Michael Caputo
© Yana Paskova for The New York Times
Michael Caputo blev sendt til Rusland af Bill Clinton i 1994. Hans arbejde var at sikre, at Yeltsin vandt valgene.

For to dage siden fortalte The Duran om Bill Clintons rådgiver og insider i det Hvide Hus, Dick Morris, og at han har indrømmet offentligt, at det Amerikanske demokrati undergravede de russiske valg.

TIME Magazine skrev om Bill Clintons "Amerikas valgindblanding" for at Boris Yeltsin kunne forblive på posten i 1996.

Mens det russiske hysteri fra det liberale venstre når nye højder med Donald Trump Jr's 20 minutter lange møde med en russisk advokat ... interviewede Tucker Carlson Michael Caputo, Trumps tidligere kommunikationsrådgiver, som blev sendt til Rusland af Bill Clinton i 1994, med det eksplicitte formål at blande sig i det russiske valg og dermed sikre Boris Yeltsin præsidentposten.

TIME Magazine cover
The exchange, and admission by Caputo, exposes the hypocrisy in the entire "Russian meddling" fake news narrative.

The Gateway Pundit notes that Caputo and his family (Ukrainian born wife) are now the victims of death threats from the "peaceful liberal left", because Democrat lawmakers believe the couple are also under Putin's spell...
Former Trump Communications Advisor, Michael Caputo, told Tucker Carlson on Friday he never heard anyone in the Trump campaign even mention Russia during the election.

Caputo told Tucker Carlson that his family has received death threats after Rep. Jackier Speier (D-CA) mentioned his wife was Russian (she's Ukranian) at a House hearing.
State of Politics reported:
In the statement, Caputo says he hopes to find clarity on relevant issues to the committee and "set the record straight" with respect to comments made about his family. He takes aim in particular at comments made by Rep. Jackie Speier, D-California, during a March 20 hearing.

He said Speier inaccurately called him Putin's "image consultant" during the previous hearing, despite the fact he publicly criticized the Russian president a number of times in the past. Caputo said a simple Google search would've revealed that.

He also criticized the congresswoman for bringing his Ukrainian wife into the fold.

"You don't need Google to understand why our marriage does not support the Congresswoman's hypothesis that I'm a Putinist," he said. "Just as not every Italian American is associated with organized crime, not every Ukrainian woman is connected to President Putin. In fact, few are. Maybe none. For a number of reasons, my wife certainly is not."