Winter forest comet
Kære læsere,

2017 har været endnu et år fuldt af overraskelser. Verden bliver ved med at forandre sig, og vi alle sammen med det. Dette år kunne beskrives som et år med vandvid (både vejrmæssigt og på den sociopolitiske scene), mere deling og polarisering.

Ligesom sidste år, synes folk at foretage et valg, enten for det bedre eller for det værre. Nogle allierer sig i stigende grad med åbenlyse løgne formidlet af massemedier og de patologiske regeringer i vores verden. Nogle har taget et standpunkt imod disse løgne og har nået et punkt, hvor de til sidst ser, at der er noget helt forfærdeligt forkert med den version af virkeligheden, som de præsenteres for.

Mere end et spørgsmål om mindretal mod flertal af alle mulige slags, det er måske den største af alle delinger, så står valget mellem at alliere sig selv med løgne eller at alliere sig selv med sandhed og at være forberedt på at at gøre det arbejde, der er nødvendigt for at blive i stand til at identificere forskellen. Vi tænker at mange af vores læsere naturligt har valgt den rette vej, selv om det ikke nødvendigvis er den letteste, og vi håber at viden altid vil beskytte dig.

Surprisingly, one of the most unexpected events this year was that, in spite of the persistent anti-Russian propaganda coming out of Washington, London and Brussels, many people were able to see through it and recognize the valuable contribution Russia is making to the world. The epic failure of the warmongers in Syria as a result of Russia's phenomenal efforts was likely a turning point that helped expose the blatant lies of the global 'Deep State' to a mainstream audience.

We should also tell you that those of us here at SOTT who daily monitor the news in order to bring together the most complete picture of the State of the Planet often find it difficult to keep going in the face of the forces arranged against all people of good will. We are painfully aware of the struggle that must take place in order to right the wrongs and set things back on a positive footing; we are also aware that it will have to be a decision of the masses, not just 10% or 20% or 48% of the people. That is why it is so important to continue sharing knowledge.

As conditions across all spheres of life continue to degrade, there will inevitably be more pain and suffering. With that, there will be more and more people who, having believed that the chaos would never enter their lives, find that this is not the case: chaos seems to be emerging into our reality everywhere; and that makes it ever more important that we continue to keep the lighthouse lit for as long as we can.

Saying goodbye to the year 2017, we'd like to tell you a little bit about our accomplishments, since you may not be aware of some of them. We have reason to be proud of our stamina and perseverance, and much more reason to be thankful for you, our readers and supporters, who make it all possible. Because, frankly, if we did not receive so many messages of thanks and support, we would have no hope either! There is always much more we can do, but this year, just as we thought our plates were too full, thanks to our readers' support, and the impetus from many new volunteers around the world, we did even more!

Our Sunday radio show dealing with current affairs and our Friday 'Health and Wellness Show" continued to grow in popularity with listeners from all over the world tuning in and participating in the discussion. Our own in-house radio channel now has a chat room, so that apart from finding all our live and archived shows, you can also interact with other readers and listeners. If you haven't tuned in yet, you're missing out! In other languages, our Spanish and German radio shows have been reaching ever-larger audiences as well.

Some of our content that 'went viral' in 2017 is: We have also been producing much more original content with our SOTT Focus pieces and videos on our SOTT Media Youtube Channel. A recent development is that, from now on, there will be lots more original content articles at the top of the SOTT page. Our message has also been reaching a wider and more diverse audience with Joe Quinn appearing regularly on Iranian Press TV and Sputnik Radio. Meanwhile, our Earth Changes Summary monthly videos are being translated into multiple languages and requested by more and more viewers. Recognizing how important these "signs of the times" are, people have been sharing these videos far and wide on social media.

As promised last year, several other improvements were also made on SOTT this year, including:
  • Improved Reader Comment system with WYSIWYG editor, Preview feature, smileys, basic formatting, MicroComments, and more!
  • New WYSIWYG editor for the chat client on the SOTT Radio Network with formatting, smileys, emoji support, and more!
  • Shareable "Search URLs" that let you link to specific search results from SOTT's search engine
  • Better spam protection (yeah, those spam comments are very annoying...)
  • Many under-the-hood improvements for more speed, of course! and YOUR contribution

Over the years, we've held fund-raisers for specific goals, and the response has always been gratifying; obviously, many people do appreciate our work. YOUR contributions - whether as direct donations or product purchases - keep us up and running on a daily basis and we are immensely thankful to all. What you have helped us accomplish over the past fourteen years is amazing. Thanks to you, SOTT hit a record 6.5 million unique visitors a month in the summer.

Together, we are making a difference!

Nevertheless, we aren't sitting still...

In 2018, we'll be launching several changes to that will give you:
  • More original SOTT articles
  • More original SOTT videos
  • More of the great analysis of currents events that you've come to expect
  • A renewed focus on social media to help you spread the word
As already mentioned, refuses corporate advertising and sponsorship, and achieves its objectives via its own resources and reader donations. This is how we manage to keep this website going, and try to provide you with as objective a picture of the global reality as possible - day in, day out via dozens of volunteer editors around the globe. Any and all 'advertisements' you see on our site are either ads for our own products, which directly support our work, or our non-commercial support for others engaged in the fight against psychopathy and its effects on our world.

All of this highlights how important YOUR SUPPORT is, especially in the face of a tanking economy. The Fight Against Lies goes on and we very much need your help to keep the lighthouse going until we reach that point where knowledge and awareness goes exponential, at which point, that Happy New Year we all hope for might become a real possibility. This is why your help now is more important than ever.

And so, before the end of the fiscal year, we would just like to remind you that if you have extra income this year, donating to SOTT, a program of Quantum Future Group, Inc., a U.S. non-profit organization, is tax-deductible in the US. Wouldn't you rather give your money to a good cause, to the fight for truth and real information, than be funding war and corruption?

Make your (tax-deductible in the US) donation today. You can send a check or money-order by mail to:
SOTT/Quantum Future Group, Inc.
295 Scratch Branch Road
Otto, NC 28763
Or you can donate via Credit Card or Paypal. (For direct bank transfer details, please feel free to contact us.)

The SOTT Calendar 2018

Thanks to the creative talents of editors Maja Rasic and Jörg Klingenbach, we are excited to announce a new, unique 2018 desk calendar, which features a selection of inspiring quotes to keep you motivated throughout the coming year.

Check it out!

SOTT 2018 calendar front
SOTT Calendar January
SOTT calendar 2018 March
SOTT Calendar 2018 September
**** Anyone who donates 30 US dollars (or 30 EUR) or more will receive a calendar. And for other goodies, check the box below! ****

(NOTE: If you wish to receive the calendar or any of the other offered items below, please use the form below to make your donation. Just follow the steps, enter the information required, and the products are yours!)

Another way to contribute is to visit our stores and purchase one of our many books or a DVD set for yourself or your loved ones.

All our books and DVDs are listed on QFG's Online Store and Pilule Rouge, and are also available on,,,,, and, in paperback and electronic format.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, dear readers, and let's keep shining the light for as long as we can!

Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to all. May 2018 bring you all good health, much love and even more knowledge. Onwards and upwards!