Ukraine neo-nazi marchers
Julian Assange ser det større billede bag det amerikanske hykleri og dobbeltstandarder.
Grundlæggeren af Wikileaks Julian Assange har sent en række af højtrammende Tweets angående de seneste højreorienterede versus venstreorienterede protester for nyligt i Charlottesville som resulterede i et dødsfald og adskillige sårede.

I ovenstående Tweet, har Assange sat side om side en neo-nazi fakkelmarch i Kiew med en højreradikales fakkelmarch i Charlotteville. Udover faklerne, så er det klart at de ukrainske fascister var langt bedre udrustet for vold idet de bar skudsikre kampbeklædning og havde tildækkede ansigter.

Kommentar: Denne artikel er delvis oversat til dansk af fra: American hypocrisy: Assange asks why the US said nothing when Obama supported Ukrainian neo-Nazis

Apart from this, the Ukrainian neo-Nazis got scant political coverage in the western media in spite of the fact that their actions included overthrowing a legitimate government as recognised by the United Nations and the installation of a fascist regime which continues to wage a war of aggression on the peoples of Donbass. This war has included the use of chemical weapons on civilians.

Beyond this, Ukraine is also a bigger nuclear disaster waiting to happen than North Korea. While Pyongyang has stated that its weapons are defensive, the nuclear power stations in Ukraine continue to violate multiple internationally recognised safety standards. The possibility of another Ukrainian nuclear disaster in the place where Chernobyl occurred in 1986 looms heavily over the region.

However, these facts get even less coverage in western mainstream media than the initial fascist coup in Kiev did in 2014.

By contrast, the American far-right is far from power and does not have anything close to a political programme capable of putting together let alone overthrowing a government.

Assange continued by criticising the power of identity politics as a dangerously divisive force which naturally leads to civil strife.

He then used his famously black humour to contrast how the United States actively funds and arms sectarian groups abroad in order to foment civil strife with the reality that in the US such things are entirely funded domestically.

While in Syria there were never any homegrown 'moderate rebels' but instead, gangs of foreign funded Wahhabi extremist terrorists, in the US there literally are moderate rebels whom many find distasteful but who are on the whole non-violent and largely irrelevant.

If the US really cared about ending sectarian strife it should stop arming it abroad and encouraging it at home.