Oversat fra russisk til engelsk af Ollie Richardson og Angelina SiardStalkerzone.org
putin valdai 2017
Putin taler, folk lytter, Fake News Inc flygter
Af alle Vladimir Putins taler, som jeg havde lejlighed til at lytte til og se, vil jeg kalde denne tale ved Valdai forumet inklusiv spørgsmål til svar den mest anti amerikanske, endog antivestlige. Idet han beskriver historien bag Ruslands relationer med Amerika i 1990'erne, deler den russiske præsiden en historie - der er slående i sine detaljer - om hvordan, inden for rammerne af to aftaler om begrænsning af atomvåben, eksperter fra USA havde adgang til de mest hemmelige russiske faciliteter og ind i kontorerne, hvor de etablerede sig: bordene var endog dekoreret med små amerikanske flag.

Hvordan besvarede amerikanerne vores lands åbenhed, der var uden fortilfælde? Vladimir Putin gentog adskillige gange, at de anså det som en svaghed. Rusland begyndte at brænde plutonium af våbenkvalitet i overensstemmelse med de opnåede aftaler, og USA, uden at informere os, ændrede de forpligtigelser, de påtog sig og nægtede at fuldbyrde bygningen af den fabrik, der skulle behandle plutonium. Det kom frem, at de tog en beslutning om at begrave det, hvilket i almindelighed ikke giver nogen mening, fordi det altid er muligt at grave det ikke brugte plutonium op fra deponeringsområdet, og det vil igen være fuldstændigt klart til brug.

Kommentar: Delvist oversat af Sott.net fra Putin speech at Valdai 2017: "The biggest mistake Russia ever made was to trust the US"
Se også: Putin says excessive trust in Europe is Russia's key mistake in past years

Ud over talen var der også spørgsmål og svar. Her blev Vladimir Putins spurgt til situationen med Spaniens indre uoverensstemmelse med Catalonien og svaret er:

Last year Russia unilaterally destroyed all stockpiles of chemical weapons, which, according to Putin, was enough to send all the world's population to its forefathers several times over, but Americans postponed making a decision on this issue until 2023. At the end of the forum a woman from Berlin said that in relations between States, like relations between people, only one side committing errors simply doesn't happen, and supposed that Russia is also to blame in some things, asking Putin to name a Russian miscalculation over the past 15 years. Probably the President of Russia could at this moment soften the tone and give something neutrally-conciliatory, but he responded discouraging harshly, saying that the only mistake Russia made was putting immense trust in the West.

The middle-aged American was allowed a word at the end. It was clearly seen that she was anxious and really frightened by the atmosphere in the hall. She shared a very-flattering-to-Putin observation that he is the only world leader who holds such meetings with experts, and then said that the President of Russia speaks only about the negative side of American politics, and that now similar sentiments have also embraced the United States. i.e. in such initial conditions no dialogue can work. Doesn't it enter into his (Putin's) mind that it is necessary to refuse stereotypes and to try to find a more positive tone? The answer of the President was also quite uncompromising. He, in all likelihood, was unsettled by the word "stereotypes", and said that he does not resort at all to them, but operates exclusively with facts. And in regards to negative evaluations, it would be odd to praise the US for everything that they have gotten up to in the world over the past two decades. After all, we gathered not for this purpose, but in order to understand problems and to find their solutions. And in general, it is the Americans who unleashed real "anti-Russian hysteria", so what complaints can there be towards Russia!

I specifically attracted attention to these details in order for it to become clear how, in my opinion, unprecedentedly harsh the President sounded at this time, while maintaining the correctness of his expressions. Regarding the content, the conversation was about everything: about the difficult situation in Catalonia - a result of the ill-conceived policy of Western support for "correct" separatists in the 1990's.

"There was a need to think about it before" - this theme was the leitmotif of most of Putin's answers:
  • About Syria, where it was succeeded to break the mechanism of American interference in the affairs of foreign States;
  • About the sovereignty of individual States, respect for which should be the cornerstone of the international security system;
  • About Ukraine, where if Kiev receives control over the border with Russia they will stage a massacre in Donbass, like the Serbian Srebrenica. "We can't allow it and we won't allow it," said Putin very simply;
  • About the Russian information resources "Russia Today" and "Sputnik", which are today being persecuted in the United States. Putin promised that the response will be immediate and mirrored;
  • About NATO's deployment of new weapons in Eastern Europe. Here, the President said that, of course, there is the temptation to flex muscles and threaten retaliation, but no, we are not concerned about this, everything is under control;
  • About Trump, who the head of Russia once publicly even had sympathy for - saying that, allegedly, he isn't allowed to work - although the experts obviously wanted to hear something sarcastic about him.
The former President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai, a man with a surprisingly intelligent manner and speaking behavior - very gently, but for this reason even more expressively - contributed to the anti-American mood of the evening. He described the enthusiasm and delight the Afghans greeted America with, who came to liberate them from the Taliban. And how Americans for several years, due to their disproportionate bombing of settlements - because of which innocent people were killed, turned the population of the country against itself, breathing a second life into Islamist extremism. Karzai simply offered the United States to finally admit that they have failed - failed to rule the world, and not only Afghanistan.

Valdai is a platform where Putin traditionally jokes. Not always harmlessly. Someone remembered how the Minister of Foreign Affairs under Yeltsin - Andrey Kozyrev - told Richard Nixon that Russia has no private interests, there are only universal ones. "This is because Kozyrev has no head," explained the President, "there is a cranium, but no head".

Here is what else seemed important to me: the definitions used by the Russian leader to describe US policy, depicting not a State, but a person that is stupid, suffering from teenage complexes, sloppy, yet extremely self-important. Here are some of these definitions: "selfishness", "boorishness", "intemperance", "a claim to exclusivity", "carelessness". During the cold war, according to the Russian leader, the Americans did not allow themselves to show such shocking disrespect for Russia like they do now. It is impossible to imagine that back then the State flags of the Soviet embassies in the United States could be pulled off.

It would seem that the result of such a concentration of pretensions should've been the breaking down of America into mystification and absolutization as the world's evil. But it didn't happen. I am sure that it will never happen. Putin kept saying that we need to work together, to agree - in Syria this is turning out not so bad. Russia is open for dialogue, and the realization by the West of its mistakes will obligatorily happen. This was said concerning the reluctance of European countries to influence Kiev, which refuses to implement the Minsk Agreements.

But we are open not only for dialogue but also for all processes that are rapidly changing the planet and its way of life - primarily for a scientific-technological revolution, which was mentioned a lot. Outlining the prospects for the development of the country in 2018-2024 - the next presidential term - Putin said, in my opinion, an extremely important thing. According to him, Russia should develop, as should the rest of the world. I.e. no falling away, pupation, or stagnation. Let's hope that things happen exactly in this way.

Original article in Russian