pm france covid-19
Premierminister Edouard Philippe ledsaget af sundhedsministeren talte i en fjernsynstale i mere end to timer i aftes med information og besvarelse af spørgsmål om Covid-19 og genoplukningsplaner for Frankrig. Her er nøglepunkterne:

Progressiv genåbning fra 11. maj;

For mange mennesker, der lider af ikke-Covid-19 relaterede sygdomme og kroniske sygdomme, fortsætter ikke deres nødvendige pleje. Konsultationer er gået kratigt ned og giver anledning til bekymring. Der har også været et fald i kræftscreening og vaccinationer. Sundhedsminister Olivier Véran sagde, at opfordringen til patienterne er stærkt: Ignorer ikke de sundhedsydelser, du har brug for;

Hr. Philippe annoncerede et "sandsynligt2 krav om maskebrug på offentlig transport fra 11. maj;

Premierministeren bragte de tre punkter op, som regeringen betragter som væsentlige efter afslutningen af ​​karantænen: opretholdelsen af "barrierer", omfattende test og isolering af patienter (enten derhjemme eller på dedikerede steder, afhængigt af deres familiens hjemlige situation). De nøjagtige detaljer om afslutningsproceduren vil blive drøftet i parlamentet i begyndelsen af ​​maj;

Kommentar: Åh fint, de kommer til at foretage en demokratisk afstemning om, hvordan man fortsætter med at gennemføre forsætlig økonomisk sammenbrud og massefangreb, hysterisering og terrorisering af befolkningen.

From Monday April 20 family visits to the residents of elderly care homes in France will be possible, under certain conditions;

The government is planning a weekly production of 17 million general public masks;

The wearing of a mask is recommended after the deconfinement as part of the barrier requirements but it must not mean that other barrier gestures, such as social distancing and the frequent washing of hands, are neglected. The provision of masks will be worked out with mayors, local services and perhaps shops;

The nation will not return immediately "and probably not for a long time" to the "life it enjoyed before the health crisis". "We have not emerged out of this," said Mr Philippe, although he added that progress was being made and that the situation is "gradually improving, slowly but surely". He said advances were in a large part due to the confinement rules which were in the vast amount of cases being respected;

A reopening of schools will start from May 11 but will not involve all schools at the same time. The openings could possibly be staggered "by territory" or "part of the class", dependent on the local situation. Various scenarios are being studied;

Remote / home working must be maintained after May 11 "as much as possible";

The government hopes to be able to carry out 500,000 tests per week (compared to 25,000 today) from May 11 to see if people showing symptoms of the virus or having been in contact with people who are sick have the virus. This is so they can isolate if necessary;

Comment: By force, if necessary?

The reopening of shops will be staggered and will not be immediate from May 11 for cafes and restaurants. Distancing will be necessary.

The health crisis will cause the strongest recession in France since 1945.

Deconfinement should be guided by two principles, the Prime Minister said: "preserving the health of the French people" and "ensuring the continuity of the nation's life."

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