© Olivier Hoslet / ReutersEU kommissionens præsident Jean-Claude Juncker og den amerikanske finansmand George Soros
Et netwærk kørt af den amerikansk-ungarske finansmand George Soros har enorm indflydelse over EU organer i Bruxelles og nærer skabelsen af et "Europa med blandede befokninger" ved at opmuntre til immigration, har Ungarns premierminister påstået.

Idet han fredag talte til Radio Kossuth, indledte Viktor Orban endnu et verbalt angreb på GEorge Soros, og kaldte ham en "politisk dukkefører" som havde enorm indfldelse over EU's øverste institutioner.

Soros' folk har infiltreret det Europaparlamentet og andre organer i den 28 medlemmer store blok, som Orban hævdede søger at skabe "et Europa med blanede befolkninger" og få Budapest "dømt og tvunget til at ændre sin migrationspolitik."

Mere end 200 medlemmer i Europaparlamentet er blevet listet som Soros' imperium som "venner af netværket", fortsatte Orban. "Der er en hel del af dem i Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee [LIBE], heriblandt ungarske borgere," sagde han.

Orban, who will seek a fourth term as Hungary's Prime Minister next year, said he has directed the country's secret services to investigate the "Soros empire" and "to expose it to the public." "By employing the national security services, the Soros network that strives to influence European life should be exposed," Orban said. "Who are these Hungarians who are participating in this process from here, within Hungary?" he asked.

Orban, has previously accused the billionaire financier of conspiring in Brussels to create "a new, mixed, Muslimized Europe." He consistently argued that Soros has more influence in Brussels than in Washington or Tel Aviv.

The Prime Minister and the billionaire have clashed in the past, most prominently over the Soros-funded Central European University (CEU) in Budapest. In June, Soros labelled Hungary a "Mafia state," while Orban described the comments as "a declaration of war." "The only network which operates in mafia ways, which is not transparent in Hungary is the Soros network," Orban said.

The simmering spat is coupled with the Hungarian government's crackdown on Soros-backed NGOs. Earlier this year, Orban announced Soros' charities will be "swept out" of Hungary. Now, it is obligatory for all non-government groups sponsored from abroad to disclose the identity of significant foreign donors.

The European Commission has initiated legal action against Orban's government, claiming parts of Hungary's anti-NGO law is in conflict with EU legislation.