award putin letter almelo
© Vitaly Chugin/TASSDen russiske ambassadør i Nederlandene Alexander Shulgin and Albert Gietelink
Albert Gietelink, en 92 årig gammel mand fra Almelo, modtog i denne uge en pris ved den russiske ambassade i Hague på grund af et brev han skrev til den russiske præsident Vladimir Putin for nogle få måneder siden. Han skrev brevet, fordi han ønsker, at forholdet mellem Rusland og Vesten forbedres. "Det er faktisk trist, at vi stadig efter 74 år efter at have besejret Nazityskland stadig har fjentlige relationer med Rusland", sagde han efter at have modtaget prisen i onsdags, skriver RTV Oost.

Kommentar: Delvist oversat af fra Dutch Peace Campaigner, 92, Gets Russian Award For Letter to Putin

Gietelink sent the letter to the Kremlin, not thinking that anything would come of it. But to his surprise, the Russian embassy contacted him a few months later. A diplomat went to meet Gietelink in Almelo and told him that Russia wanted to distinguish him. The Almelo man traveled to the Russian embassy in The Hague with a group of 15 people on Wednesday. "What I found special was that we were not searched", he said afterwards. "They probably assumed we would do nothing because we stand for peace."

The award was pinned to the Almelo man by the Russian ambassador, who spoke to Gietelink in English. Gietelink doesn't know what the award is called. "Stupid, I should have asked that. It's all in Russian characters, so I can't read it", he said, according to the broadcaster.

The Russian ambassador told Russian press agency TASS that Gietelink received the award "for his contribution to the development of friendly relationships". According to the ambassador, Gietelink is the first Dutch person to receive such an award.