RT reports Mosul
RT's specielle rapporter om den humanitære krise i den irakiske by, Mosul har belønnet netværket med sit sjette nominering af den internationale Emmy Awards, belønnet for erkendelsen af en historie som i det store hele blev ignoreret i de veslige medier.

Finalisterne for Emmy prisen i Nyhedskategorien, annonceret i mandags, omfattede RT's #MosulSOS, en serie af reportager og en sociale mediekampagne stilet mod at belyse skæbnen af de civile som flygtede den irakiske by idet amerikansk-støttede styrker belejrede den tidligere højborg af islamisk stat (IS, tidligere ISIL/ISIS). For at rette opmærksomheden på den humanitære katastrofe som fandt sted, lancerede RT kampagnen #MosulSOS på sociale medier i marts 2017.

RT's Murad Gazdiev rapporterede på stedet i byen Mosul, hvor han talte med lokale hvis tragiske historier om ødelæggelsen af deres by aldrig lod til at blive til vestlige overskriftere [i medierne]. De for hvem det lykkedes at flygte gav Murad deres historier som tit modsagde den amerikansk-ledede koalitions fortælling om en præcis, målrettet bombekampagne.

"Very often the jets would miss. Seven entire families near us were killed this way," one woman told RT's correspondent. "Perhaps their weapons were faulty, as they regularly missed targets."

"There are so many people hurt by airstrikes. Four children were wounded yesterday while they were playing in the garden. We couldn't leave the house or let the children out, as the airstrikes and army artillery bombed us nonstop," another Iraqi told RT.

#MosulSOS also revealed the horrific aftermath of Mosul's liberation, with footage and interviews illustrating how the city has been left in ruins, with bodies still buried under mounds of rubble.

"There are still people under the rubble. A woman just found her husband under the wreckage. But no one can get him out. It smells terrible," one local told Murad, five months after Mosul's liberation.

Several reports focused on the plight of four-year-old Hawraa, a girl who survived - though she was badly wounded by - a coalition airstrike on Mosul. The airstrike killed her mother and most of her family, with her father telling RT that the assault on Mosul was tantamount to "genocide."

RT's reports also highlighted expert opinions, including that of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Representative in Iraq Bruno Geddo, US Forces Commander in Iraq and Syria Lt. General Stephen Townsend and the Senior Crisis Response Advisor for Amnesty International, Donatella Rovera.

"Our journalists risked their lives in order to show the world the consequences of the operation meant to liberate the city of Mosul. I view their work with pride and admiration. This Emmy nomination is well-deserved," said RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan.

The Emmy Awards, TV's 'Oscars', is one of television's most prestigious awards competitions. The winners for this year's News category will be announced during a ceremony on October 1 in New York City.