earth changes summary june 2019
Over hele verden var der i den forgangne måned massive og pludselige oversvømmelser som rev land, huse og folk med sig. Selvom det er starten af 'sommer' på den nordlige halvklode, så så regionen i Siberien omkring Baikal søen nogle af de værste oversvømmelser i mands minde; oversvømmelser forekom i ørkenerne i Yemen, Libyen, New Mexiko og Mongoliet imens byer i det sydlige Mexiko og det sydlige Italien blev ramt af kæmpe mængder af hagl.

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The manifestation of back-to-back extremes, in both space and time, is the defining characteristic of this 'age of transition' we have entered. The first half of June brought wet and wild with weather to Europe, with violent storms inundating the region with rain, cold and hail... but in the second half of the month an extreme heatwave struck, causing all-time record high temperatures in France and raging wildfires in Spain.

Strong earthquakes in China, Japan and Indonesia were accompanied by major volcanic eruptions along the Ring of Fire. The massive quantities of ash and dust they pump into the atmosphere, likely significant factors driving climate change, along with the 'meteor smoke' from trails of meteor fireballs, were 'reflected' last month by the major outbreak of 'night-shining' clouds at unprecedentedly low latitudes.

All that, and more, in this month's SOTT Earth Changes Summary...

Check it out on's Vimeo channel:

Music used: 'Escape from the Temple' by Per Kiilstofte. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
To understand what's going on, check out our book explaining how all these events are part of a natural climate shift, and why it's taking place now:

Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection

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