Som ferietiden nærmer sig, og 2019 går mod sin slutning, vil vi gerne tage et øjeblik til at takke dig, vores læser for din fortsatte støtte til Da vi begyndte for nu mange år siden, besluttede vi os for navnet "Signs of the Times" (SOTT), fordi medierne ganske enkelt ikke syntes at lægge mærke til de enorme ændringer, der fandt sted, at disse kolossale ændringer var forbundne, og at hvis man observerede dem sammen i "storskærmsformat", så kunne man bogstaveligt talt se verden transformere sig. Lidt anede vi, hvor virkelighedsændrende tingene ville udvikle sig.

Sikke et år 2019 har været. Åbent oprør er udbrudt i mange lande, terrorisme og "tilfældige grusomheder" fortsætter i uformindsket omfang. Vejret er blevet mere ekstremt end nogensinde. Regeringer er blevet mere korrupte og hæmningsløse en nogensinde. Det anti-humane sociale justeringsvanvid er flyttet fra universiteterne til arbejdspladsen og ind i skolerne og asteroider suser forbi vores lille tabte planet i et alarmerende omfang.

Selvom det har gæret i adskillige år - specielt siden den "dobbelte overraskelse" med valget af Trump og resultatet af Brexit afstemningen - så tog massecensuren et vældigt spring i 2019. Takket være at visse regeringer læner sig op af store Tech Firmaer, har selve internettets natur ændret sig dette år. Udrensningen af dissidente stemmer, som vores, fra søgeresultater og sociale medier har væsentligt afbleget sandhedens internet og erstattet det med tyrehornene fra massemediernes propaganda og ekstremistisk "sort og hvidt" retorik.

Som et resultat er vores læserskarer, som voksede i det meste af sin 18 årige historie igen faldet markant i dette år - med 37 % i forhold til 2018. Siden 2016, er vores enkeltstående besøg faldet med 55%! Vi kunne skrige og råbe over det, men vi tror ikke, det vil gøre noget godt. Faktisk er der for meget skrigen og råben i disse dage - om hvad som helst og alting - det gør helt klart ikke nogen noget godt. Det er derfor, at har ændret sine anstrengelser fra at "vække folk op" til a uddybe sine forbindelser med dem "som allerede ser".

I disse tider med monumentale usandfærdigheder, distraktioner 24/7 og sociopolitisk galskab, er fællesskab mere vigtigt end nogensinde. Der er kun så meget "fælleskab", du kan deltage i via din computerskærm, men uanset hvor du er, og i hvilken tilstand du befinder dig selv i, så husk altid, at det vigtigste er, HVEM du er, og hvad du SER.

As far as we're concerned, they can fiddle with search results and shadow-ban us on social media all they want. As Mr. Universe says to Captain Reynolds in Firefly: Serenity, "They can't stop the signal." They can tamp down our reach, but this lighthouse is not going anywhere. remains an independent information zone, an ad-free zone, and a free speech zone. They can shut us up 'out there', but as long as there is a global community of editors and readers, they can't touch us 'in here'!

We are still sending out a signal in 11 languages, still publishing monthly 'Earth Changes' videos, and still broadcasting weekly radio shows. In fact, our English-language radio shows this year fully migrated to video podcast format. Replacing 'The Truth Perspective', MindMatters covers philosophical, scientific and religious issues for navigating our changing reality, while Objective:Health - which replaced 'The Health & Wellness Show' - discusses the latest research on optimal health. Our current events show NewsReal with Joe & Niall has been on hold since mid-2019, but will be back in the new year. You can find all our video discussions and interviews indexed here.

This year we've added new features to the website, including the most-requested: readers can now find their old comments and be notified of new replies. And we didn't do this by signing over your data to outsourced Israeli comments engines like (ahem, RT!) - instead, we custom-built comments notifications, as we have done and will continue to do with the entire architecture. Our hope is that greater interaction in the community means you all can better keep in touch with each other, and with world events. and YOUR Contribution

Over the years, we've held a number of fundraisers for specific goals, and the response has always been very positive; obviously, many people do appreciate our work. YOUR contributions - whether as direct donations or product purchases - keep us up-and-running on a daily basis, and we are immensely thankful for all the help we can get. What you have helped us accomplish over the past two decades is amazing. Thanks to you, and in spite of the Internet censors throttling our reach on Google and social media, registered an average of 2.4 million unique visitors a month this year.

Almost uniquely these days, refuses corporate advertising and sponsorship, achieving its objectives solely via its own resources and reader donations. This is how we manage to keep this website going, and try to provide you with as objective a picture of the global reality as possible - day in, day out, through the diligent efforts of dozens of volunteer editors around the globe. Any and all 'advertisements' you see on our sites are either ads for our own products, which directly support our work, or our non-commercial support for others engaged in the fight against lies, corruption and the general 'ponerization' of our world.

All of this highlights how important YOUR SUPPORT is. The Fight Against Lies goes on and we very much need your help to keep the lighthouse going.

And so, before the end of the fiscal year, we would just like to remind you that if you have a bit of extra income this year, donating to, a program of Quantum Future Group, Inc., a U.S. non-profit organization, is tax-deductible in the US. Wouldn't you rather give your money to a good cause, to the fight for truth and real news, than have it funding war, corruption and fake news?

Make your (tax-deductible in the US) donation today. You can send a check or money-order by mail to:
SOTT/Quantum Future Group, Inc.
295 Scratch Branch Road
Otto, NC 28763
Or you can donate via Credit Card or Paypal. (For direct bank transfer details, please feel free to contact us.)

The SOTT Calendar 2020

Thanks to the creative talents of editors Damian Assels and Ana Del Toro, we are excited to reveal the brand new, unique 2020 full-size calendar, which this year features a selection of images and descriptions of major recent events that had significance, directly or indirectly, for every single person on the planet. It is designed to serve as a reminder of where we, the human race, have been and where we are today, and in that way provoke reflection on where we might be headed.

Check it out!

SOTT Calendar 2020
SOTT Calendar 2020
SOTT Calendar 2020
SOTT Calendar 2020
**** Anyone who donates 30 US dollars (or 30 EUR) or more will receive a calendar. And for other goodies, check the box below! ****

(NOTE: If you wish to receive the calendar or any of the other offered items below, please use the form below to make your donation. Click on the item(s) you wish to receive, select the quantity, enter the information required, and the products are yours!)

Another way to contribute is to visit our stores and purchase one of our many books or a DVD set for yourself or as a gift for your loved ones.

All our books and DVDs are listed on Red Pill Press's Online Store and Pilule Rouge, and are also available on,,,,, and, in paperback and electronic format.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, dear readers, and let's keep shining the light for as long as we can!

Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to all. May 2020 bring you all good health, much love and even more knowledge. Onwards and upwards!