healing hand
Udøvelsen af Reiki, den spirituelle og helbredende energipraksis, er en del af en ældgammel østlig holistisk helbredelsestradtion, der går tusinder af år tilbage. Reiki blev genopdaget af Dr. Mikao Usui i Japan og blev bragt til vesten af Mrs. Hawayo Takata i 1937.

Ordet Reiki er afledt af to japanske ord - Rei, som bedst kan defineres som højere visdom eller universel og Ki ligesom chi eller qi, der er et udtryk der bruges til at beskrive vores livskraft. Denne praktiske form for spiirituel healing manipulerer vores livskraftsenergi. Det formodes at effektiviteten af helbredelse med Reiki styres af en højere spirituel kraft, som sender denne kraftfulde livgivende kraft til det perfekte sted inden i os.

Målet for denne alternative helbredelsesform er at genoprette balancen og harmonien mellem alle dele af vores væren. Reiki arbejder på at skabe en perfekt tilstand af ligevægt i vores livskfraftsenergi. Den hæver vibrationsniveauet i kroppen og arbejder ved at hele og rense dens energetiske kanaler. Dette tillader vores livskraftsenergi at begynde at flyde igen. Den spirituelle healing frembragt igennem Reiki fremmer sundhed og velvære i alle dele af os, fysiske, mentale, følelsesmæssige og spirituelle.

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What To Expect During a Reiki Session

In a healing session, the recipient lies down with their eyes closed. The Reiki practitioner utilizing a series of fixed hand positions infuses the body with healing energy. In each hand position, the practitioner channels universal energy though their bodies, out of their hands and into the bodies of their client. The hands are held in each of these positions for several minutes at a time. Many of the hand positions correlate to the energy centers, the chakras that run up the spine. The positions start at the top of the head and progressively work their way down the body.

Having a Reiki healing session is not like getting a massage. Reiki healing is performed on a flat surface such as a massage table, but that is where the similarities end. You do not have to remove your clothes to obtain the benefits of the healing energy of this health modality. The muscles are not rubbed, kneaded, squeezed or pressed. Instead, the hands are placed gently on or held above the body.

Individuals who have received Reiki report a wide range of things. During a session, some report experiencing feelings of warmth, heat or vibration as the practitioner works on them. Others do not sense anything at all. The most common remark expressed by recipients of Reiki is the sense of relaxation, peace and an overall reduction in stress after a session.

Who Can Perform Reiki?

You do not have to be a powerful healer in order to perform this form of spiritual energy healing. Healing during a Reiki session is achieved when universal life-force energy is transferred from the ethers, through the practitioner and into the recipient. The clearer and more open the healing practitioner is, the better a vessel they are to channel the healing energy through them. This makes the use of Reiki as a healing technique open to anyone.

Reiki offers methods for both self-healing as well as methods of working one-on-one with a spiritual energy healing practitioner. There are also a number of wonderful books that can guide you to a deeper understanding of the healing power of Reiki, either for self healing or if you are interested in performing Reiki healings on others.