Putin Assad
De vestlige medier forudsage at den russiske militærkampagne i Syrien ville ende i et 'nederlag'. Det - kan antages - at være opnået. Nu følger fremstødet af diplomatiske anstrengelser for at afvikle krigen.

I September 2015 gjorde "Vesten" sig klar for en åben militær aggression imod Syrien. Det foregivne mål var at bekæmpe IS og at stoppe flygtningestrømmen mod Europa. Det egentlige mål var "systemskifte". Rusland dukkede op ved at sende kavaleriet til Syrien:
USA, Storbritannien, Frankrig og andre erklærede at de ville gå ind i himlen over Syrien for at "bekæmpe terrorren" af den Islamiske Stat. Rusland ville bruge den samme påstand til at retfærdiggøre sin tilstedeværelse og sine luftangrebs operation i luften over Latakia. Blot ved at være tilstede der ville sikre at andre ikke ville kunne benytte deres egenskaber til mere skumle hensigter.Yderligere så vil efterretninger fra Ruslands luftvåben være til nytte for syriske landoperationer.
Obama administrationen blev overrasket over Ruslands (og Irans) intervention. Den havde ikke nogen fornuftige måder at modvirke det. Administrationen og den amerikanske presse forsøgte at skjule denne impotens ved at forudsige at den russiske kampagne ville mislykkedes..

Obama himself led the pack:
"An attempt by Russia and Iran to prop up Assad and try to pacify the population is just going to get them stuck in a quagmire and it won't work," Mr. Obama said during a news conference at the White House on Friday ...
As reminder, and for your amusement, an incomplete list of the then published "Russia fails" nonsense: In October 2015, in the mid of the above propaganda onslaught, the presidents of Russia and Syria met in Moscow. It was a warm meeting despite the NY Times groundless efforts to portrait it as "chilly". The plans were laid for the military efforts to regain the country. They were successfully implemented. Russia's "quagmire" in Syria turned out to be A Well Designed Campaign.

Vox Syria Putin
The U.S. tried its best to hinder Syrian and Russian progress in the war. But despite Obama's unrelenting efforts, the Syrian alliance managed to regain control over Aleppo, Palmyra, Deir Ezzor and most of the south-east. The borders to Lebanon and Iraq are open and secured. Russian pressure turned Turkey around. Local ceasefires were arranged in over 2,500 towns and hamlets. The Islamic State is defeated. The Syrian army is again fully equipped and a fearsome force.

Yesterday the Syrian President Bashar al Assad again met President Putin. Assad remarked:
I am very glad to have this opportunity to meet with you two years and several weeks after Russia launched a very successful operation.

Over this period, we have achieved major success both on the battlefield and on the political track. Many regions in Syria have been liberated from the terrorists, and the Syrians who had to flee from these regions can now return there.
After several hours of talk Putin introduced Assad to Russia's military leaders. He noted:
As you know, we will hold a trilateral meeting here in Sochi. However, I would like to say that conditions for a political process could not have been created without the armed forces, without your efforts and the efforts and heroism of your subordinates. This goal has been achieved thanks to the Russian Armed Forces and our Syrian friends on the battlefield. Thank you for this.
Since 1945 the U.S. military has, arguabley, won no war. (No, Grenada does not count.) Russia demonstrated in Syria how it can be done. This must be food for thought to "western" staffs.

Yesterday's meeting was the launch event for the main diplomatic campaign to end the war. Today Putin held phone conservation with U.S. President Trump, the Saudi King and the Emir of Qatar. Tomorrow he will meet President Rouhani of Iran and President Erdogan of Turkey. Syria's will to fight, the reliability of its allies and Russian military competence have turned the war around. The meeting in Sochi sets the foundations for a lasting peace.

There are remaining challenges: Al-Qaeda still controls Idleb governate, Israel protects Jihadi groups along the Golan heights, the U.S. and its Kurdish proxies try to establish themselves in north-east Syria. It will take another year or two, and require more fighting, to overcome these issues. But the conditions to solve the remaining problems are now clearly in place. The diplomatic push by Russia and Syria will find solutions for many or most of the unsettled problems.

The U.S. commentariat was wrong in predicting a failure of the Russian military campaign. It will continue to sow doubt over Russia's diplomatic efforts. It will try to hinder and denigrate Syria's progress in regaining full sovereignty over its land and people.

No longer should anyone fall for such bullshitting.