Europa ved, at Rusland ikke vil angribe dem og ikke længere vil betale Washington for beskyttelse, sage Vladimir Putin, der anmodede USA om at gentænke relationerne med kontinentets NATO allierede.

USA fortalte tidligere de europæiske nationer, at de beskyttede dem fra Sovjetunionen og at de skulle betale for det, sagde putin på scenen ved "Russia Calling" investeringsforum i Moskva. Men USSR kollapsede for næsten 30 år siden og USA's "tilnærmelse" fungerer ikke idag.

På trods af problemer "med Ukraine, spekulationerne om Krim og Donbass, forstår alle, at Rusland ikke vil angribe nogen," forklarede Præsidenten.
Dette er nonsens, fuldstændigt nonsens! "Ruslandstruslen" er opfundet af dem, som kun ønsker at tjene på det ved at udnytte deres rolle som fortrop for kampen mod Rusland... Det er indelysende for alle og fuldstændigt klart for lederne af de større europæiske nationer.

Washington therefore is better advised to rethink its relations with NATO allies in Europe. "Why would they pay for maintaining the US military complex? They will be developing their own capabilities instead. And they're taking about it already."

Putin was likely referring to the recent words by French President Emmanuel Macron, who made headlines by saying that NATO was experiencing "brain death," or a warning by German chancellor Angela Merkel that "the US won't automatically be playing the role of Europe's defender anymore." There's a strong pushback in Berlin and other EU capitals against Donald Trump's demand for NATO member to spend 2 percent of their GDP on defense.

And the Americans are using the so-called "Russian threat," not only in relation with their foreign partners, but also in their domestic political strife, with Moscow routinely, yet baselessly, accused of meddling in US affairs.

"This factor of internal political struggle has a negative effect on Russia-US relations. I hope it stops someday. We're ready for it," the President said.