woman found alive mortuary
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En kvinde, som var erklæret død efter en skrækkelig trafikulykke, blev fundet i live i lighusets kølerum flere timer senere

Efterforskningsfolk var målløse, da de trak en kvinde ud af et kølerum og opdagede at hun stadig trak vejret.

Hun var forkert blevet erklæret død af paramedicinere efter ulykken, som det antoges dræbte tre mennesker nær Johannesburg, i Sydafrika.

Kvinden som led svare skader til hovedet, er nu i hospitalet, mens undersøgelsesinspektører prøver at finde ud af, hvordan paramedicinerne kunn begå fejltagelsen.

Kommentar: Delvist oversat af Sott.net fra Oops! South African woman declared dead after car accident found alive in mortuary hours later
Et spørgsmål er, om det kan være, kulden i kølerummet, har hjulpet med til at redde hende? Nedkøling efter hjertestop kan redde liv og hjerneceller
Noget andet er, at det er en frygtelig tanke, at folk antages at være døde og så alligevel vågner op efter begravelsen. Se GIERTRUD BIRGITTE BODENHOFF (Gys!).
I nogle lande og kulturer bliver folk stadig begravet på dødsdagen, indsvøbt i et ligklæde og kastet i et dybt hul, som så tildækkes. Andre steder bliver de brændt. At folk vånger op forekommer og som linkene sidst i artiklen viser er chancen/risikoen større end man skulle tro.

News 24 i Sydafrika skrev om sammen hændelse:
'Dead' woman found alive in Carletonville mortuary fridge 2018-07-02 15:31
A woman, who paramedics had declared dead after a horrific car crash, was later found alive in a mortuary fridge, emergency services said on Monday. Ambulance service Distress Alert confirmed that the unnamed woman had been certified dead by paramedics at the scene of the pile-up outside of Carletonville, southwest of Johannesburg, in the early hours of June 24.

Mortuary technicians then found her alive in a morgue fridge several hours after the crash in which the victims' car rolled, throwing all three occupants clear of the vehicle, killing two of them.

"We followed our procedures - we've got no idea how it happened," Distress Alert operations manager Gerrit Bradnick told AFP.

"The crew is absolutely devastated - we're not in the business of declaring living people dead, we're in the business of keeping people alive."

The woman, who was taken to Carletonville hospital after being found alive in the mortuary, had shown no signs of life when she was attended to by first responders, added Bradnick.

Workers at the mortuary in Carletonville had loaded the crash victims into the fridges and were filling in forms when one went to check on the bodies, it was reported.

A source told Times Select: "When he pulled out the woman's body, he saw that she was breathing.
Carletonville south africa mortuary, woman found alive South African mortuary
Workers at a mortuary in Carletonville discovered the woman was still alive.
"Paramedics are trained to determine death, not us. You never expect to open a fridge and find someone there alive. Can you image if we had begun the autopsy and killed her?"

The woman, from Gauteng province, was rushed to Carletonville Hospital and then transferred to Leratong Hospital in Krugersdorp, where she continued to receive treatment.

The crash happened near Carletonville in the early hours of June 24 when a car went out of control and rolled.

The car was then hit by an ambulance responding to the incident, it was reported.