president Donald Trump openly states that Obama is the founder of ISIS, co-founded by Hillary Clinton. Which, by the way must be a great joy to many Muslims, who for years have had their religion thrown in the dirt since "Islam is barbarism, just watch ISIS". As it turns out, ISIS is American geopolitical barbarism at its worst.

Der Spiegel reporting on the finding of the ISIS organization chart, discovered in the house of killed ISIS strategist Hadj Bakr in 2015, further showed that ISIS was not particularly occupied with Islam, but rather much more about intelligence, surveillance, and military operations, and how to infiltrate and break down Syrian civil society. The chart shows remarkable resemblance to CIA organizational charts of covert operations, hardly easy for some rugged Sunni-Baathist remnants in northern Iraq to chart out.

Current ISIS leader in Libya Abdulhakim Belhadj, who was a leading NATO ally in 2011 and became the military governor of Tripoli after the war, long displayed his excellent relationship to republicans such as John McCain. The senator must be an exceptionally stupid individual, hailing on his own webpage Belhadj as a "Libyan patriot whom we should support." He further notoriously asserted that it was he and Lindsey Graham who convinced the Saudis to fund the opposition in Syria—thus proudly stating that it was the US who got the Saudis into the whole Syrian mess.

Furthermore, the shocking scandal on how the Obama/Clinton-backed government in Libya have detained thousands of prisoners for years and kept them without trial in Libyan jails, is currently, maybe, the world's worst example of lack of respect for the Geneva convention and the standards of international law for the humanitarian treatment in war. Human Rights Watch has long complained about this. Sources on the ground state that as many as 35,000 Gaddafi loyalists have been incarcerated and continually detained without trial since 2011. This is happening in Tripoli, Misrata, and other places in Libya under the Western backed leadership and under Obama/Clinton's watch.

Comment: Including Sheikh Khaled Tantoush, whom interviewed recently after his release from prison: The Truth Perspective: Libya Ruined: Interview with Sheikh Khalid Tantoush - Introduced by James & JoAnne Moriarty

The Libyan Islamic Fighting Group and its ISIS leader, Belhadj—the great friend of senator John McCain—is, according to Libyan sources, currently controlling these prisons, there among the Hadba Prison in central Tripoli, where Libyan leaders and Al-Saadi Gaddafi have been kept since 2014. Al-Saadi is currently very ill and urgently needs proper medical attention or he will probably die. In the aftermath of the Arabic network Clear News' 2015 release of the documented torture of Al-Saadi Gaddafi under the Western backed government, nothing much has been done. It was a shocking video that raised serious questions about the treatment of prisoners.

It is now reported from Tripoli that around 7,000 of the 35,000 thousand detainees are women, many being as old as 80 years of age. They have been in these prisons for six years. UN Human Rights groups, now active in Libya in order to try to solve this situation, are of course fully aware of the utter disgrace this is to Western powers, who helped instigate the Libyan tragedy. Sources on the ground state that ISIS's support is now faltering in Libya as the movement has little local support—allegedly always, by the way, paying its bills in euros or US dollars. Saif al-Islam now has united the tribes and strategically positioned his allies all over the country.

A final point. Libya was extremely rich before 2011, on the verge of implementing the gold dinar and working toward implementing broad African unity under this currency. At that time, the Libyan Investment Authority (LIA), constituted in 2006, had over $150 billion in assets invested world-wide. The financial accounts from 2010 display a full overview of detailed accounts and contents of its LAFICO, LAP, OIL Invest, LTP and LLIDF branches. In the vault of the Libyan Central Bank alone lay 144 ton of gold.

What the mainstream US media spoke of in 2011 as Gaddafi's "personal wealth" turned out in large part to be the Libyan Investment Funds and contents of the Libyan Central Bank, public institutions to which Gaddafi had no direct access. This was reportedly again stated on December 12, 2016, to the Official Libyan Channel by the vice chairman of the Presidential Council in Libya, Ahmad Maiteeq. He was addressing the issue of the $67 billion or more US dollar investments currently available outside Libya, the ban on the Libyan Central Bank now having been lifted—the question, of course, again being the dire necessity to control who withdraws what, in order to ensure that the Libyan funds are not continually disappearing into various personal accounts, as has been a vast problem since 2011.

So, ever since ex-president Obama managed to "shed a tear" and call the Libya war the worst mistake of his presidency, we are still waiting to see action and the US and associates to release back to responsible rulers in Libya its billions in assets. If you regret stealing, bombing, and destroying people's lives, you should also return the money and pay damages.

The national Libyan assets never belonged to the US Obama/Clinton administration or its affiliated international cartel friends. Yet, according to sources on the ground, the US still control part of the LIA, Libyan Central Bank, and oil revenues through its liaisons with the Western backed Tripoli government, where the current Central Bank governor, Sadiq al-Kabir, the link to IMF and other Western institutions. The LIA currently consists of $67 billion investments, yet in 2011 its frozen assets were around $150 billion. Many wonder what happened to the discrepancy and hope to establish in the future who took what.

President Trump has a golden moment in history to breach some of the terrible reputation the US now have all over the globe, as US war-mongering and ruthless foreign policy has caused unspeakable damage to millions of innocent civilians, traumatized by loss and bitterness, outside the US's own borders. It is obvious that the Trump administration aims to team up with more moderate forces in the Middle East. When Gaddafi was in the US, it was Trump property he placed his tent on. Repeatedly Trump admits that "getting rid of" Gaddafi was a big mistake, stating that Libya would be a 100 % better country if Gaddafi had not been killed, Sources now state that more than one million Gaddafi supporters live in Egypt, waiting to return to Libya, and around 300,000 in Tunisia.

Peace in Libya would for certain award the US President a great name as a peace broker in history. The solution to the Libyan crisis is to support the Green movement and The Popular Front for the Liberation of Libya, now nationally unified behind London School of Economics-educated Saif al-Islam Gaddafi. The push is for equality, prosperity and stability, away from division, exclusion and marginalization—the reunification of the Libyan people under one democratic, tribal-backed leader. The development will be most interesting to follow in the months to come.